economic development select committee presentation agenda


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SELECT COMMITTEE PRESENTATION AGENDA Opening Remarks Ed Sarfeld, Chair - Economic Development Select Committee Roundtable Introductions Economic Development Select Committee Mandate EDSC Identified


  2. PRESENTATION AGENDA Opening Remarks – Ed Sarfeld, Chair - Economic Development Select Committee  Roundtable Introductions  Economic Development Select Committee Mandate  EDSC Identified Priorities & Recommendations to Council  Transportation  Employment Lands  Workforce Development  Goals, Objectives, Resources & Benefit to Community  Discussion 

  3. EDSC MEMBERS: ROUNDTABLE INTRODUCTION Ed Sarfeld, Chair / Vinegar Hill Consulting Lesa Lacey, Vice-Chair / Lacey Developments Bev Toews / Fraser Pacific Enterprises Wade Peary / Riverside College Sean Melia / Prospera Credit Union Pia Ritch / Mission Community Skills Centre Dan Schubert / Schubert Plumbing & Heating Ray Szabada / iOpen Technologies Rocky Blondin / Blondin Enterprises Greg McPhail / Summit Earthworks Craig Toews / University of the Fraser Valley

  4. EDSC HISTORY & MANDATE Economic Development Select Committee  (EDSC) created in 2002 EDSC Mandate  Tasked With Hiring the Economic  Development Officer in 2003 11 EDSC Members (voting) plus Mayor, EDO,  CAO & Dir. of Planning (non-voting) EDSC Members are appointed by Council  Past Recommendations 



  7. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY Workforce Development Working Group Economic Development Workforce development efforts are focused on helping individuals at all Select Committee ages to acquire skills, knowledge, attitude and relational skills that will enable them to find and maintain employment. It is also the activities that assist business to communicate and address their labour needs Workforce Development Recommendations Employment Lands Working Group The employment lands work is to be focused on the identification and creation of more land that can be utilized for employment creation. This effort also includes a focus on higher utilization or repurposing of existing Employment Lands lands that may or may not already be designated for commercial and Expansion industrial uses Recommendations Transportation Working Group Focused on the movement of people and goods via highway, rail and river Transportation and is looking to help shape transportation policy and objectives that Infrastructure support growth and development in the community Recommendations

  8. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY Workforce Development Working Group Economic Development Workforce development efforts are focused on helping individuals at all ages to Select Committee acquire skills, knowledge, attitude and relational skills that will enable them to find and maintain employment. It is also the activities that assist business to communicate and address their labour needs Recommendations 1. Education Program Development: Assist in the development of local educational programming and training that can respond to current and anticipated industry needs 2. Learning & Innovation Zone: creation of an area reserved for the establishment of innovative businesses, education and research entities that work together to take advantage of synergies Goal(s) To create an area focused on attracting the knowledge based economy, anchored by a new civic centre and post-secondary institution to support and work with local industry Workforce Development Recommendations

  9. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY Employment Lands Working Group Economic Development The employment lands work is to be focused on the identification and creation of more land Select Committee that can be utilized for employment creation. This effort also includes a focus on higher utilization or repurposing of existing lands that may or may not already be designated for commercial and industrial uses Recommendations 1. Waterfront support: Strong EDSC representation and support of current funded efforts related to waterfront revitalization 2. South West Mission: Recommend the District place emphasis on the creation of employment land within the area 3. Innovation Zone: The potential to create an area focused on attracting the knowledge based economy, anchored by a new civic centre and post-secondary institution 4. Development Corporation: Explore the possible creation of a development corporation to act as the catalyzing body for pre-development/development activities on the waterfront Goal(s) Employment Lands Expansion Create or zone new or underutilized land and encourage development with an appropriate Recommendations mix of employment creating opportunity

  10. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY Transportation Working Group Focused on the movement of people and goods via highway, rail and river and is Economic Development looking to help shape transportation policy and objectives that support growth Select Committee and development in the community Recommendations 1. Trans-loading: Support Mission as a rail, transport and river trans-loading destination 2. Bypass Expansion: Support bypass expansion planning (East and West) taking into account waterfront revitalization and industrial land expansion needs 3. Public Transit: Planning of Transportation hubs especially a waterfront transit hub to dovetail with the Waterfront Revitalization Program Goal(s) • Implement a discussion with Regional and Provincial stakeholders to review land zoning for industrial use with rail/river/road transportation connections (include the “Special Study” area in Silverdale) • Complete a review with all stakeholders for the Bypass (incl. East and West), Transportation Infrastructure taking into account waterfront revitalization, to provide a united vision for Recommendations the future • Include a waterfront transit hub to dovetail with the Waterfront Revitalization Planning

  11. BYPASS

  12. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY How They All Come Together - Goals Workforce Development Working Group Economic Development • To create an area focused on attracting the knowledge based economy, Select Committee anchored by a new civic centre and post-secondary institution to support and work with local industry Workforce Development Employment Lands Working Group Recommendations • Create or zone new or underutilized land and encourage development with an appropriate mix of employment creating opportunity Transportation Working Group Employment Lands • Implement a discussion with Regional and Provincial stakeholders to Expansion review land zoning for industrial use with rail/river/road transportation Recommendations connections (include the “Special Study” area in Silverdale) • Complete a review with all stakeholders for the Bypass (incl. East and West), taking into account waterfront revitalization, to provide a united vision for the future Transportation • Include a waterfront transit hub to dovetail with the Waterfront Infrastructure Revitalization Planning Recommendations

  13. HOW THEY ALL COME TOGETHER Employment Workforce Lands Development Support Waterfront Learning Innovation Zone Revitalization Education, Programming &Training OBJECTIVES & TACTICS Innovation Zone RESEARCH, MARKETING, CONNECTING Waterfront Transportation Revitalization SOUTH WEST MISSION & SPECIAL STUDY Waterfront Mobility Hub Community Vision Highway Bypass AREA – EMPLOYMENT LANDS Aligned with OCP TRANS-LOADING

  14. EDSC IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES FOR THE COMMUNITY - RESOURCES Resources: • Staff – EDO, Development Services, Engineering, etc. • Committees of Council • MTTC • EDSC • JSSC • Post Waterfront Revitalization Technical Study • Waterfront Advisory Committee • Development Corporation


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