iogcc ecos collaboration opportunities

IOGCC-ECOS Collaboration Opportunities Sam Sankar October 1, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IOGCC-ECOS Collaboration Opportunities Sam Sankar October 1, 2018 IOGCC Fall Conference What is ECOS? ECOS is the national nonprofit, nonpartisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders. ECOS strives to improve the

  1. IOGCC-ECOS Collaboration Opportunities Sam Sankar October 1, 2018 IOGCC Fall Conference

  2. What is ECOS? ECOS is the national nonprofit, nonpartisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders. ECOS strives to improve the capability of state environmental agencies and their leaders to protect and improve human health and the environment.

  3. ECOS is where states gather. Communicate Cooperate Advocate with Exchange with and states ’ role in Congress, ideas among coordinate environmental federal states between management agencies, and states the public

  4. ECOS Affiliates

  5. State-led coalition working to advance innovative environmental Interstate technologies and approaches Technology • Technical guidance and training and on environmental issues Regulatory Council • Translating good science into better decision-making

  6. EPA, state, and tribal shared governance initiatives aimed at E-Enterprise delivering improved results with for the lower costs Environment Projects include: o Advanced Monitoring o Combined Air Emissions Reporting o E-Manifest for Hazardous Waste o E-Enterprise Inventory

  7. Department of Agriculture 3.2% $102 billion Dept. of Office of Department of the Department of Health and Veterans Personnel Treasury Human Services Affairs Management 17.4% 3.2% 3.1% 25.8% $558.3 billion $101.4 billion $99.8 billion $827.8 billion Homeland Department of Education Security 1% 1.7% $31 billion $54.8 Dept. of billion Dept. of Labor Transportation .8% 1% $25 billion Social Security $29.1 billion Administration Unreported Data* 17% 21.3% Housing & Dept. of Dept. of General Services NASA $546.5 billion Urban Dev. Justice Commerc Administration $684.5 billion e Environmental Protection Agency 0.1% Dept. of Dept. of State $3 billion Energy

  8. EPA budget, as a percentage of total government spending 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1970 1979 1988 1997 2006 2015 Source: Need source from Owen

  9. EPA vs. state environmental agency spending State State environmental environment agency al agency budgets budgets $14.9 billion $14.9 billion* EPA budget $4.5 billion* * Excluding state and tribal assistance grants Sources: 2017 ECOS Green Report: Status of State Environmental Agency Budgets 2013- 2015 EPA FY 2015 Enacted Budget, Justification of Appropriation Estimates for the Committee on Appropriations

  10. NPDES facilities inspected by EPA or state agency State EPA 30000 28364 26073 25583 24757 25000 22870 22510 20204 20000 15000 10000 5000 1539 1037 1065 1066 1090 1084 1080 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: U.S. EPA ’ s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) State Water Dashboard

  11. NPDES facilities by permit-issuing agency EPA State 350000 286816 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 12060 0 Source: U.S. EPA ’ s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) State Water Dashboard

  12. Clean air enforcement actions by states and EPA State, Informal State, Formal EPA, Informal EPA, Formal 3500 3389 3053 2976 3000 2652 2520 2487 2500 2354 2047 2095 2079 1952 2000 1862 1860 1534 1500 1000 500 337 235 228 213 203 190 164 105 93 73 69 67 70 41 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: U.S. EPA ’ s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) State Air Dashboard

  13. ECOS Results An interactive web tool designed to communicate to the public and other audiences state stories of public health and environmental progress Flexible, tells a cohesive story, provides pathways to learn more.

  14. ECOS Results 10/8/2018 14

  15. EPA and ECOS are discussing ways to streamline permitting Cooperative oversight. Federalism o Clear Escalation Policies And Permitting Oversight o Establish Standards of Review o Emphasize programmatic review

  16. The ECOS Shale Gas Caucus (SGC) • Launched in 2014 • Co-chaired by Martha Rudolph of CO, David Glatt of ND • 23 State Members • Current partners: • U.S. EPA (methane projects) • Environmental Defense Fund & Southwestern Energy (cross-media webinar series) 17

  17. Methane Sources 18

  18. Lost Value 10/8/2018 19

  19. ECOS Shale Gas Caucus (SGC) Projects • Air-related projects including ECOS Methane and Air Toxics Reduction Information Exchange (E-MATRIX) • Cross-Media Webinar Series 10/8/2018 20

  20. ECOS Methane and Air Toxics Reduction Information Exchange (E-MATRIX) • Promote information exchange between states, EPA, and various stakeholders • Enable replication of programs • Inform interested parties of ongoing regulatory and voluntary efforts 10/8/2018 21

  21. E-MATRIX Sampling of State Advances on Methane and Air Toxics Colorado • First state to regulate methane emissions • Initially adopted EPA ’ s regulations • Since 2014, CO has made strides and become the first state to codify a process for using new technologies. North Dakota • Flaring Reduction Rule • Goal: 91% gas capture by 2020 Pennsylvania • Updates to general permits for O&G 10/8/2018 22

  22. Cross-Media Webinar Series • Phase 3 of our monthly webinar series with our partners the Environmental Defense Fund, EDF+Business, and Southwestern Energy. • This years topics have been: • produced water • methane reduction • alternative compliance pathways. 10/8/2018 23

  23. U.S. EPA Oil & Natural Gas Roundtable • February 2018 • Cosponsored by ECOS and the IOGCC • Attendees discussed: • Improving relationships • Identifying and sharing solutions • Boosting compliance • Produced Water • Partnerships 10/8/2018 24

  24. Source: Kondash, et. al (Duke) in Science Advances, Aug 2018

  25. “ From 2011 to 2016, the water use per well increased up to 770%, while flowback and produced water volumes generated within the first year of Water Use is production increased up to 1440%. ” Increasing “ The steady increase of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing with time implies that future unconventional oil and gas operations will require larger volumes of water for hydraulic fracturing, which will result in larger produced oil and gas wastewater volumes. ” (Kondash, et. al Science Advances, Aug 15, 2018) 26 10/8/2018

  26. Produced Water Toxicity and Reuse Colorado • Working with EPA to determine the chemical composition of produced water North Dakota • Establishing new guidelines for produced water use Oklahoma • Identifying policy gaps to fill before allowing produced water reuse New Mexico • MOU with EPA to explore current regulatory framework and identify opportunities for treated produced water beneficial use. 10/8/2018 27

  27. Alternative Compliance Pathways for Air Technologies ECOS & EDF+ Business Advisory Group • developing a white paper on alternative compliance pathways for new methane technologies 10/8/2018 28

  28. SGC-EPA O&G Methane Activities Oil and Gas Methane Activities • Work with ITRC as well as build relationships with entities such as NARUC, FERC, DOE, DOT, AGA, and others. • Address topics such as: • Barriers to methane reduction • Streamline approvals of new oil and gas emissions control technologies for use in complying with state and federal rules. • Advanced Monitoring Technology 10/8/2018 29

  29. Interstate Regulatory Technology Council (ITRC) ECOS affiliate working to achieve healthy and sustainable air, water, land, and ecology through the adoption of innovative solutions. • Team: Evaluation of Innovative Methane Detection Technologies • Best practices report "Evaluation of Innovative Methane Detection Technologies ” released September 28, 2018. Contact: Patricia Reyes, ITRC Web Address : ITRC Executive Director P 202-266-4933 10/8/2018 30

  30. e-MATRIX Web Address: m/index.aspx ECOS SGC Contacts Lia Parisien, ECOS Executive Project Manager, Connor MacCartney, ECOS Project Associate,

  31. Thank you! Sam Sankar 202-266-4929


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