ef effective ma marketing

Ef Effective Ma Marketing Creating an Engaging Environment Carol - PDF document

5/13/20 Ef Effective Ma Marketing Creating an Engaging Environment Carol Gilbert, M.Ed, SNS 1 Fo Focus Points Identify components of marketing to increase participation Implement marketing strategies Create dining area

  1. 5/13/20 Ef Effective Ma Marketing Creating an Engaging Environment Carol Gilbert, M.Ed, SNS 1 Fo Focus Points • Identify components of marketing to increase participation • Implement marketing strategies • Create dining area synergy 2 2 “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits them and sells itself.” Peter Drucker 3 3 1

  2. 5/13/20 Ma Marketing ng • Identify target audience(s) • Identify the GOAL • Develop a plan 4 4 • Students • Parents Wh Who is your target au audience? • Administrators • Teachers 5 5 Baby Boomers – Born 1946 to 1964 Defining Moments JFK Assignation, Moon Landing, Sexual Revolution, Vietnam, Civil Rights Planting the Seeds of Communication In person Food Service Excellence™ Messages that You are valued motivate You are needed Feedback & Rewards Title recognition Don’t appreciate it Money Spending Trends Debt, homeowners 6 6 2

  3. 5/13/20 Generation Xers —Born 1965 to 1980 Defining Challenger explosion, Berlin Wall, Moments Latchkey kids, MTV, Divorce Communication Direct, immediate Planting the Seeds of Food Service Messages that Do it your way Excellence™ motivate Forget the rules Feedback & Sorry to interrupt, but how am I doing? Rewards Freedom = Best reward Spending Trends Education- their children are in college Still paying off their student loans 7 7 Generation Y - Born 1981 to 2000 Defining Moments 9/11, Social Media, School shootings Communication Email, Voice Mail Messages that Working with other bright, creative people Planting the Seeds of motivate Food Service Excellence™ Feedback & Whenever I want it Rewards At the push of a button Meaningful work Spending Trends Half of $ spent on eating out Cell phones, technology Experiences rather than ‘stuff’ 8 8 Generation Z Born 2001 - Current Defining Moments School shootings, Constant threat of terrorism, Great recession Communication Highly connected New tools needed Electronic – Social Planting the Seeds of Food Service Snapchat Excellence™ Messages that motivate Technologically savvy Use your creativity, multi-task Feedback & Rewards Don’t overlook my contributions Recognition for creativity Spending Trends Products and services Online at sites with physical stores Authentic- worthy of their time, money, values 9 9 3

  4. 5/13/20 GO GOAL • Specific • What do you want to achieve? • Timeline 1 0 • Realistic 10 Id Identif tify th the GOAL GO • Increase participation? • Feed in classroom? • Implement online ordering? 1 1 • Social distancing in our ‘new normal’? 11 Ma Marketing ng 12 12 4

  5. 5/13/20 Br Brain instor orm! • What if…and..... • No idea is a bad idea • Think OUTside the Box 13 13 Ma Marketing ng Plan • Involve staff • Create menu • Promote event • Decorate • Set the scene 14 14 Involv In olve St Staff • Build positive interaction • Be courteous • Communicate 15 15 5

  6. 5/13/20 Cr Create Appealing Menus • Include • Customer favorites • New ideas • Creative packaging • Tantalize with adjectives 16 16 Create Appealing Menus Cr Turkey w/ Gravy Mashed Potatoes Stuffing Roll Apple Choice of Milk 17 17 Roast Tom Turkey with Gravy Pilgrim Potatoes Indian Corn Baked Stuffing Cornucopia of Fruit Fresh Milk 18 6

  7. 5/13/20 Si Signag age Professional Engaging Bright colors Supports goals 19 19 Ma Marketing ng • Decorate • Seasonal • School events • Student artwork • Bulletin boards 20 20 Se Set t th the Sce Scene • Walk through • Lighting • Declutter 21 21 7

  8. 5/13/20 Sa Savvy Marketin ting • Focus groups • Acknowledge customers • Keep customers informed 22 22 Sa Savvy Marketin ting • Enthusiasm • Over the top customer service • Review after event • Success = Returning customers 23 23 Pl Plan an, , Pl Plan an, , Pl Plan an • Write the menu • Staff involvement • Plan the decorations • Involve students, focus groups • Communicate 24 24 8

  9. 5/13/20 CO CONGRATULATIONS Yo You’ve Successfully Created an Engaging Program! 25 25 9

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