Cont ontribut ibution ion of of Rus ussian ian ter erres estrial ial ecos ecosystems ems to o global lobal soil oil res espir piration ion flux lux Irina N. Kurganova Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, RAS, Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
INT NTROD ODUC UCTION ON The global CO 2 flux from soils is an important regulator of climate change as well as determinant of net ecosystem C balance (Baggs, 2006). The territory of Russia occupies more than 1/9 of the land surface. The role of Russian soils in the global carbon cycle is very considerable; Therefore, more accurate estimates of the carbon fluxes from the terrestrial ecosystems of Russia should be obtained. ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Previous ious es estima imates es of of tot otal al and and micr microbial obial res espir piration ion for or Rus ussian ian ter errit itor ory: • Tot otal al res espir piration ion flux: lux: 3.12 3.12 Pg g C yr yr -1 -1 - - only for growing period (Kudeyarov et al., 1995); 4.50 4.50 Pg g C yr yr -1 -1 - - for whole year ( Kudeyarov, Kurganova, 1998); • Micr icrobial obial res espir piration ion flux: lux: 2.60-3.05 2.60-3.05 Pg g C yr -1 -1 (Kudeyarov, 2000; Nilsson et al., 2000). ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
This his study udy was as aimed aimed to: o: (1) gather and analyze the database on soil respiration in Russia; (2) develop a model for the assessment of the annual CO 2 fluxes from soils on the basis of summer CO 2 fluxes observations; (3) calculate the total respiration flux from Russian soils for the whole territory of Russia with the use of geo- information technologies. ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Anal nalysis is of of soil oil res espir piration ion da databas base ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Loca Location ion of of sit ites es on on soil oil res espir piration ion (SR) meas measur urement ements ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Histog His ogram am of of SR meas measur urement ements accor according ding to o differ dif erent ent mont months hs December November October September A ugust July June May A pril March February January 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
His Histog ogram am of of summer ummer CO 2 flux luxes es from om soils oils in in Rus ussian ian ter erres estrial ial ecos ecosystems ems 50 Mean value -222 g C m -2 Median value - 190g C m -2 40 Summer C- СО 2 flux, 30 g С m -2 20 10 0 0-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-550 551-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Development elopment of of model model for or the he as asses essment ment of of the he annual annual CO 2 flux luxes es ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Mean ean annual annual air air temper emperatur ure e and and shar hare e of of summer ummer CO 2 flux lux (C S ) to o the he annual annual CO 2 flux lux Mean annual, C S , % Reference N Soil Vegetation air T, o C -13,4 90,2 1 Podbur tundra Moss-lichen Zamolodchikov, Karelin, 2001 -11,8 91,3 2 Podbur tundra Moss-lichen Zamolodchikov, Karelin, 2001 -7,4 84,2 3 Podbur tundra Moss-lichen Zamolodchikov, Karelin, 2001 -6,4 91,0 4 Podbur tundra Moss-lichen Zamolodchikov, Karelin, 2001 2 45,0 5 Sandy soil Spruse forest Havas&Maenpaa, 1972 4,0 45,6 6 Sod-podzolic Forest mixed Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2001 4,0 45,6 7 Sod podzolic Grassland Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2001 4,0 48,8 8 Grey forest soil Forest Mixed Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2001 4,0 43,1 9 Grey forest soil Grassland Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2001 4,0 51,6 10 Grey forest soil Arable Lopes de Gerenyu et al., 2001 4,4 47,3 11 Podzol (iron) Pine (scots) forest Pajary, 1995 4,4 51,4 12 Podzol (iron) Pine (scots) forest Pajary, 1995 6,5 35,9 13 Loamy sandy Beech-spruce forest Dorr&Munich.,1987 6,5 44,0 14 Peat-bog Low bog Adam, Star, 1997 6,5 46,9 15 Brownerde Spruce Forest Adam, Star, 1997 6,5 34,8 16 Kolluvisol Grassland Adam, Star, 1997 8,4 32,9 17 Soil Crops Monteith et al., 1964 10,5 37,4 18 Soil Sweet Chestnut Anderson, 1973 10,5 40,9 19 Soil Beech Anderson, 1973 ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Models odels for or calcula calculation ion of of tot otal al annual annual CO CO 2 flux lux (AF) F): : 3 + 0,035Ta 2 Cs = 0,014Ta 120 Contribution of summer - 4,07Ta + 61,5 Cs Cs - contribution CO 2 flux to AF, Cs % 100 2 = 0,95 R of summer CO 2 80 flux (Fs) to AF, %; 60 С S = -2,71Ta + 59,7 Ta - mean annual Ta 40 2 = 0,91 R air temperature, 20 o C; 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 o C Mean annual air temperature, We can calculate: We e kno know (from om da data a bas base) e): -summer CO 2 flux Fs; Cs (according to model), -mean annual air AF F = Fs Fs * 100 100 / Cs temperature , Ta; a; ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
His Histog ogram am of of annual annual CO 2 flux luxes es from om soils oils in in Rus ussian ian for ores est zone one 60 Average flux - 469 g C m -2 Number of ecosystems 50 Median value - 395 g C m -2 40 30 20 10 0 1-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-1200 1201-1300 1301-1400 1401-1500 1501-1600 1601-1700 -2 СО 2 flux, g С m ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Estima imate e of of tot otal al res espir piration ion flux lux from om Rus ussian ian soils oils ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Soil oil div divis ision ion and and soil oil res espir piration ion ma maps ps ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Cont ontribut ibution ion of of Rus ussian ian ter erres estrial ial ecos ecosystems ems to o global lobal C-f -flux luxes es Russia Parameter World % abs.units 148.65 17.08 11.5 Area, million km 2 NPP , Gt С /yr 60 4.41 7.4 TSR, Gt С /yr 64-72 5.67 7.9-9.3 Industrial СО 2 emission, Gt С /yr 7.7 0.41 2.5 Soil organic C pool 1500 296 20 (0-100cm), Gt C 2.7 2.7 0.91 0.91 33.7 C-balance, Gt С /yr ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Conc onclus lusions ions: Ш The presented estimation of total CO 2 flux from Russian terrestrial ecosystems (5.67 Gt/yr) could be approximately addressed to the 1990s – the initial period of Kyoto Protocol. Ш Uncertainties of this estimation depend upon amount and quality of available experimental data, accuracy and resolution of the soil map at scale 1:5 million, spatial aggregation techniques and regression models used. Ш To update this estimate, it needs to increase the numbers and the geographical representatives of long- term measurements, and to use up-to-date areas of croplands, grasslands and forests on Russian territory. ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
Thank hank you ou for or attent ention! ion! ENVIROMIS-2010, 5-11 July 2010, Tomsk, Russia
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