gold and copper explorat ion in ecuador forward looking

Gold and Copper Explorat ion in Ecuador Forward Looking Statements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gold and Copper Explorat ion in Ecuador Forward Looking Statements This present at ion cont ains forward-looking informat ion t hat involves subst ant ial known and unknown risks and uncert aint ies, most of which are beyond t he cont rol of

  1. Gold and Copper Explorat ion in Ecuador

  2. Forward Looking Statements This present at ion cont ains forward-looking informat ion t hat involves subst ant ial known and unknown risks and uncert aint ies, most of which are beyond t he cont rol of Aurania. Forward-looking st at ement s include est imat es and st at ement s t hat describe Aurania’ s fut ure plans, obj ect ives or goals, including words t o t he effect t hat Aurania or it s management expect s a st at ed condit ion or result t o occur. Forward-looking st at ement s may be ident ified by such t erms as “ believes” , “ ant icipat es” , “ expect s” , “ est imat es” , “ may” , “ could” , “ would” , “ will” , or “ plan” . S ince forward- looking st at ement s are based on assumpt ions and address fut ure event s and condit ions, by t heir very nat ure t hey involve inherent risks and uncert aint ies. Alt hough t hese st at ement s are based on informat ion current ly available t o Aurania, Aurania provides no assurance t hat act ual result s will meet management ’ s expect at ions. Risks, uncert aint ies and ot her fact ors involved wit h forward-looking informat ion could cause act ual event s, result s, performance, prospect s and opport unit ies t o differ mat erially from t hose expressed or implied by such forward-looking informat ion. Forward-looking informat ion in t his present at ion includes, but is not limit ed t o, Aurania’ s company’ s obj ect ives, goals or fut ure plans, st at ement s, explorat ion result s, pot ent ial mineralizat ion, t he company’ s port folio, t reasury, management t eam and enhanced capit al market s profile, t he est imat ion of mineral resources, explorat ion and mine development plans, t iming of t he commencement of operat ions and est imat es of market condit ions. Fact ors t hat could cause act ual result s t o differ mat erially from such forward-looking informat ion include, but are not limit ed t o, failure or inabilit y t o complet e t he Transact ion on t he t erms as proposed, failure t o obt ain t he required approvals of t he Aurania’ s shareholders and regulat ors, failure t o ident ify mineral resources, failure t o convert est imat ed mineral resources t o reserves, t he inabilit y t o complet e a feasibilit y st udy which recommends a product ion decision, t he preliminary nat ure of met allurgical t est result s, delays in obt aining or failures t o obt ain required government al, regulat ory, environment al or ot her proj ect approvals, polit ical risks, inabilit y t o fulfill t he dut y t o accommodat e t he indigenous communit ies, uncert aint ies relat ing t o t he availabilit y and cost s of financing needed in t he fut ure, changes in equit y market s, inflat ion, changes in exchange rat es, fluct uat ions in commodit y prices, delays in t he development of proj ect s, capit al and operat ing cost s varying significant ly from est imat es and t he ot her risks involved in t he mineral explorat ion and development indust ry, and those risks set out in Aurania’ s public document s filed on S EDAR. Although Aurania believes t hat t he assumpt ions and fact ors used in preparing t he forward-looking informat ion in t his present at ion are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such informat ion, which only applies as of t he dat e of t his present at ion, and no assurance can be given t hat such event s will occur in t he disclosed t ime frames or at all. Aurania disclaims any int ent ion or obligat ion t o updat e or revise any forward-looking informat ion, whet her as a result of new informat ion, fut ure event s or ot herwise, ot her t han as required by law. The t echnical informat ion cont ained in t his present at ion has been verified and approved by Aurania's Chief Geologist , Jean-Paul Pallier, a designat ed EurGeol by t he European Federat ion of Geologist s and "Qualified Person" for t he purpose of Nat ional Inst rument 43-101, S t andards of Disclosure for Mineral Proj ect s of t he Canadian S ecurit ies Administ rat ors. 2018-04-30 2 TSXV:ARU

  3. The Opportunity Experienced team with track record of discoveries; committed to community engagement Ecuador is an exploration hot spot Project area is along trend of major gold- copper belt; underexplored Multi target potential: Sequenced exploration approach First target being readied for drilling 2018-04-30 3 TSXV:ARU

  4. Board of Directors/Management Keith Barron, Ph.D. Donna McLean, B.A. CEO and Chairman CFO Richard Spencer, Ph.D., P .Geo., C.Geol. Jean Paul Pallier, M.Sc., EurGeol. President and Director VP-Exploration Elaine Ellingham, M.Sc., MBA, P .Geo. Monica Ospina, M.Sc. Director Head of CSR Marvin Kaiser, Retired CFO Carolyn Muir, B.Sc. Director Manager, Investor Services Gerald Harper, Ph.D., P .Geo. Director 4 TSXV:ARU

