EBM From Concept to Reality EBM from Multiple Perspectives and a Nova Scotia Forest Practices Review Case Study Laird Van Damme, R.P.F Lakehead University KBM Resources Group Edmonton; June 19, 2018
Outline • EBM as seen through an academic and business lens – Across scales – Over time/projects – NS Forest Practices Review case study – Complexity science – What this may mean for “ Creating a Roadmap for EBM Based Management in Alberta (and beyond)”
From Diesel/Iron to Avgas/Knowledge with 44 Years of Service and Practical Innovations for Central Canada’s Energy and Natural Resources Sector 2004 to present Aerial Survey and Geomatics 1974-2009 mechanical site preparation 2004 KBM Chile 1 st for 1999 Introduced in-bush chipping hydraulic mounder
Ecosystem Based Management (EBM); sub-stand • Site preparation emulates fire and windthrow effects at the microsite scale (1970s). • But we never sold a machine based on its ecological merits ( the Bracke advantage ) ; a salesperson sold the machine based on performance/utility and RELATIONSHIPS . • Salespersons are story tellers that shape a shared experience /mythology (i.e Peugeot/ Sapiens) • A take home message in the Trump era?
EBM; Stand/Site • Analysis of OMNR(F)’s Natural Disturbance Emulation Pattern Guidelines ( Now Stand and Site Guide; revealed performance and utility .. no regret options> salesperson John McNicol?). • UPM industrial lands in MN conversion from even-aged single species to uneven-aged mixed woods; performance and utility, salesperson and top management support • Organizational change easier in Companies ct Govt Agencies
UPM Mixedwood Management
EBM Forest and Landscape • MWFP DFMP 1996-2006 • LANDIS used for NRV ( first known application in Canada) • Top management support/ an internal salesperson…performance and utility… bleeding edge? Ahead of provincial policy.. too much bottom up? • MB MF, Dog Matt, Athabasca Land Use planning Pilot (as above?) • NRCAN 2007 National Forest Strategy Review> EBM salesperson Dirk Brinkman a rebel with a cause ( as above ?) • Ontario Landscape Guides 2010 implementation> top management writ large) • Nova Scotia Code of Forest Practice 2012
NS EBM Case Study: NRV SCORE Framework Andison, 2016, An NRV Strategy Scorecard: Tracking the Evolution of EBM in the Canadian Boreal Forest • 1) Process: • - How is NRV knowledge used? • - What parts of the ecosystem are involved? • - How are NRV benchmarks defined? • - (How) is monitoring integrated? • • 2) Partnerships: • - (How) are neighbours involved? • - (How) are overlapping tenures involved? • 3) Technical: • - Which NRV patterns? • - At which scales? • - How are targets defined? • - How is variation incorporated?
Nova Scotia Royal Commission 1984 Options Element Sec. A B C D E How is NRV Background Planning 3.1.1 Secondary filter Parallel filter Primary filter knowledge used? information foundation What parts of the Merchantable Entire 3.1.2 All forest All vegetation All land ecosystem? forest landscape Process NRV benchmarks 3.1.3 Undefined Post-industrial Pre-industrial Pre-European Post-glaciation No new Implementation Fine filter Passive Monitoring 3.1.4 Active adaptive monitoring only specific adaptive Greater Neighbours 3.2.1 None Internal donuts Landscape Region landscape Partners Overlapping 3.2.2 None Few Moderate Most All Simple Comprehensive Simple disturb Comprehensive Comprehensive Which patterns? 3.3.1 disturbance disturbance & conditiion disturb. & cond. all Scales? 3.3.2 1 scale 2 scales 3 scales 4 scales All scales Technical How are targets Standardized Standardized Locally filtered Stakeholder 3.3.3 Directional defined? within NRV filtered NRV NRV process Incorporating Frequency 3.3.4 Averages Thresholds Ranges Range groups variation distuributions
2004 Nova Scotia’s Code of Forest Practice: Options Element Sec. A B C D E How is NRV Background Planning 3.1.1 Secondary filter Parallel filter Primary filter information foundation knowledge used? What parts of the Merchantable Entire 3.1.2 All forest All vegetation All land ecosystem? forest landscape Process NRV benchmarks 3.1.3 Undefined Post-industrial Pre-industrial Pre-European Post-glaciation No new Implementation Fine filter Passive Monitoring 3.1.4 Active adaptive monitoring only specific adaptive Greater Neighbours 3.2.1 None Internal donuts Landscape Region landscape Partners Overlapping 3.2.2 None Few Moderate Most All Simple Comprehensive Simple disturb Comprehensive Comprehensive Which patterns? 3.3.1 disturbance disturbance & conditiion disturb. & cond. all Scales? 3.3.2 1 scale 2 scales 3 scales 4 scales All scales Technical How are targets Standardized Standardized Locally filtered Stakeholder 3.3.3 Directional defined? within NRV filtered NRV NRV process Incorporating Frequency 3.3.4 Averages Thresholds Ranges Range groups variation distuributions
