endogenizing the cost parameter in cournot oligopoly

Endogenizing the cost parameter in Cournot oligopoly Stefanos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Endogenizing the cost parameter in Cournot oligopoly Stefanos Leonardos 1 and Costis Melolidakis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Mathematics, Section of Statistics & Operations Research January 9, 2018 1Supported

  1. Endogenizing the cost parameter in Cournot oligopoly Stefanos Leonardos 1 and Costis Melolidakis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Mathematics, Section of Statistics & Operations Research January 9, 2018 1Supported by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. 1/27

  2. Overview Introduction 1 Model 2 Complete information 3 Incomplete information 4 Remarks 5 2/27

  3. Outline - section 1 Introduction 1 Model 2 Complete information 3 Incomplete information 4 Remarks 5 3/27

  4. Motivation I � Cournot market: basic model for oligopoly theory (quantity). For affine demand p = α − Q , profit functions are u i ( Q i ) = Q i ( p − h ) = Q i ( α − h − Q ) 1 Leslie M. Marx and Greg Schaffer, “Cournot competition with a common input supplier”, Working paper Duke University, 2015. 4/27

  5. Motivation I � Cournot market: basic model for oligopoly theory (quantity). For affine demand p = α − Q , profit functions are u i ( Q i ) = Q i ( p − h ) = Q i ( α − h − Q ) where (cost input) h < α is assumed to be given. But 2 1 Leslie M. Marx and Greg Schaffer, “Cournot competition with a common input supplier”, Working paper Duke University, 2015. 4/27

  6. Motivation I � Cournot market: basic model for oligopoly theory (quantity). For affine demand p = α − Q , profit functions are u i ( Q i ) = Q i ( p − h ) = Q i ( α − h − Q ) where (cost input) h < α is assumed to be given. But 2 where does cost input h come from? 1 Leslie M. Marx and Greg Schaffer, “Cournot competition with a common input supplier”, Working paper Duke University, 2015. 4/27

  7. Motivation I � Cournot market: basic model for oligopoly theory (quantity). For affine demand p = α − Q , profit functions are u i ( Q i ) = Q i ( p − h ) = Q i ( α − h − Q ) where (cost input) h < α is assumed to be given. But 2 where does cost input h come from? do firms produce the inputs themselves or do they purchase their inputs from a third-party supplier? 1 Leslie M. Marx and Greg Schaffer, “Cournot competition with a common input supplier”, Working paper Duke University, 2015. 4/27

  8. Motivation I � Cournot market: basic model for oligopoly theory (quantity). For affine demand p = α − Q , profit functions are u i ( Q i ) = Q i ( p − h ) = Q i ( α − h − Q ) where (cost input) h < α is assumed to be given. But 2 where does cost input h come from? do firms produce the inputs themselves or do they purchase their inputs from a third-party supplier? � Concerns about the robustness of the results – insights obtained by the prevailing approach. 1 Leslie M. Marx and Greg Schaffer, “Cournot competition with a common input supplier”, Working paper Duke University, 2015. 4/27

  9. Motivation II � Strategic considerations come into play 5/27

  10. Motivation II � Strategic considerations come into play 1 do firms have own production capacities? firms may produce limited quantities − → need to place orders. 5/27

  11. Motivation II � Strategic considerations come into play 1 do firms have own production capacities? firms may produce limited quantities − → need to place orders. 2 does the supplier (third party) know the actual demand? if he asks for a “too high” price − → no transactions take place. 5/27

  12. Motivation II � Strategic considerations come into play 1 do firms have own production capacities? firms may produce limited quantities − → need to place orders. 2 does the supplier (third party) know the actual demand? if he asks for a “too high” price − → no transactions take place. 3 the supplier becomes a player in a 2-stage sequential game. what is his equilibrium strategy? 5/27

  13. Motivation II � Strategic considerations come into play 1 do firms have own production capacities? firms may produce limited quantities − → need to place orders. 2 does the supplier (third party) know the actual demand? if he asks for a “too high” price − → no transactions take place. 3 the supplier becomes a player in a 2-stage sequential game. what is his equilibrium strategy? � Key in studying the effects of an exogenous source of supply for Cournot oligopolists: relation between demand and various costs. 5/27

  14. Objective � It is the aim of this paper is to: 1 address these questions: complete/ incomplete information market structure 6/27

  15. Objective � It is the aim of this paper is to: 1 address these questions: complete/ incomplete information market structure 2 extend classic Cournot theory to oligopolies that may purchase addi- tional quantities from a supplier 6/27

