elearning parent night

eLearning Parent Night 1/8/2019 What is eLearning? 2009 textbook - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

eLearning Parent Night 1/8/2019 What is eLearning? 2009 textbook 1:1 options allowed for schools 2011 Indiana Department of Education (IN-DOE) releases Flex option for schools (pre-planned days) and in 2014 IN-DOE releases inclement

  1. eLearning Parent Night 1/8/2019

  2. What is eLearning? 2009 textbook 1:1 options allowed for schools ● ● 2011 Indiana Department of Education (IN-DOE) releases Flex option for schools (pre-planned days) and in 2014 IN-DOE releases inclement weather days 2017-2018 school year, the IN-DOE combined the two into IN-DOE eLearning ● Program with the idea that no matter what type of day it is, the capacity of using technology based resources outside the classroom is the same

  3. What is eLearning? continued... Independent learning for college/career readiness and collaboration ● ● Teaches students to navigate online delivery methods and submit information electronically. Professional development time for staff. ● LPCSC currently uses a planned eLearning day model. ●

  4. What is Blended Learning? Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.

  5. What we have done to prepare... eLearning Committee meetings ● ● Blended learning training for Staff during the school year with additional summer trainings Implemented daily usage of Canvas (grades 6-12) and Google Classroom (grades ● K-5) Mobile web filtering that works on and off school premise ● ● 1:1 take home devices in HS Device check-out availability for eLearning days at middle and elementary levels ● ● In school eLearning Practice days

  6. eLearning in Elementary Elizabeth Antos - Kingsbury Elementary Principal

  7. Structure of LPCSC eLearning Day Student assignments will be released to students by 5PM on the school day prior ● to the eLearning day Students may choose to work on assignments upon their release ● ALL teachers K-12 have the same office hours to create consistency across the ● district and ease for parents and students. eLearning day office hours are as follows: - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM Note: Teachers are only available to communicate during eLearning office hours. ●

  8. Structure of LPCSC eLearning Day continued... As a general guideline Elementary students would have approximately 2-3 hours ● of assignments including specials and support classes. Secondary students would have approximately 3-4 hours of assignments including specials and support classes. After school activities: May still be held after the normal school hours. Check ● with coaches on availability. Device Checkout: Elementary and Middle School students who checked out ● chromebooks must return the chromebook the day following the eLearning day.

  9. Help for Students and Parents on eLearning Day K-5 students may submit questions through Google Classroom ● ● 6-12 Students may submit questions through Canvas Additional resources are available on the eLearning website, including FAQ. ● www.lpcsc.k12.in.us/elearning If WiFi access is unavailable, public WiFi locations may be available such as ● public libraries. ● Parents may email elearning@lpcsc.k12.in.us with questions in relation to technical issues. Any issues with connectivity in the home must be relayed to your home internet provider.

  10. La Porte County Public Library Information We would like to thank the La Porte County Public library for making additional resources and times available to our students on the eLearning day Main 9am-8pm Coolspring 10am-7pm Fish Lake 9am-1pm Hanna Noon-6pm Kingsford Heights 1pm-7pm Rolling Prairie 10am-6pm Union Mills Noon-7pm

  11. La Porte County Public Library Information continued... At Main, the library has reserved meeting room B for most of the day so that students have plenty of table space. Students age 14 and up have the ability to reserve a study room. Main, Coolspring, and Rolling Prairie all have study rooms.

  12. Work Completion and Attendance Special accommodations will be followed on eLearning days ● Attendance will be determined based on assignment completion ● ● To accommodate technical difficulties, students will have opportunities to stay after school 3 consecutive days following the eLearning day to complete assignments ● Buildings will be open for an hour and a half after school for the 3 consecutive days following the eLearning day. Students must be picked up after school if students are participating ● Assignments must be submitted no later than 5pm on the 3rd school day after the eLearning day

  13. Demonstration... Website ● FAQ Page and ● ● Canvas Google Classroom (home device login) ●

  14. Things to remember... Test Home Connectivity Prior to eLearning Day ● Work with your child to access Classroom and Canvas prior to the eLearning day ● ● eLearning Days are on January 21st and March 18th If you have questions in relation to the eLearning day itself or on the content, ● contact your child’s teacher. If you are experiencing technical issues with a school device, canvas or google classroom, please email elearning@lpcsc.k12.in.us ● If your student is checking out a device from the school corporation. Devices will not be sent home with a charger. Please make sure that your child uses the eLearning device only for eLearning as it has a battery charge of estimated 8 hours A parent survey will be sent out through google forms for feedback after the ● eLearning Day.

  15. A BIG Thank you to our eLearning Committee Members Aileen Serafin Donna Biggs Dr. Jane Larson Lisa Schreiber Alaina Koch Elizabeth Antos Jen Cochran Mark Francesconi Amanda Muller Erica Easton Jennifer Hunt Matthew Presley Amie Puckett Erin Dorr John Doty Megan Haverstock Barb Otolski Erin Erwin Judi Alcorn Melissa Butts Brenda Britton Gina Alber Kim Rehlander Michael Walthour Carrie Miller Gloria Ballard Krista Hay Roberta Tennis Charity Oliver Heather Miskowicz Kurt Ulrich Sara Atkinson Courtney Powley Holly Atkinson Lanaya Teets Steve Manering Deborah Carter James Wszolek Laura Basich Tobi Guthrie


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