  5. Capital Structure ARU 29,587,811 1,169,973 1,515,000 124,500 32,548,559 2.69 80MM 2018-04-30 5 TSXV:ARU

  6. Recent Financing & Options 2017 Financing Options April 201 7 1.7MM 415K 150K 430K C$2.00 C$0.40 $C0.60 C$2.30 C$2.00 3,200,890 April, 201 8 July, 2021 May, 2022 Nov, 2022 1,81 6,7 45 C$3.00 Oct, 201 8 Others 40% Insiders 60% 2018-04-30 6 TSXV:ARU

  7. Price-Volume (TSX-V) 2018-04-30 7 TSXV:ARU

  8. Price-Volume (Grey Mkt) 2018-04-30 8 TSXV:ARU

  9. Share Price Performance with Dates of Key Announcements Feb 2017 Acquisition Aug 2017 Nov 2017 Bloomberg Jan 2018 Of Geophysics Geophysics article Latorre Properties survey survey published epithermal starts completed target identified Jan 2018 Newsletter Published April 2018 Crunchy Apr 2017 Hill target Dec 2017 $6.4M pvt April 2018 identified Awacha placement Full target completed concession identified package renewed 2018-04-30 9 TSXV:ARU

  10. Government Investment Pangui Health Clinic Los Encuentros S chool Government spent US $136 million on infrastructure near future mines – partially funded with advanced royalties. Ecuadorian law stipulates that 60% of royalties from mining go to local communities. 2018-04-30 10 TSXV:ARU

  11. Ecuador: An Exploration Hotspot 4/6 1 ECUADOR 2 3 2 2 8 5 7 8 5 2018-04-30 11 TSXV:ARU

  12. Multiple Deposits Being Developed Advanced Exploration and Mines Under Construction Resource Definition S anta Barbara (Gold-Copper) Lumina Fruta del Norte (Gold-S ilver) Lundin Gold; Gold; Cangrej os (Gold-Copper) Lumina S an Carlos & Mirador (Copper and Gold; Copper-Gold) China National Rail; Cascabel (Copper-Gold) S olGold; Loma Larga (Gold-S ilver-Copper) INV Metals; Llurimagua (Copper) Codelco; 2018-04-30 12 TSXV:ARU

  13. Nambija, Ecuador Nambij a is one of Ecuador’s Lost Cities rediscovered in 1981 2018-04-30 13 TSXV:ARU

  14. Historic Timeline: The Lost Cities Last attempt to restore Logroño destroyed and Logroño to the Crown re-established. Sevilla Keith Barron del Oro founded. discovers Fruta del Logroño destroyed Norte gold deposit 1 564 64 1 1 575/1 57 6 1 1 582 1 594 1 605 60 1 1 61 6 6 2003 2006 6 201 6 6 Keith Barron Logroño 12 years of historical Logroño de los starts historical abandoned research lead to Caballeros founded, research application for reported 4,100 troy oz 208,000Ha of in first year Logroño subjected to daily exploration concessions attacks by the Jibaro in Cordillera de Cutucu Indians 2018-04-30 14 TSXV:ARU


  16. Prime Discovery Potential • Large land position (2,080km 2 ) • Underexplored concessions • Known mineral belt extends across concession area 26 Moz Gold 30Blbs Copper Chapiza & S ant iago Format ions 2018-04-30 16 TSXV:ARU

  17. Stream Sediment Sampling 1 st drill target: Crunchy Hill ~1,500m scout- drilling planned in 5 holes 2018-04-30 17 TSXV:ARU

  18. Target Pipeline: Gold Latorre Charip High-level epitermal textures; High-level epitermal textures; 100km 2 area of elevated Compelling geophysical signature; pathfinders in stream sediment; 5 targets: • Crunchy Hill: – 400m area of metal enrichment in soil; – 1,000m western extension discovered; • 4 other targets a. Reduct ion t o t he pole (RTP) magnet ic b. Chalcedonic silica dat a 2018-04-30 18 TSXV:ARU

  19. Crunchy Hill: Soil Geochemistry S ilver Arsenic Antimony Mercury Molybdenum Zinc Manganese S elenium 500m 2018-04-30 19 TSXV:ARU

  20. Target Pipeline: Gold – Next Steps Latorre Charip 5 targets: Follow-up of stream sediment data • Crunchy Hill: – FDN-type (Intermediate S ulphidation), blind target expected; – soil sampling underway on 1,000m western extension; – Ground magnetic survey; – IP geophysics survey? • 4 other targets: – Ridge & spur soil sampling Discovery of FDN – graphic from Aurelian Resources presentation 2006 2018-04-30 20 TSXV:ARU

  21. Target Pipeline – Copper Quartz- Awacha sericite-pyrite alteration Target Airborne Mag Data S tream sediment data 2018-04-30 21 TSXV:ARU

  22. Next Steps - S tream sediment sampling continues to lead the way: - 12% of area covered - Local st aff being t rained t o accelerat e t his work - Detailed exploration of prioritized targets: - Lat orre area - Development of targets for scout drilling in Q4’ 18 2018-04-30 22 TSXV:ARU


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