Elementary #18 Attendance Area and Secondary Feeder Committee – Committee Recommendations Board Presentation – June 7, 2016 Presented by: Shannon Bingham, Western Demographics For additional information regarding this presentation contact: Elizabeth Sytman – Director of Communications Email: Sytmane@bsd405.org Phone: (425)456-4127 1 The Bellevue School District Mission: To provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career and life.
Agenda • Board Action Requested - Information • Superintendent’s Summary • Questions/Board Action • Backup Materials • Research/Data/Findings • Administration’s Next Steps 2
Key Points for Board to Know The work of the Elementary #18 Attendance Area and Secondary Feeder Committee was completed during the group’s sixth meeting Thursday night May 19 th . During the meeting the committee established final ranked recommendations for the Superintendent and Board of Education regarding secondary school feeder attendance areas associated with ES18 along with two ranked secondary school transition plans establishing grandfathering procedures that enhance school continuity for students and families that may be affected by a change. During the committee’s prior meeting, they also recommended three ranked elementary school attendance area proposals for the planned facility. 3
Preferred Elementary Attendance Area Preferred Elementary Attendance and Secondary Feeder Area - The preferred elementary school attendance area scenarios in descending order are Scenario 1, 2 and 5 . 4
5 Preferred Elementary Attendance Area
Preferred Secondary Attendance Area The preferred secondary school scenarios are Scenario 1A, 8 and 5 in descending order. Secondary Scenario 1 originally included the rapidly-developing Downtown and Spring District areas along with the remainder of the BelRed. Scenario 1A was developed during committee meeting number 5 and adds a predominantly non- residential area including the 116 th Ave. NE corridor, Auto Row, the commercial areas around Home Depot, Best Buy and Bartell Drug and a portion of the Lake Bellevue neighborhood to the area that would transition to Odle Middle and Sammamish High School assignment. The 6 scenario recommended by the committee is as follows:
7 Preferred Secondary Attendance Area
Recommended Elementary School Transition Plan Elementary Students Students who will be fifth graders during the inaugural year of ES18 may finish their fifth grade year at their former school with district transportation. Currently- enrolled students in grades K – 3 at schools affected by the new ES18 attendance area may file a Request to Remain Form and submit it to the district. Students will be admitted on a space available basis. The District will provide dual transportation to the affected area for one year. Siblings of students receiving the fifth grade exemption will also be allowed to remain at 8 their former school in order to unify families.
Recommended Middle School Transition Plan Middle School Students Students who would be enrolled in grade 7 or 8 at Chinook during the inaugural year of ES18 and will be affected by the potential feeder attendance area changes may finish their middle school program at Chinook with district transportation. Siblings who advance into Chinook while another sibling is admitted given these stipulations may continue at Chinook with district transportation provided during the two years of the inaugural and subsequent year. The District will not provide transportation after the second year. Students involved in this transition plan should file a Request to 9 Remain Form and submit it to the district in the spring prior to the inaugural year of ES18.
Recommended High School Transition Plan High School Students Students who would be enrolled in grade 10, 11 or 12 at Bellevue High during the inaugural year of ES18 and will be affected by the potential feeder attendance area changes may finish their high school program at BHS. Siblings who advance into BHS while another sibling is admitted given these stipulations may continue at BHS. High school students in Bellevue School District use the Metro bus system. Students involved in this transition plan should file a Request to Remain Form and submit it to the district in the spring prior to the inaugural year of 10 ES18.
Questions / Board Action For additional information regarding this presentation contact: Elizabeth Sytman – Director of Communications Email: sytmane@bsd405.org Phone: (425) 456-4127 11 The Bellevue School District Mission: To provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career and life.
Additional Materials 12
Criteria Considered Feeder Logic Adopt solutions that address all schools involved including feeder schools Avoid Inconsistent Feeder Systems Create logical boundaries Diversity Consider Diversity Families / Neighborhoods Consider Neighborhood Integrity Minimize boundary changes & effects on families & grade configuration Numbers Provide relief to crowded schools Address and plan for future growth. Open new schools with adequate students to support the programs Allow Generous Grandfathering Options
ES18 Open House Survey Results – Partial Tabulation
Elementary Scenario Enrollments
Secondary Scenario Enrollments
Second and Third Choices -Elementary 17
Second and Third Choices – Secondary Feeder 18
Second Most-Preferred Transition Plan • Second Most-Preferred Transition Plan – A second plan suggesting that elementary school students be grandfathered for both 4 th and 5 th grade was proposed which would result in two years of dual bussing of the ES18 attendance area with student drop-off at both Woodridge and ES18. A second plan for middle and high school students was proposed that would provide continuity to students admitted to Chinook given the grandfathering stipulations and guarantee that they could continue and finish high school at Bellevue High and have continuity from Chinook to Bellevue. 19
Next Steps • After Board consideration during first reading, further research will be conducted if requested. • Board Action at next meeting 20
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