2012 Nova Scotia’s Code of Forest Practice Options Element Sec. A B C D E How is NRV Background Planning 3.1.1 Secondary filter Parallel filter Primary filter information foundation knowledge used? What parts of the Merchantable Entire 3.1.2 All forest All vegetation All land ecosystem? forest landscape Process NRV benchmarks 3.1.3 Undefined Post-industrial Pre-industrial Pre-European Post-glaciation No new Implementation Fine filter Passive Monitoring 3.1.4 Active adaptive monitoring only specific adaptive Greater Neighbours 3.2.1 None Internal donuts Landscape Region landscape Partners Overlapping 3.2.2 None Few Moderate Most All Simple Comprehensive Simple disturb Comprehensive Comprehensive Which patterns? 3.3.1 disturbance disturbance & conditiion disturb. & cond. all Scales? 3.3.2 1 scale 2 scales 3 scales 4 scales All scales Technical How are targets Standardized Standardized Locally filtered Stakeholder 3.3.3 Directional defined? within NRV filtered NRV NRV process Incorporating Frequency 3.3.4 Averages Thresholds Ranges Range groups variation distuributions
PTA Stand Level Codes and Landscape Plan Pilots
Less of this and more of that
Some more of this
What Could Possibly go Wrong? Why are there still a majority of Clear-cuts post 2012; when Government NRV work suggest CC should be about 50% ?
2017 Premier Appoints William Lahey • Recognizing a wide diversity of interests related to forestry, the Government of Nova Scotia is undertaking an independent review of forest practices in Nova Scotia. Professor William Lahey, President of the University of King's College – The review will examine current practices, including strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for improvement regarding how Nova Scotia balances long-term environmental, social and economic interests in managing the province's forests. In particular, the review has the mandate to examine the following components: – Evaluate the effectiveness and identify opportunities to improve the legislation, regulations, policies and guidelines, as well as the science-based tools that determine whether and where harvesting occurs, as well as the harvesting methods (e.g.: clear cut, partial harvest) that can or should be used. – Evaluate market access for private forest owners, particularly in the western region, and provide recommendations to address any identified issue » https://novascotia.ca/natr/forestry/Forest_Review/
What is a clearcut?
What is a clearcut?
What is a clearcut? What is Old Growth?
What went Wrong? Conceptual Change without Concrete Change • No Salesperson – But some good scientific work • Limited Case to Argue Performance and Utility – Woodbridge • Top Management Support – is there but could be strengthened • Top Down versus Bottom Up – requires both • Code Based – versus Results Based (professional reliance) • Organizational Change From Mintzberg, 1994 – Matches Strategic Change? – Corporate Culture Alignment or Change ?
Incomplete Attention to Agents of Change? • Regulatory change must be matched by enforcement and supported by education efforts (beyond PTA; OAFP) • Human behaviour is learned behaviour • Governance Models (Westfor and beyond) • Experimentation to allow controlled failure.
Agents of Change: People & Organizations Diversity Professional Foresters by Jurisdiction • Government Annual Registered Harvest per • Forest Industry Professional Annual Harvest Forester – that includes supply chain business (m 3 ) (m 3 ) Foresters owners NS 94 3,700,000 39,362 • Forestry Professionals • Scientists AB 684 23,300,000 34,064 – Govt and Academic & Industry BC 2,780 67,900,000 24,424 • Social Scientists and Lawyers Maine 787 14,400,000 17,789 • Landowners • NB 277 9,000,000 32,491 ENGOs • Citizens ON 514 15,800,000 30,739
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