edshare eprints services edshare eprints services jisc

EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Jisc - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Jisc project 2007-2009 educationally focused repository, to extend EPrints in - EdShare was developed from the JISC funded EdSpace project 2007-2009 (part the education domain of the

  1. EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Jisc project 2007-2009 – educationally focused repository, to extend EPrints in - EdShare was developed from the JISC funded EdSpace project 2007-2009 (part the education domain of the Institutional Exemplars Programme - implement technology, processes / � VLEs are excellent vehicles for delivery of materials, they are not ideal practices, and standards that address their institutions’ problem(s)) mechanisms for the management and curation of materials - An educational repository was envisaged to be a central part of the educational � Restrictions – it’s the default in blackboard – soton did authorise academic infrastructure in the University e-Learning Strategy liaision librarians to have access across courses, already variations that didn’t fit the ‘blackboard-way’ > Urgent need to focus on the educational process and the storage, retrieval and sharing of educational materials Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Group, Electronics & Computer Science, Group, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton 2014 University of Southampton 2014

  2. EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Opening access – at appropriate level Looking at other successful tools/site – what worked well and is popular > Focusing on transferable skills, simple to use interface (not another system, > Hosting – the content is uploaded and stored – deposit doesn’t usually care or with another load of training) need to worry about it > Project was also about understanding the procedural and culture changes for > Organisation – using tags, collections, albums content is arranged – flexibility the institution, building a L&T equivalent of EPrints to institutions to adopt to suit preferences > Community – Comments, Ratings, accessing user information – contributors are visible to others, networking, feedback Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Group, Electronics & Computer Science, Group, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton 2014 University of Southampton 2014

  3. EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Simple submission form, through user groups focused down on the essential Multiple ways of sorting / arranging information so that can be found metadata that needs to be collected Flexible, not forced > Stores content – depositor doesn’t need to worry about this Preference – some may use tags, others may use collections, both > Priority is the content which is provided in inline preview – metadata is there but secondary Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Group, Electronics & Computer Science, Group, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton 2014 University of Southampton 2014

  4. EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services > Contributors have an identity, visible, activity is shared Homepage: it’s heavily customisable > Log-in and have their own area that they can personalise – feeling of Summary Page: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/3628/ or 392 ownership and control over their presence data first previews are generated of many formats – download gets the original If no preview - http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/6604/ Previews availability are also based on the "viewing permissions" of the resource – philosophy is open but there are options to restrict commenting / notes feature (depositor notified) tagging - /6151 click on ‘creative commons’ Browse Views User > Expertise > web 2.0 > Dave Millard : emphasis this is picked up from profiles Profiles Public view (showing Dave Millard’s): user controls visibility, admins control layout Private home page: Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Group, Electronics & Computer Science, Group, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton 2014 University of Southampton 2014

  5. EdShare EPrints Services EdShare EPrints Services Manage Resources: Bulk vs single creation Workflow Bookmarks, Saved Search, Admin • Preview materials directly in the web browser (including most video, audio and office documents) removing the need to download them first • Publish and share their resources quickly and easily with a simple submission and lightweight metadata collection • Upload any type of file (Video, Audio, Images, Powerpoint, Word, Zip ... anything!) • Comment on resources and discuss them with other users • Add their own private notes to resources • Customise and re-organise the layout of their homepage with content they wish to see • Share their profile and repository activity publicly • Save their favourite resources as Bookmarks • Keep updated about latest additions using RSS Feeds and Email Alerts > Avoid making too many mandatory fields – remember what works well on other sites > User experience is key: +/- experience can have a ripple effect Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Web & Internet Science (WAIS) Research Group, Electronics & Computer Science, Group, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton 2014 8 University of Southampton 2014


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