
ePortfolios Using ePortfolios as Digital Assessment Tools at the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ePortfolios Using ePortfolios as Digital Assessment Tools at the Secondary Level What is an ePorfolio Digital collection of student work that provides a visual presentation of the students learning Includes the samples of work and

  1. ePortfolios Using ePortfolios as Digital Assessment Tools at the Secondary Level

  2. What is an ePorfolio ▪ Digital collection of student work that provides a visual presentation of the student’s learning ▪ Includes the samples of work and records growth and achievement ▪ May be a systematic collection of work across subject areas or may target a specific subject area, topic or learning goal ▪ It is very secure and private – it can only be accessed by identified users with a username and login ▪ Every student registered will have an ePortfolio ▪ All information is stored on the local SD72 server

  3. Progression of the ePortfolio Assessment for Learning ▪ The ePortfolio is a Pilot Project • Ongoing assessment which is a number of years in • Collaborative the making. Communicate Student Learning ▪ To the left is a progression of • Rubrics vs “Final Marks” how we reached this point • Assessment samples vs Standard Report Cards • Developed a local online Rubric Maker that is inline with the Ministry learning outcomes for each subject level in each grade up to grade 8 ePortfolios • Pilot Project • Expectation to upload two learning samples a month reflecting what has been identified as the learning behavior for that month • Include “real time” demonstration of learning through pictures and reflections

  4. Visual Overview • Name • Profile • Current Grade Level • Various Grade Levels • Filter (through categories or tags) • Add to Portfolio • Video • Audio • Picture • Files – word, pdf, powerpoint • Links • Quick Add – Video and Picture • RRS Feed • Alerts

  5. Primary Sample of ePortfolio Monthly Overview of Learning Overview of Primary Page

  6. Primary Sample of ePortfolio Using Rubrics as Communication Tool Reflection Piece

  7. Intermediate Sample of ePortfolio

  8. Secondary Sample of ePortfolio Secondary Overview Sample of Project Tagged or Categorized for filters Addition of Rubric for presentation and content

  9. Using ePortfolio as a Place for Reflection of Learning Rubrics don’t always have to be included. Student reflection can be enough. Note: This definitely MUST be taught so that students will reflect meaningfully. Questions to Ask: What are you learning? How can you get better? What is the next step?

  10. How does this fit Competencies Draft of Core 4 th - Creativity

  11. Core Competencies and Big Ideas

  12. • Science – How has the development of Independent Study Inquiry Based Learning • Digital Art Campbell River affected the salmon? • Media Arts • Social Studies – Is it ever right to resist an • Visual Arts existing government? • Carpentry • Math – Why is math important in the • Electronics advancement of civilization? • English – Why are we studying Shakespeare still today over a hundred years later? Due to declining enrollment, many of the elective courses are running a mulit-grade course. Many of the senior students are working on Independent Studies as a method of working at a higher level. Inquiry Based Learning and Independent Study

  13. Where are the ePortfolios Located • Teachers all host Portfolios on their class sites. • They can add students to their portfolio page for easy access. The names are displayed in a list on the left. • Teachers click on the name to access the student portfolio page. • All students have a portfolio when they enter the district. • These portfolios include kindergarten all the way through to grade 12.

  14. Accessibility to ePortfolios Teacher Login Student Login

  15. Resources ▪ Shannon Hagen SD72 & Timberline Secondary ▪ shannon.hagen@sd72.bc.ca ▪ 250-923-9500 ext 2530 ▪ Scholantis Portal Edition - SharePoint for Schools ▪ https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/ Ministry Website – Transforming Curriculum and Assessment ▪ I will not let exam results decide my fate Spoken Word


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