c al e nviro s creen 1 1 a t ool for e valuating c


C AL E NVIRO S CREEN 1.1: A T OOL FOR E VALUATING C OMMUNITIES IN C ALIFORNIA December 5, 2013 Safe Routes to School National Partnership C AL E NVIRO S CREEN 1.1 Prese sents ts a broad pict icture of f th the rela lati tive burdens

  1. C AL E NVIRO S CREEN 1.1: A T OOL FOR E VALUATING C OMMUNITIES IN C ALIFORNIA December 5, 2013 Safe Routes to School National Partnership

  2. C AL E NVIRO S CREEN 1.1  Prese sents ts a broad pict icture of f th the rela lati tive burdens Calif lifornia communities s face ce fr from envi vironmental pollu llution  Identi Id tifies 17 in indic icators s of f envi vironmental and so soci cioeconomic conditions  Provides gu guid idance on p potential use ses s of f tool 2

  3. D EVELOPMENT OF C AL E NVIRO S CREEN 1.1 2008+ December 2010 July 2012 Nine public meetings Framework report of the Cumulative released First CalEnviroScreen Impacts and Cumulative Impacts: draft report released Precautionary Building a Scientific for public comment. Approaches Work Foundation Group. January 2013 Summer-Fall 2012 April and September 2013 Revised draft 12 public workshops, released. academic workshop, 65 written CalEnviroScreen 1.0 1,000 oral and submissions with and 1.1 finalized. written comments. comments. 3

  4. F OCUS OF C AL E NVIRO S CREEN “… exposures, public health or environmental effects from the combined emissions and discharges in a geographic area, including environmental pollution from all sources, whether single or multi-media, routinely, accidentally, or otherwise released. Impacts will take into account sensitive populations and socioeconomic factors, where applicable and to the extent data are available.” -- Working definition of “cumulative impacts” by Cal/EPA Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice 4

  5. G EOGRAPHICAL U NIT : ZIP C ODE  Familiar scale  Publicly established  Public recognition  Not too large  Not too small 5

  6. I NDICATORS U SED Pollution Burden Population Characteristics Environmental Sensitive Socioeconomic Exposures Populations Factors Effects  PM 2.5  Cleanup sites  Prevalence of  Poverty (Percent concentrations children and elderly residents below 2x  Groundwater poverty level)  Ozone  Asthma emergency threats (Leaking  Educational concentrations underground tanks department visit and cleanups) rate attainment  Diesel PM  Impaired water  Rate of low birth  Linguistic isolation emissions bodies weight births  Pesticide use  Solid waste sites  Toxic releases from and facilities facilities  Hazardous waste  Traffic density facilities and generators 6

  7. C RITERIA FOR INDICATOR SELECTION ▪ Provide a good measure of the contribution to the component ▪ Pollution burden indicators should relate to issues that may be actionable by Cal/EPA ▪ Population characteristic indicators should relate to demographic factors that may influence vulnerability to disease ▪ Publicly available ▪ Statewide and location-based information ▪ Good quality data 7

  8. R ELATIVE S CORING OF ZIP C ODES  Calculate relative score for each indicator (percentiles)  Combine 17 indicators together to calculate overall CalEnviroScreen score  CalEnviroScreen scores allow comparison of relative scores between ZIP codes 8

  9. P UBLICLY A VAILABLE R ESULTS  CalEnviroScreen Report  Maps for individual indicators (small)  Description of each indicator  Excel spreadsheet  “Raw” values and percentiles for each indicator  Overall CalEnviroScreen scores  Grouped scores (e.g., Top 5 and 10% scoring ZIPs, etc.)  Google Earth results (overall; Top 5 & 10%)  ArcGIS geodatabase  On-line mapping tool (ArcGIS On-Line)

  10. O NLINE TOOL Available at: oehha.ca.gov/ej/ces11.html 10

  11. H IGHEST 10% CalEnviroScreen C AL E NVIRO S CREEN Scores: S CORES Statewide • 176 of 1769 ZIP codes in California. • Covers 7.7 million people (~21% of California’s population). 11

  12. C AL E NVIRO S CREEN CalEnviroScreen S CORES Scores: Statewide • All 1769 ZIP codes in California • Each color represents ~10% of all ZIP codes 12

  13. S OME P OTENTIAL U SES OF T OOL ▪ To aid ongoing planning and decision-making within Cal/EPA ▪ Environmental Justice Small Grant program ▪ Promote greater compliance with environmental laws ▪ Prioritize site-cleanup activities ▪ Identify opportunities for sustainable development in heavily impacted neighborhoods ▪ Strategic Growth Council ▪ First use of CalEnviroScreen outside of Cal/EPA ▪ SB 535 (De Leon, 2012) ▪ Cal/EPA shall identify “disadvantaged communities” for investment opportunities based on geographic, socioeconomic, public health and environmental hazard criteria. 13

  14. C AUTIONS ABOUT THE T OOL ▪ Is not a health risk assessment ▪ Is not a substitute for a CEQA-required cumulative impacts assessment and does not determine whether a specific project’s impacts are significant under CEQA 14

  15. C HANGES IN C AL E NVIRO S CREEN ▪ Adapt tool to census tract scale ▪ Develop drinking water quality indicator ▪ Reach out to interested local governments and others on potential uses of CalEnviroScreen ▪ Solicit suggestions for overall refinement and updating of tool (ongoing) 15

  16. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cal/EPA : OEHHA : Miriam Barcellona Ingenito John Faust Julian Leichty Laura Meehan August Arsenio Mataka George Alexeeff Gina Solomon Komal Bangia Rose Cendak Other thanks: Lara Cushing • Cumulative Impacts and Precautionary Allan Hirsch Approaches Work Group Tamara Kadir • Cal/EPA Boards and Departments who provided Carmen Milanes comments and data; Shankar Prasad California Department of Public Health and the Karen Randles Public Health Institute Robbie Welling • Residents and stakeholders who participated in Walker Wieland our regional workshops; Tara Zagofsky, consultant Lauren Zeise and facilitator, University of California, Davis, Common Ground: Center for Cooperative Solutions T HANK YOU ! • Dr. Rachel Morello-Frosch and academic colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley • Academic expert panel who provided comments at a workshop in September 2012 email: CalEnviroScreen@oehha.ca.gov • Graduate students assisting in the project more info: www.oehha.ca.gov/ej


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