emotional well being

Emotional Well-Being What Defines Optimal Mental Health? Healthy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Emotional Well-Being What Defines Optimal Mental Health? Healthy functioning is when one spontaneously experiences and expresses emotions appropriate to the situation and their developmental stage Appropriateness of Affect In

  1. Emotional Well-Being

  2. What Defines Optimal Mental Health?

  3.  Healthy functioning is when one spontaneously experiences and expresses emotions appropriate to the situation and their developmental stage Appropriateness of Affect  In general, our culture considers an individual’s (display of emotions) character to be strong if one is able to laugh, to cry, to express hurt, discouragement, anger and pleasure at times when these feelings match the mood of the situation

  4. People who experience the full gamut of human emotions within normal limits Emotionally of intensity and duration Healthy People • Joy • Grief • Exhilaration • Disappointment • Anger • Frustration

  5. Defined by the Centers for Disease Control as “health conditions that are Mental characterized by alterations in thinking, Illness mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning”

  6.  Mental Illness does not develop because of a Understanding person’s character or intelligence Mental Health  Mental Illness is a disorder of the brain that can make it difficult to cope  Symptoms vary by person

  7. Symptoms

  8. Symptoms

  9. Statistics

  10. Consequences of Lack of Treatment

  11.  Good News Caring For  New therapeutic interventions Others  Growing support services  New advancements in medications

  12. Caring For Others

  13.  Keep voice calm  Don’t overreact  Listen to the person  Show concern and support Caring For  Ask how you can help  Offer HOPE : Others  “I’ll help you find help”  “Who else can offer you support?”  “Things will change again. Life keeps changing”

  14.  QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer National -suicide prevention- Trainings  Mental Health First Aid -mental illness and substance abuse-

  15.  The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training QPR  2 hour training

  16.  Identify, understand & respond to the Mental symptoms of mental illness and substance Health First abuse Aid  8 hour training

  17. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

  18. Specific Action Steps

  19. Free https://www.nami.org/crisisguide Resource

  20. Compassion Fatigue Is your give-a-damn busted?

  21.  decreased concentration  moodiness  frequent colds or illnesses  irritability Signs of  questioning the meaning of  use of negative coping skills life Compassion such as turning to alcohol or  feelings of powerlessness, smoking or drugs Fatigue helplessness, overwhelmed  preoccupation with trauma and depleted

  22.  https://palousemindfulness.com/index.html  Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): is a blend of Mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and yoga: learning through practice and study how your body handles (and can resolve) stress neurologically.  Guided Imagery: One of the most powerful, yet simple, self- awareness tools

  23.  Could asking someone about their suicidal intent give them the idea? Questions  NO – asking someone directly about suicidal intention lowers the risk of an attempt, decreases anxiety and offers the individual HOPE


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