eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* a proposal for a joint research team between INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and University Nice Sophia Antipolis). (*) “ wimmics ” comes from “ wimi ”, a variety of roses.
members Head (and INRIA contact): Fabien Gandon Vice Head (and I3S contact): Catherine Faron-Zucker PhD students: Researchers: 1. Pavel Arapov, 1st year (EDSTIC-I3S) • Michel Buffa, MdC (UNS) 2. Adrien Basse, 3rd year (UGB-INRIA) • Olivier Corby, CR1 (INRIA) 3. Franck Berthelon, 3nd year (UNS-EDSTIC) • Alain Giboin, CR1 (INRIA) 4. Ahlem Bouchahda, 3rd year (UNS-SupCom Tunis) • Nhan Le Thanh, Pr. (UNS) 5. Khalil Riad Bouzidi, 3rd year (UNS-CSTB) • Isabelle Mirbel, MdC, HDR (UNS) 6. Luca Costabello, 2nd year (INRIA-CORDI) • Peter Sander, Pr. (UNS) 7. Papa Fary Diallo, 1st year (AUF-UGB-INRIA) • Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi, Pr. (UNS) 8. Corentin Follenfant, 2nd year (SAP) • Serena Villata, RP (INRIA) 9. Maxime Lefrançois, 2nd year (EDSTIC-INRIA) 10. Nguyen Thi Hoa Hue, 1st year (Vietnam-CROUS) Post-doc: 11. Nicolas Marie, 2nd year (Bell-ALU, INRIA) • Zeina Azmeh (I3S) 12. Rakebul Hasan, 1st year (INRIA ANR-Kolflow) • Elena Cabrio (CORDIS) 13. Oumy Seye, 2nd year, (INRIA Rose Dieng allocation) 14. Imen Tayari, 3rd year (UNS-Sfax Tunisie) Research engineers: • Julien Cojan (INRIA, Ministry of Culture) Assistants: • • Christophe Desclaux (Boost your code) Christine Foggia (INRIA) • • Amosse Edouard (I3S) Sarah Choulet (I3S)
research problem socio-semantic networks: combining formal semantics and social semantics on the web
research fields socio-semantic networks: combining formal semantics and social semantics on the web web-supported epistemic communities model and support actors, actions & interactions graph-based representation & reasoning
web landscape and graphs (meta)data of the relations and the resources of the web = + + + + +… web… …sites …social …of data …of services …semantics = + + + + +… typed web networks linked data workflows schemas graphs (graphs) (graphs) (graphs) (graphs) (graphs)
challenges analyzing, modeling, formalizing and implementing graph-based social semantic web applications for communities multidisciplinary approach for analyzing and modeling the many aspects of intertwined information systems communities of users and their interactions formalizing and reasoning on these models new analysis tools and indicators new functionalities and better management
interactions analyzing & modeling communities and interactions through social semantic web app. interacting with dynamic semantic web app. • improve interactions with systems getting more and more complex? methods: requirement models, persona, emotions, spec. schemas • reconcile formal stable semantics & negotiable social semantics? methods: collective persona, participatory, mixed models • reconcile local contexts and global world-wide virtual machine? methods: ontologies, rules, parameterize, named graphs, empirical
typed graphs formalizing models and implementing social semantic web applications calculating on heterogeneous typed graphs of the web • what kind of formalism is the best suited for such models? method: abstract language, semantic network, typed graphs • analyze typed graph structures and their interactions? method: abstract machine, parameterized operators, non-logic • support different graph life-cycles, calculations & characteristics? method: standards, workflows, mixed operators, time, explain
projects isicil.inria.fr (ANR) enterprise social networking business intelligence, watching, monitoring communities of interest, of practice, of experts datalift.org (ANR) DATALIFT from raw public data to interlinked data and schemas a platform and documentation to assist the process validation on real datasets kolflow.univ-nantes.fr (ANR) reduce the overhead of communities building knowledge federated semantic: distributed blackboard for man-machine coop. dbpedia.fr (Ministry of Culture) extract and publish data and facts from French version of wikipedia ... Labex UCN@SOPHIA
diffusion Master IFI: from KIS to Web – gradual changes to the courses – then replace the master by a new one Standardization participation – Working groups: RDF 1.1, SPARQL 1.1 – INRIA Advisory Committee Representative Open-source and CeCILL-C free software
eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* a proposal for a joint research team between INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and University Nice Sophia Antipolis). (*) “ wimmics ” comes from “ wimi ”, a variety of roses.
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