EMOTIONAL INTELLIENCE Anchored in research Em Emot otion onal al I Intel ellige gence: ce: Howard Gardner, John Mayer, Peter Salovey, David Caruso, Daniel Goleman, Mark Brackett Cul Cultur ural al I Intel elligen gence ce: Soon Ang, Christopher Earley, David Livermore Cr Cros oss Cul Cultur ural al M Man anagem agemen ent: Nancy Adler, Robert House, Erin Meyers, Andy Molinsky Gus Gustavson on S Sch choo ool of of Bus Business Col Colleague eagues: Ali Dastmalchian, Mary Yoko Brannen, Stacey Fitzsimmons
EXPLORING EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION Across Cultures Anais nin What is EQ? Mood Meter What is CQ? Daniel Goleman Application of EQ and CQ in Cultural Contexts simple structure
“We do not see the world as it is, but as we are.” Anais nin Anais nin Mood Meter 1903 - 1977 Daniel Goleman simple structure
Take over the +5 Seminar +4 +3 Anais nin +2 ENERGY (Body) +1 Mood Meter -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Daniel Goleman -2 -3 simple structure -4 Cappuccino Required! -5 Feeling Blue! PLEASANTNESS (Mind) Best Day of your Life
Take over the +5 Seminar Surprised Ecstatic +4 Afraid +3 Excited Anais nin Annoyed +2 Pleased ENERGY (Body) +1 Mood Meter -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Sad Daniel Goleman -2 Bored Content -3 simple structure Tired -4 Melancholy Cappuccino Serene Required! -5 Feeling Blue! PLEASANTNESS (Mind) Best Day of your Life
Ruler +5 R – recognizing emotions U – Understanding Emotions Anais nin L – Labeling Emotions E – Expressing Emotion Energy ( Body ) Mood Meter 0 R – Regulating Emotion Daniel Goleman simple structure -5 0 +5 Pleasantness ( Mind )
Energy ( Body ) Pleasantness ( Mind )
Know Thyself “ Feeling plays a crucial role in navigating the endless stream of Anais nin life’s personal decisions. While strong feelings can create Mood Meter havoc in reasoning, the lack of awareness of feelings can be Daniel Goleman ruinous.” simple structure Daniel Goleman, 1994
Observation Behaviour Personal competence Self Self Anais nin Awareness Management Mood Meter Daniel Goleman Social competence Social Relationship Awareness Management simple structure
Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we: Introduction Self awareness Perceive and express Develop and maintain ourselves Social relationships Social Awareness Relationship Mgmt. books Use emotional info. in an Cope with effective and meaningful way Challenges
Emotional intelligence Introduction 27-45 % Self awareness Not the same as iq Of job success EQ and IQ not highly correlated Social Awareness IQ EQ Relationship Mgmt. Is set and Peaks at Is not fixed and books 17 years of age Peaks in the late 40 s
Introduction Self awareness Social Awareness Relationship Mgmt. books
Introduction Self awareness Social Awareness Relationship Mgmt. books
Introduction Self awareness Social Awareness Relationship Mgmt. books
Introduction Self awareness Social Awareness Relationship Mgmt. books
EXPLORING EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION Across Cultures Pragmatics What is Communication? Feedback Model Code model empathy
Pragmatics Feedback Model Code model empathy
Sender Receiver Transmit Message Form Encode Receive Decode Message Message Encoded Message Pragmatics Feedback Model Noise Code model empathy Decode Receive Encode Form Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Transmit Feedback
Code model of Communication Received Pragmatics Acoustic Acoustic Received signal Thought signal thought Feedback Model Central Central Linguistic Linguistic thought Transmission thought encoder Decoder Code model process process empathy Noise Transferor’s Transferee’s context context
Pragmatics EDUCATORS must read ? cross-cultural cues. Feedback Model Code model Empathy is key. empathy
Pragmatics Reading both verbal and ? non-verbal cues. Feedback Model Code model “Hold on… I think they’re actually interested.” empathy
EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION Across Cultures Communication style Building Intercultural competencies Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
Emotionally Expressive Communication style Direct/Indirect Direct - Embraces Indirect - Avoids Confrontation Confrontation Emotional Expression Shall We Dance? Emotionally Unexpressive
Proverbs Short popular saying, usually of unknown and ancient origin, Communication style that expresses effectively some commonplace truth. Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Communication style American Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ Nothing done with intelligence is done without speech.” Communication style Greek Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ Hear one and understand ten.” Japanese Proverb Communication style Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ It is good to know the truth, but it is better to speak of palm trees.” Communication style Arab Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
Direct VS Indirect Communication style Meaning inside verbal message Meaning outside verbal message Direct/Indirect Precise, explicit use of language Ambiguity, vagueness in language use Reliance on 3 rd party resolution Emotional Expression Reliance on face-to-face resolution Verbally assert differences of opinion ‘talk around’ differences of opinion Shall We Dance?
“ The first to raise their voices loses the argument.” Communication style Chinese proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ What is nearest the heart is nearest the mouth.” Communication style Irish Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ After a storm, fair weather; after sorrow, joy.” Communication style Russian Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
“ Silence produces peace, and peace produces safety.” Communication style Swahili Proverb Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
Restrained VS Expressive Communication style Minimal nonverbal/vocal displays of Overt nonverbal expressions of emotions emotions Direct/Indirect Controlled emotions - internalized Externalized emotions Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
Communication style Direct/Indirect Emotional Expression Shall We Dance?
Cross Cultural Negotiations Emotionally expressive/emotionally unexpressive Cultural map Embraces Confrontation ( Direct ) /Avoids confrontation ( indirect ) Cultural intelligence
Emotionally Expressive India Russia Italy Israel Saudi Arabia Cultural map Mexico Spain Brazil France Philippines U.S. Cultural intelligence Embraces Avoids Confrontation (Direct) Confrontation (Indirect) Netherlands U. K. Denmark Germany Sweden Korea Japan Emotionally Unexpressive
Nigeria Qatar China Cultural map Turkey Mexico Spain Cultural intelligence Cognitive Trust Affective Trust Poland U.K. Australia Norway Canada U.S.
Cultural Intelligence CQ Drive (Interest, Drive, and Confidence) Cultural map CQ Knowledge (Understanding other Cultures) Cultural intelligence CQ Strategy (Awareness and ability to plan) CQ Action (Ability to Adapt to working interculturalLY)
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