briefing paper provision of cross border services

Briefing Paper: Provision of Cross-Border Services Webinar to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Briefing Paper: Provision of Cross-Border Services Webinar to Support Public Consultation 15 September 2020 Dale Robertson, Jisc/T2.3 Task Leader Sergio Andreozzi, EGI Foundation/WP12 WP Leader @EOSC_eu EOSC- hub receives funding

  1. Briefing Paper: Provision of Cross-Border Services Webinar to Support Public Consultation 15 September 2020 Dale Robertson, Jisc/T2.3 Task Leader Sergio Andreozzi, EGI Foundation/WP12 WP Leader @EOSC_eu EOSC- hub receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 777 536.

  2. Approach to Cross-Border Services Work 15/09/2020 2

  3. EOSC-hub Briefing Paper: Provision of Cross-Border Services • Examines challenges in part of the research value-chain: provision of publicly funded rivalrous resources across borders - focus on demanding use cases - procurement considerations for public organisations - • Insights: opportunities for the EOSC • Recommendations: what should be done • Feedback: public consultation until 9 October briefing-paper-cross-border-services 15/09/2020 3

  4. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 4

  5. EOSC-hub Outputs related to Business Models Analysis of feedback EOSC Tinman EOSC Ironlady to EOSC Tinman DEC2019 APR2020 OCT2020 SEP2020 FEB2020 JUN2019 JUL2019 JUL2020 Community Position Briefing Paper - D12.2 Report on Briefing Paper on D12.1 Procurement EOSC Federating Paper working draft business model analysis Cross-Border Services requirements (Feb 2020) Core Governance for procuring services in (public consultation) and demand and Sustainability the EOSC (public draft) assessment 15/09/2020 5

  6. Background - EOSC-hub Federating Core Proposals • Shared Resources: Resources including scientific outputs (local copies of data; applications, software, pipelines etc) and the storage and compute hosting platforms needed to deposit, share and process them • Includes rivalrous resources which are often provided in the research environment by national publicly funded e-Infrastructures 15/09/2020 6

  7. Federating Core and Sustainability: EOSC-hub View • EOSC-hub Federating Core Proposal The unique value-add of the EOSC is its ability to provide quality assessment, combined with the ability for researchers to access and reuse data alongside Shared Resources through the same portal • Working Draft Community Position Paper on EOSC EOSC needs to … create the financial vehicle to cover the costs of … provision and consumption of the Shared Resources beyond their originating communities. Coordinated provisioning and funding of the Federating Core is expected to bring economies of scale by aligning investments from member states with the compensation of marginal costs associated with cross-border usage of depletable resources and services 15/09/2020 7

  8. Background - Comparison of EOSC-hub Proposals with Sustainability Working Group Tinman 15/09/2020 8

  9. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 9

  10. Use Cases - concerning provision and consumption of shared resources beyond their normal constituencies simulating negotiations for cross-border storage and compute services - - to explore the opportunities to reach an agreement on transnational provision of resources provided by publicly funded actors 15/09/2020 10

  11. ELIXIR and ASTRON Workshops ● Outsourcing the ● Data processing service computing platform to the LOFAR required by research community to generate groups to analyse science-ready data public ELIXIR datasets products from data (Petabytes) and stored in the combine with private distributed datasets 'instrument' data ● Suppliers: CESNET, CSC, archive (over 50PB) ● Suppliers: CSC, INFN, INFN, SURF SURF 15/09/2020 11

  12. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 12

  13. Platform Approach ● Business modelling methodology for platform ecosystems ○ perceived value grows together with and thanks to the number of users that are using the platform. ● Modelled the use cases The Platform Design Toolkit approach ● Models entities which need to or want to interact ● Assists them by shaping a role for a platform to increase value exchange and derive new ways of working ● The platform provides the means for producers and consumers to connect ● Uber and Airbnb are examples Platform Design Toolkit is provided by Boundaryless s.r.l. 15/09/2020 13

  14. Platform Design: Examples 15/09/2020 14

  15. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 15

  16. Findings ● Process of acquiring research services to meet demand is non-standard ○ Standardised service catalogue unlikely to be able to bring supply and demand together successfully ● Research organisations seek long term technical partnership who can be advice them on the best solutions/services available ● Research organisations with large datasets looking for facilitating exploitation of their asset across borders lack the computing/storage capabilities and capacity to support it 15/09/2020 16

  17. Findings • Public organisations are subject to the EC Procurement Directive Public-to-public service provision usually rely on exemptions for which appropriate - structures are established at national level (e.g. in-house status) • Cost reimbursement across borders raise additional VAT and taxation implications Public funded institutions are more used to exchange money nationally (except for - research grants) • Different funding situations need to be considered E.g. ELIXIR had needs and budget; ASTRON had needs but not budget - 15/09/2020 17

  18. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 18

  19. Matchmaking Capability of EOSC • Rapid transactions are key to the success of the EOSC 15/09/2020 19

  20. Matchmaking Capability of EOSC 15/09/2020 20

  21. Research Support Providers as Primary Users • Research Support Providers are, for example, support staff at Research Infrastructures, e-Infrastructures or universities (e.g. data stewards, computing engineers) 15/09/2020 21

  22. Research Support Providers as Primary Users 15/09/2020 22

  23. Shared Resources 15/09/2020 23

  24. Shared Resources 15/09/2020 24

  25. • Context and Background • Use Cases • Platform Design • Findings • Insights and Recommendations • Concluding Remarks 15/09/2020 25

  26. Concluding Remarks EOSC has the opportunity to reduce barriers and enable frictionless, easy access to data and related services across geographic boundaries and disciplines so research communities can better connect with suppliers, users and funders We have adopted simulated negotiations and platform thinking as approaches to better explore how to better design the EOSC ecosystem and related platform We have identified 3 key recommendations ● Establish a rich matchmaking capability ● Recognise and support the crucial role of Research Support Providers ● Accepting the cost of sustaining shared resources Let us know your opinion on this work, fill the survey by Oct 9th 26

  27. Future Work Strategic Research and Innovation Iron Lady Agenda (SRIA) + document EOSC Symposium OCT2019 MAR2021 SEP2020 9OCT2020 D12.3 Business models and Closing of procurement: evaluation and consultation recommendations D2.5 Final EOSC-hub Governance and Sustainability Implementation Roadmap End of the EOSC-hub project 15/09/2020 27

  28. References ● EOSC Federating Core Governance and Sustainability (July 2019) ○ Initial proposal of the EOSC Federating Core composition and organisation ○ %20EOSC%20Federating%20Core%20Governance%20and%20Sustainability%20v1.0_0.pdf ● EOSC Federating Core v2.0 (February 2020) ○ containing updated proposals based on consultation feedback (February 2020) ○ %20EOSC%20Federating%20Core%20v0.3%20%28consultation%20comments%20and%20responses%29%20%282%29.pdf ● Federating Core Community Position Paper (Working Draft, February 2020) ○ ● EOSC-hub D12.2 EOSC-hub D12.2 Report on business model analysis for procuring services in the EOSC (public draft) ○ ● Cross-Border Services (September 2020) ○ 15/09/2020 28

  29. ● Please, “raise your hand” if you would like to ask a question, you will then be given the floor Q&A ● Slides and recordings will be available by the next day Contacts: @EOSC_hub Dale Robertson, Jisc/T2.3 Task Leader, Sergio Andreozzi, EGI Foundation/WP12 WP Leader, 15/09/2020 29


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