ecos presentation

ECOS presentation #standardays ECOS presentation CCMC StandarDays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ECOS presentation #standardays ECOS presentation CCMC StandarDays 21 & 22 September 2016 Justin Wilkes Deputy Director 22 September 2016 Outline ECOS membership ECOS budget Key horizontal & political achievements

  1. ECOS presentation #standardays

  2. ECOS presentation CCMC StandarDays 21 & 22 September 2016 Justin Wilkes Deputy Director 22 September 2016

  3. Outline • ECOS membership • ECOS budget • Key horizontal & political achievements • ECOS standardisation activities in numbers • Areas of work: • Climate Change & Sustainable Energy • Ecodesign & Energy Performance of Buildings • Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency • Environmental Health • Communications • Capacity building & organisational development

  4. ECOS Membership 2016 (n = 42) 9 Pan-European organisations

  5. ECOS Membership 2016 (n = 42) 33 National Organisations AUSTRIA GERMANY POLAND Umweltdachverband Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) ClientEarth Poland Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Polish Foundation for Energy BELGIUM Umweltschutz (BBU) Efficiency (FEWE) Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen (BBLV) Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) Inter-Environnement Wallonie asbl (IEW) Nature Friends Germany (NFD) PORTUGAL QUERCUS BULGARIA GREECE ZERO Institute for Ecological Modernisation (IEM) Ecocity National Governmental Organization (ECOCITY) SPAIN CROATIA ECODES Croatian Society for Sustainable HUNGARY Design (DOOR) Clean Air Action Group (CAAG) SWEDEN Swedish Society for Nature CYPRUS ITALY Conservation (SNF) Terra Cypria – the Cyprus Conservation Legambiente Onlus Foundation SWITZERLAND LATVIA WWF Switzerland CZECH REPUBLIC Friends of the Earth Latvia Zelený Kruh (Green Circle) UNITED KINGDOM LUXEMBURG Energy Saving Trust (EST) DENMARK Oekozenter Pafendall Sustainability Network for Denmarks Naturfredningsforening (DN) Standardisation (SNS) Danish Ecological Council (DOR) NETHERLANDS Stichting Natuur en Milieu (SNM) FRANCE Leefmilieu France Nature Environnement (FNE) Zero Waste France NORWAY Women in Europe for a Common BELLONA Norway Future – France (WECF)

  6. ECOS Budget 2016 Standardisation activities: • EC Operating Grant (DG GROW) 500.000 € (55,6 %) • Matching funds: EFTA 25.000 €; Private & other ~ 374.000 € (44,4 %) • Service contract on Ecodesign & EPBD (DG ENER) ~ 260.000 € • Service contract on Chemicals (CEN) ~ 28.000 € Other activities (non standardisation): • Service contract for pre-regulatory work on Ecodesign (DG ENER) ~ 123.000 € • Private funding for policy work on Ecodesign ~ 192.000 € • 2 EASME projects on market surveillance ~ 45.500 € Membership fees ~ 10.500 € TOTAL BUDGET 2016 ~ 1.500.000 €  1/3 from EU funding Reg. 1025/2012 (OG)

  7. ECOS Budget 2016 3% 1% EC OG 13% EFTA OG 33% 4% Foundations & other 2% DG ENER Ecodesign & EPBD STD CEN Chemicals 17% DG ENER Ecodesign Prep Studies 2% ECF Ecodesign Policy 25% EASME Market Surveillance Membership Fees

  8. Key horizontal & political achievements • Worked with standardization system stakeholders to improve inclusiveness of the ESS, and at international level • Stated priority of European Commission is inclusiveness, including at international level • Raised awareness potential to undermine regulation with the use of standards in trade agreements • Increased visibility (communication materials & events) • Effective participation in the Joint Initiative on Standardisation • Engaged in better regulation REFIT

  9. ECOS standardisation activities in numbers (2015)

  10. Climate Change & Sustainable Energy  CEN Guide on Adaptation to Climate Change & CEN-CLC ACC CG  Contributed to establish solid framework for sustainable bio- energy supply chain  Analysed barriers to deployment of natural refrigerants in CEN & ISO & commented on Standardisation Request  Highlighted inadequacies of smart home architecture in context of smart meters roll-out  Introduced on-board metering concept in context of technical & standardised deployment of electric vehicles

  11. Ecodesign & Energy Performance of Buildings Ecodesign Horizontal Standardisation Issues • Closed loophole on tolerances (except for lighting) • Improved Ecodesign Material Efficiency mandate Improved Standards on: • Energy Performance of Buildings; • Lamps & Luminaires; Space & Water Heaters; • Refrigerating Equipment; Motor-driven systems

  12. Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency  Contributed to the business plan of new TC 444 on horizontal, multi-matrix standards for environmental testing (env characterisation)  Improving standards enabling ambitious conditions for re-use, safe treatment & recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment  Internal analysis on standards for a Circular Economy to feed into CEN/CLC approach on the circular economy

  13. Environmental Health  Better communicate & bridge gap between science and policy on nanotechnologies with a public declaration, engagement with CEN, ISO & OECD  Contributed to finalise robust automated measurement methods to properly measure air pollution  Co-drafting of CEN Guide on chemicals

  14. Communications & Awareness Raising

  15. Capacity building & Organisational development  Review of Strategic Plan 2014-2019  Membership development  Expert network development

  16. Justin WILKES Deputy Director Mundo B, Rue d’Edimbourg 26 1050 Brussels, Belgium @ECOS_Standard ECOS-EU ECOS is co-funded by the European Commission and EFTA


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