embracing the age of intelligence

Embracing the Age of Intelligence Data-driven decision making in an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Embracing the Age of Intelligence Data-driven decision making in an agile organisation April 2018 Andrew Sales - CA Technologies Borja Soler - Fourth CA Technologies (Formerly Rally) CA Technologies offers software and services solutions that

  1. Embracing the Age of Intelligence Data-driven decision making in an agile organisation April 2018 Andrew Sales - CA Technologies Borja Soler - Fourth

  2. CA Technologies (Formerly Rally) CA Technologies offers software and services solutions that drive agility — allowing companies to sense and respond to change quickly and confidently .

  3. Fourth Brings Innovation to its Customers Adopting agile has given us the predictability and control we need to keep our business stakeholders and customers happy, and to keep us innovating faster as we grow https://www.ca.com/us/collateral/case-studies/fourth-brings-innovation-to-its-customers-faster-with-ca-agile-central.html 3

  4. Keeping up with the Pace of Change “Without data , you're just another person with an opinion.” W. Edwards Demming Insights Information 74% 29% Desire to be ‘data - Successfully connecting Data driven’ analytics to action

  5. How Does Your Organisation Integrate Agile Processes with your Portfolio Funding? 50% Don’t know how to integrate Agile practices to portfolio funding, limiting your company growth opportunities Darrell Rigby, Jeff Sutherland, Hirotaka Takeuchi, HBR, “Embracing Agile,” May 2016 https://hbr.org/2016/05/embracing-agile 5

  6. Overhead of Data Acquisition • Manual Work in Gathering Data Cost Holding Cost Transaction Cost Remove Manual Work Time 6

  7. Lack of Quality and Consistency • Trust is Built on Transparency Only one third [of organisations] trust the analytics they generate from their business operations. KPMG & Forrester 7

  8. Cost of Delay in Decision Making • Poor Data Reduces our Responsiveness Cost of Delay In our experience no single sensitivity is more Value eye-opening than cost of delay. – Don Reinertsen, The Principles of Product Development Flow Time Delay 8

  9. Embracing the age of intelligence: data-driven decision making in an agile organisation

  10. World leading providers of SaaS to Hospitality Industry Work Force Management Purchase to Pay & Inventory Forecasting & Analytics 600 employees across the globe and growing rapidly Tech - 250 employees, 25 Scrum Teams, supporting +150 separate components, applications and services

  11. FTi expands PMO transitions to APO KaiZen Period of inspect and adapt Adopt SCRUM Product Governance Huge effort to launch our Frameworks products to the US Market 2015 2017 2014 2018 2016 Agile Journey begins Launch Tech Hub in Sofia Portfolio Re-Structure Agile Central implementation Delivery Governance Exploring predictability Frameworks Formation of CoPs Our Self-Service Business Intelligence tool Fourth Tech Insight (FTi) is launched – our data journey begins.

  12. OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS INVESTMENT PROGRESS DELIVERY What did we forecast? How credible are our Quarterly Commitments? Are we fixing more than we break? How are we tracking against plan? Are we executing to plan? Are we testing effectively? Did our decisions have the desired effect? Are our deployment processes working? How can we optimize the flow of value? What is the health of Scrum Teams? Is our Service Delivery effective? How can we become more predictable?

  13. Through a cloud-based data engineering platform, we integrate our core different software into our self- service business intelligence tool, Fourth Tech Insight (FTi)

  14. Demo time!

  15. Actionable Insights One version of the truth We have engendered trust in both external and We have Actionable Insights available to us – enabling internal stakeholders, they now feel that they have the us to drive effective change that sticks by embedding it visibility they need. into reviews. Optimized Agile Operations Removing Waste The establishment of Global Agile Metrics ensures that We can quickly identify and remove waste in Agile we can maintain an ever improving Agile Organisation. Processes, improving the flow of value. Cause & effect on Investments More Predictable We can visualise cause and effect on Investment Estimation Predictability is getting better across the Decisions and provide quantitative data around board, we’re able to get product to market quicker than before. benefits realisation.

  16. Expand our data sets i.e. Problem Management, Automation Testing What’s Inspect and Adapt – always moving forward next? Data Science! PUBLIC

  17. Thank you! Carly Hodges Borja Soler Andrew Sales carly.hodges@fourth.com borja.soler@fourth.com andrew.sales@ca.com

  18. W: ca.com/agile @CAUKI CA Technologies Blog: https://www.ca.com/en/blog-highlight/the-fourth-dimension-on-agile-leadership.html


  20. Investment across the business?

  21. Investment for a particular product?

  22. How credible is our plan? How are we tracking against the plan?

  23. How are the Scrum Teams performing?

  24. How accurate are we at predicting?

  25. How many defects/bugs are we creating?

  26. How effective is our Deployment process?


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