eb nstrumented an achine nteractions ommunities and

eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* a proposal for a joint research team between INRIA Sophia Antipolis Mditerrane and I3S (CNRS and University Nice Sophia Antipolis). (*) wimmics comes from wimi

  1. eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* a proposal for a joint research team between INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and University Nice Sophia Antipolis). (*) “ wimmics ” comes from “ wimi ”, a variety of roses.

  2. members Head (and INRIA contact): Fabien Gandon Vice Head (and I3S contact): Catherine Faron-Zucker PhD students: Researchers: 1. Pavel Arapov, 1st year (EDSTIC-I3S) • Michel Buffa, MdC (UNS) 2. Adrien Basse, 3rd year (UGB-INRIA) • Olivier Corby, CR1 (INRIA) 3. Franck Berthelon, 3nd year (UNS-EDSTIC) • Alain Giboin, CR1 (INRIA) 4. Ahlem Bouchahda, 3rd year (UNS-SupCom Tunis) • Nhan Le Thanh, Pr. (UNS) 5. Khalil Riad Bouzidi, 3rd year (UNS-CSTB) • Isabelle Mirbel, MdC, HDR (UNS) 6. Luca Costabello, 2nd year (INRIA-CORDI) • Peter Sander, Pr. (UNS) 7. Papa Fary Diallo, 1st year (AUF-UGB-INRIA) • Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi, Pr. (UNS) 8. Corentin Follenfant, 2nd year (SAP) • Serena Villata, RP (INRIA) 9. Maxime Lefrançois, 2nd year (EDSTIC-INRIA) 10. Nguyen Thi Hoa Hue, 1st year (Vietnam-CROUS) Post-doc: 11. Nicolas Marie, 2nd year (Bell-ALU, INRIA) • Zeina Azmeh (I3S) 12. Rakebul Hasan, 1st year (INRIA ANR-Kolflow) • Elena Cabrio (CORDIS) 13. Oumy Seye, 2nd year, (INRIA Rose Dieng allocation) 14. Imen Tayari, 3rd year (UNS-Sfax Tunisie) Research engineers: • Julien Cojan (INRIA, Ministry of Culture) Assistants: • • Christophe Desclaux (Boost your code) Christine Foggia (INRIA) • • Amosse Edouard (I3S) Sarah Choulet (I3S)

  3. research problem socio-semantic networks: combining formal semantics and social semantics on the web

  4. research fields socio-semantic networks: combining formal semantics and social semantics on the web  web-supported epistemic communities  model and support actors, actions & interactions  graph-based representation & reasoning

  5. web landscape and graphs (meta)data of the relations and the resources of the web = + + + + +… web… …sites …social …of data …of services …semantics = + + + + +… typed web networks linked data workflows schemas graphs (graphs) (graphs) (graphs) (graphs) (graphs)

  6. challenges analyzing, modeling, formalizing and implementing graph-based social semantic web applications for communities  multidisciplinary approach for analyzing and modeling  the many aspects of intertwined information systems  communities of users and their interactions  formalizing and reasoning on these models  new analysis tools and indicators  new functionalities and better management

  7. interactions  analyzing & modeling communities and interactions through social semantic web app.  interacting with dynamic semantic web app. • improve interactions with systems getting more and more complex? methods: requirement models, persona, emotions, spec. schemas • reconcile formal stable semantics & negotiable social semantics? methods: collective persona, participatory, mixed models • reconcile local contexts and global world-wide virtual machine? methods: ontologies, rules, parameterize, named graphs, empirical


  9. typed graphs  formalizing models and implementing social semantic web applications  calculating on heterogeneous typed graphs of the web • what kind of formalism is the best suited for such models? method: abstract language, semantic network, typed graphs • analyze typed graph structures and their interactions? method: abstract machine, parameterized operators, non-logic • support different graph life-cycles, calculations & characteristics? method: standards, workflows, mixed operators, time, explain


  11. projects isicil.inria.fr (ANR)  enterprise social networking  business intelligence, watching, monitoring  communities of interest, of practice, of experts datalift.org (ANR) DATALIFT  from raw public data to interlinked data and schemas  a platform and documentation to assist the process  validation on real datasets kolflow.univ-nantes.fr (ANR)  reduce the overhead of communities building knowledge  federated semantic: distributed blackboard for man-machine coop. dbpedia.fr (Ministry of Culture)  extract and publish data and facts from French version of wikipedia ... Labex UCN@SOPHIA

  12. diffusion Master IFI: from KIS to Web – gradual changes to the courses – then replace the master by a new one Standardization participation – Working groups: RDF 1.1, SPARQL 1.1 – INRIA Advisory Committee Representative Open-source and CeCILL-C free software

  13. eb- nstrumented an- achine nteractions, ommunities, and emantics* a proposal for a joint research team between INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée and I3S (CNRS and University Nice Sophia Antipolis). (*) “ wimmics ” comes from “ wimi ”, a variety of roses.


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