  16. Objective � It is the aim of this paper is to: 1 address these questions: complete/ incomplete information market structure 2 extend classic Cournot theory to oligopolies that may purchase addi- tional quantities from a supplier 3 determine the equilibrium strategies of the Cournot oligopolists and the supplier. 6/27

  17. Objective � It is the aim of this paper is to: 1 address these questions: complete/ incomplete information market structure 2 extend classic Cournot theory to oligopolies that may purchase addi- tional quantities from a supplier 3 determine the equilibrium strategies of the Cournot oligopolists and the supplier. � How : 6/27

  18. Objective � It is the aim of this paper is to: 1 address these questions: complete/ incomplete information market structure 2 extend classic Cournot theory to oligopolies that may purchase addi- tional quantities from a supplier 3 determine the equilibrium strategies of the Cournot oligopolists and the supplier. � How : endogenize the oligopolists cost parameter(s) in a 2-stage sequential game. 6/27

  19. Outline - section 2 Introduction 1 Model 2 Complete information 3 Incomplete information 4 Remarks 5 7/27

  20. Model - Notation I � We follow the classic Cournot oligopoly 1 one homogenous good; 2 fixed number of n ≥ 2 profit maximizing firms; 3 competition over quantity; 4 quantity choices are simultaneous and independent; 5 affine inverse demand function: p = α − Q where Q := � n i =1 Q i and α is the demand parameter. 8/27

  21. Model - Notation II � With following differences 9/27

  22. Model - Notation II � With following differences 1 capacity constraints: firms may produce limited quantities t i up to T i at a common fixed marginal h cost (normalized to 0); 9/27

  23. Model - Notation II � With following differences 1 capacity constraints: firms may produce limited quantities t i up to T i at a common fixed marginal h cost (normalized to 0); 2 external supplier: firms may order additional quantities q i at cost w > 0 set by the supplier; 9/27

  24. Model - Notation II � With following differences 1 capacity constraints: firms may produce limited quantities t i up to T i at a common fixed marginal h cost (normalized to 0); 2 external supplier: firms may order additional quantities q i at cost w > 0 set by the supplier; external supplier: may produce unlimited quantities but at a higher cost c > 0 with profit r := w − c . 9/27

  25. Model - Notation II � With following differences 1 capacity constraints: firms may produce limited quantities t i up to T i at a common fixed marginal h cost (normalized to 0); 2 external supplier: firms may order additional quantities q i at cost w > 0 set by the supplier; external supplier: may produce unlimited quantities but at a higher cost c > 0 with profit r := w − c . 3 demand uncertainty: 0 ≤ α random variable − → for the supplier , with non-atomic distribution and finite expectation E ( α ) < + ∞ . 9/27

  26. Model - Notation II � With following differences 1 capacity constraints: firms may produce limited quantities t i up to T i at a common fixed marginal h cost (normalized to 0); 2 external supplier: firms may order additional quantities q i at cost w > 0 set by the supplier; external supplier: may produce unlimited quantities but at a higher cost c > 0 with profit r := w − c . 3 demand uncertainty: 0 ≤ α random variable − → for the supplier , with non-atomic distribution and finite expectation E ( α ) < + ∞ . � All the above are common knowledge among the market participants. 9/27

  27. Formal setting: 2 variations � Market structure represented by a sequential 2-stage game. We examine 2 variations depending on the timing of the demand realization 10/27

  28. Formal setting: 2 variations � Market structure represented by a sequential 2-stage game. We examine 2 variations depending on the timing of the demand realization � Complete information Demand realization. Demand parameter α observed by the supplier and the retailers. 1st Stage. Supplier sets price w = r + c . 2nd Stage. Retailers set quantities Q i ( w ) = t i ( w ) + q i ( w ). 10/27

  29. Formal setting: 2 variations � Market structure represented by a sequential 2-stage game. We examine 2 variations depending on the timing of the demand realization � Complete information Demand realization. Demand parameter α observed by the supplier and the retailers. 1st Stage. Supplier sets price w = r + c . 2nd Stage. Retailers set quantities Q i ( w ) = t i ( w ) + q i ( w ). � Incomplete information 1st Stage. Supplier sets price w , based on his belief about α . Demand realization. Demand parameter α observed by the retailers. 2nd Stage. Retailers set quantities Q i ( w ). 10/27

  30. Outline - section 3 Introduction 1 Model 2 Complete information 3 Incomplete information 4 Remarks 5 11/27


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