National Monograph Strategy London 16 th July Ben Showers, Jisc 2014
Be Ben n Sh Shower ers Head of Scholarly and Library Futures @benshowers
Aim… To situate CCM and its potential development in relation to other strategic work, specifically the National Monograph Strategy.
Out Outli line ne 1. 3. 2. Nex ext t step eps Ba Backg kground ound Approac oach h & id ideas eas Methodology and A brief history of the Next phase of the ideas that emerged project project
1 1 Ba Backgr kground ound History/Aims/Principles/Governance
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps Co Co-desig design pilot with SCONUL and Research Libraries UK
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps Aims to ex explo lore re the potential for a national approach to the collection, preservation, supply and digitisation of scholarly monographs
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps Exp xper ert t ad advisor visory y pa pane nel Librarians, publishers, researchers, funders, sector bodies.
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps Project ct Princi ciples: ples: 1. Think in the open 2. Community led 3. No solutions (until November) 4. Evidence based 5. Iteration, not repetition 6. Deliver benefits for T, L & R
Back ckgr ground Approach Next steps Outpu puts ts 1. Literature Review 2. The Strategy
2 2 Appr pproach oach and Id Ideas as Understand/Imagine/Create
Background Appr proa oach ch Next steps Mapp pping ing the monographs landscape (with help!)
Understand Appr proa oach ch Imagine: Solutions Mapping user lifecycles and stakeholders
Background Appr proa oach ch Next steps Begin to define ne the he probl blems ems the National Monograph Strategy should address
Background Appr proa oach ch Next steps Begin to sketc tch h solu lution tions s in response to the NMS problem statements
Background Appr proa oach ch Next steps The final workshop and some ‘solutions’
Background The ideas as Next steps
Background The ideas as Next steps
Background The ideas as Next steps
Background The Ideas as Next steps
Background The Ideas as Next steps
Background The Ideas as Next steps
Background The Ideas as Next steps
Background The Ideas as Next steps
3 Next xt St Steps ps The strategy report/ The next phase
Background Approach Next t Steps ps Drafting the Strategy
Background The Ideas as Next steps The Vision!
Background The Ideas as Next steps Within 5 years UK researchers and students will have unparalleled access to a distributed national research collection enabled by an open collaborative national infrastructure which has helped transform the creation, collection, use and preservation of the scholarly monograph through: 1. Collaboration - fostering collaboration between, and within, sectors to create the most effective framework for managing monograph collections old and new 2. Experimentation – developing opportunities to test and experiment with new models and formats 3. Intelligence – enabling institutions, organisations and individuals to make the right decisions through improved data sharing 4. Strategy - reducing overheads, enabling agreements and policies and sharing infrastructure 5. Systems integration - reducing and streamlining the number of systems and processes to minimise duplication of assets, resources and effort 6. Service provision - designing services which ensure a shared, cost effective and transparent approach to managing monograph collections 7. Providing benefits to end users - developing effective metrics to better understand what users do with monographs and evaluate new and emerging needs in light of digital delivery
Background Approach Next t Steps ps Prototyping and piloting
Background Approach Next t Steps ps The Th e bl blog og: : Jisc sc web ebsi site te: Twi witt tter er : @benshowers Em Emai ail :
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