AGENDA 1. Discuss implications of each remaining option 2. Bring one option forward to the SB worksession on 2/11/20 OR 3. Make a recommendation to eliminate an option from consideration during the 2/11/20 meeting
BACKGROUND Increased enrollment growth in the Lansdale area Impact on Inglewood Elementary School Lack of space at Inglewood Elementary School ~capping Kindergarten and Grade 1 for 19-20 ~Art and Music on a cart Decreased enrollment at Nash Elementary School
ACTUAL ENROLLMENT YR. 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 Proj. 20-21 IN 440 451 429 421 474 502 529 564 490 524 529 578 NA 419 402 391 394 372 391 361 362 368 389 393 417 Note: Nash Enrollment 2003-2004 581 2004-2005 561 2005-2006 448
INGLEWOOD ENROLLMENT FOR 2020-2021 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Totals Projection 88 94 84 87 75 75 75 578 Sections 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 25 Staff 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 25 Av. Cl. Sz. 22 23.5 21 21.8 25 25 25
OPTION A (formerly Option 2) Inglewood Triangle & Gwynedd Square - Sumneytown/VF/Morris Turnpike
OPTION A: IN Triangle & GS Sumneytown/VF/Morris Turnpike Inglewood students residing in designated area would be reassigned to 1. Gwynedd Square 2. Gwynedd Square students residing in the Sumneytown/Valley Forge/Morris/Turnpike area would be reassigned to Nash 3. Students entering grades 5 and 6 for 2020-2021 would have an option to remain in their home building 4. This option gains back (2) full-sized classrooms for Art and Music 5. Space for enrollment of 75 students for kindergarten would be available 6. This implies students capped in K and 1 during 19-20 would remain in that assignment
OPTION A IMPLICATIONS 1. Students capped in K and 1 for 19-20 will remain in those schools 2. Art and Music will have their own designated classrooms 3. All kindergarten students would attend Inglewood (possibility of capping) 4. Split families for Gwynedd Square and Inglewood 5. Split bus stops 6. Extended School Care may be split 7. Rerouting all busses for two schools 8. Students entering grades 5 and 6 for 2020-2021 would have an option to remain in their home building 9. Students moved from GS to Nash would attend Pennfield for MS a. Students moved from ING to GS would still attend Penndale
GS to Nash
OPTION A GWYNEDD SQUARE STREETS IMPACTED 1. Anders Rd. 11. Crossbow Ways 21. Kriebel Rd. 31. Valley Forge Rd. 2. Archer Lane 12. Dogwood Ct. 22. Lincoln Dr. 32. Valley View Way 3. Ardwick Ter 13. Flintlock Circle 23. Meadow Glen Dr. 33. Wagon Wheel Lane 4. Bancroft Rd. 14. Hickory Ct. 24. Morris Rd. 34. Wellington Ter. 5. Berwick Place 15. Hillcrest Dr. 25. Oberlin Ter. 6. Bridle Path Dr. 16. Hillside Ave. 26. Poplar Ct. 7. Buttonwood Dr. 17. Holly Dr. 27. Spring Valley Rd. 8. Carroll Rd. 18. Hunterhill Dr. 28. Spring Meadow L 9. Charmouth Dr. 19. Jacks Circle 29. Squire Way 10. Creek Way 20. Knollbrook Dr. 30. Sumneytown Pike
OPTION A INGLEWOOD STREETS IMPACTED 1. Allen Way 11. Franklin St. 21. Sturbridge Lane 2. Allentown Rd. 12. Girard Ave. 22. Whitney Place 3. Barry Ave. 13. Hamilton St. 4. Beth Dr. 14. Helen Dr. 5. Blaine St. 15. High St. 6. Bradford Lane 16. Jackson St. 7. Brian Way 17. Jefferson St. 8. Broad St. 18. Keith Lane 9. Dawn Circle 19. Marie Dr. 10. Eric Lane 20. State St.
OPTION B (formerly Option 3) Troxel-Keeler Zone
OPTION B: TROXEL/KEELER ZONE 1. Inglewood students residing in the designated area would be re-assigned to Nash 2. Kindergarten at Inglewood would be capped to 50 students for 2020-2021 regardless of residence 3. Students entering grades 5 and 6 for 2020-2021 would have an option to remain in their home building 4. This option gains back (2) classroom spaces with the capping of kindergarten and the reduction in enrollment in Grade 3 in 2020-2021 5. Art and Music would have their own dedicated classroom space
IMPLICATIONS for OPTION B 1. Capping kindergarten students 2. Added bus stops/bus routes 3. Gains back space for Art and Music 4. Split families 5. Students who would currently go to Penndale and moved to Nash would go to Pennfield 6. Extended School Care issues
OPTION B INGLEWOOD STREETS 1. Allentown Rd. 12. Oxford Rd. 2. Amber Lane 13. Saw Mill Way 3. Avalon Rd. 14. Snyder Rd. 4. Buckboard Way 15. Springside Way 5. Carriage Way 16. Stevens Lane 6. Donna Place 17. Sumneytown Pike 7. Homestead Circle 18. Susan Dr. 8. Keeler Rd. 19. Tennis Way 9. Kindle Dr. 20. Troxel Rd. 10. Lisa Lane 21. Valley Forge Rd. 11. Mark Dr. 22. Woodside Circle
OPTION C (new!) Hybrid
HYBRID 1. This model was developed to address concerns with continued capping at Inglewood as well as with disrupting two school communities 2. It entails all streets from option #3 in the Troxel Keeler Zone - Inglewood students (54) would move directly to Nash 3. It entails a portion of the Triangle Zone (south of State Street) - Inglewood students (28) would move to Gwynedd Square. Gwynedd Square has capacity to absorb these students 4. This option gains back two full-sized classrooms for art and music with the reduction of enrollment in Grades 3 &4 5. Students entering grades 5 and 6 for 2020-2021 would have an option to remain in their home building
IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYBRID OPTION 1. Split families 2. Extended school care issues 3. Art and Music will have their own space
HYBRID Map represents the segment of Inglewood South of State Street that would be impacted Refer to slide 17 for the area of the Inglewood Troxel-Keeler zone impacted
HYBRID: INGLEWOOD STREETS IMPACTED 1. Allentown Rd. 12. Oxford Rd. 23. Allen Way 34. Prospect Ave. 2. Amber Lane 13. Saw Mill Way 24. Allentown Rd. 35. State St. 3. Avalon Rd. 14. Snyder Rd. 25. Barry Ave. 36. Stony Creek Ave. 4. Buckboard Way 15. Springside Way 26. Beth Dr. 37. Sturbridge Lane 5. Carriage Way 16. Stevens Lane 27. Bradford Lane 38. South Broad 6. Donna Place 17. Sumneytown Pike 28. Brian Way 7. Homestead Cir. 18. Susan Dr. 29. Dawn Dr. 8. Keeler Rd. 19. Tennis Way 30. Eric Lane 9. Kindle Dr. 20. Troxel Rd. 31. Girard Ave 10. Lisa Lane 21. Valley Forge Rd. 32. Jackson St. (739 and higher) 11. Mark Dr. 22. Woodside Circle 33. Keith Lane *Streets 1 to 22 (Troxel-Keeler Zone) **Streets 23 to 38 (Portion of Inglewood Triangle)
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