Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Category Change Print Docs Communications 1 Category Change Cert Action S creen Change MOM FIRST, then baby Click on Category Change j ellybean S elect New Category Align with Baby BE/ IBE BP/ IBP NPP/ IFF 2 CPA Training 1
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Cert Action S creen- Termination S elect Term Reason S ystem calculates term date If d/ c breastfeeding update Breastfeeding S tatistics on Infant Record REMEMBER! If IBE or IBP to IFF , make S URE to change category or terminate mom… her current cert period ends 1-year past delivery date. If NPP the term date is 6 months post partum. 3 Mandated Information (Provide printed NE Plan to client) At each cert and recert… S tress the benefits of WIC nutrition education and encourage participation in nutrition education activities WIC is a supplemental food program; food is for CLIENT enrolled (Client Agreement) S tress the importance of regular health care and keeping referral appointments. Provide information on the dangers of using drugs and alcohol while pregnant or parent ing (NE Plan and list of local resources for prevention and treatment) For Pregnant women, provide encouragement to breastfeed For Breastfeeding women, provide encouragement to continue breastfeeding Program Explanation must be verbally provided as well (NE Plan) 4 CPA Training 2
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Nutrition Education Plan At each Cert, Recert and Eval Nutrition Goals for each client Current height, weight and hemoglobin Important health messages Program Explanation- must be verbally provided Health Conditions (risks) in layperson terms (not required to review) 5 Benefit Issuance/ S chedule Benefit Issuance Issue desired months, should not have more than 3 full months loaded/ available at a time Schedule next visit Ask client day and time preferred If short certified, schedule in 60/ 30 days to bring required proof 6 CPA Training 3
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 S hopping list-appointment information Appointment information All future appointments listed for clients including Date Time Client What to bring 7 Verification of Certification (VOC) 8 CPA Training 4
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Client vendor listing WIC Client Vendor Listing S elect vendor by miles from the client’s address Client Vendor map Displays map of client vendors by radius from address 9 Review: Print Docs-Family & New Clients NE Plan Shopping list : highlight next appointment and “ Please bring” family members and documentation VOC (signed by WIC staff or stamp) Client Agreement Provide if new client or offer to ongoing client Vendor Listing If new or offer to ongoing client 10 CPA Training 5
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Print Docs- Family Recert cert 11 Print Docs- Client Ineligibility Ineligibility comes with Fair Hearing Notice Must complete Reason for Ineligibility on Client Information S creen Short Certification S hort certification notice Lists proofs needed by what date Attestation of Identity, Income or Residency No proof available-Migrant, homeless, victim of theft or disaster Give a Copy of signed document to client upon request 12 CPA Training 6
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Print Ineligibility Notice Go to Print Docs (print column) S elect Ineligibility Notice Must have reason for ineligibility documented on Client Information S creen Check that Ineligibility Notice was recorded in Communications (Clinic/ Miscellaneous/ Communications) 13 Communications S creens Records print docs in F AMIL Y Record OR Client record 14 CPA Training 7
Details...Details... 7/10/2020 Contact Info Nancy Erickson, MS , RD, CLE- 517-335-9562 EricksonN@ Tina Hickey, BS HickeyT@ Tara Fischer, MS , RD-517-335-4286 FischerT1@ Maggie Tignanelli, MPH, RDN – 517-335-8914 TignanelliS @ 15 CPA Training 8
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