e rice double productivity half the emission

e-rice:Double productivity Half the emission Sustainable rice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

e-rice:Double productivity Half the emission Sustainable rice farming tools based on System of Rice Intensification method Arief Sanjaya Electrical Power Engineering, M.Sc. Program Hilman Prasetya Edi Sustainable Energy Systems, M.Sc.

  1. e-rice:Double productivity Half the emission Sustainable rice farming tools based on System of Rice Intensification method Arief Sanjaya – Electrical Power Engineering, M.Sc. Program Hilman Prasetya Edi – Sustainable Energy Systems, M.Sc. Program Shelty Juliavonni – Sustainable Energy Systems, M.Sc. Program

  2. 2 Untapped Climate Opportunity in Indonesia’s Agriculture Sector How to Supply Rice in a Sustainable and Low Carbon Way E-rice is decarbonizing and modernizing rice farming in a low-cost way, suitable for farmer’s financial condition Indonesia’s Trilemma in Agriculture Sector Balance of Land Use Change Farmers Prosperity Low income (± £2/day) Supply-Demand e-rice: Making Technology Accessible to Farmers #1 Automated Water and Fertilizer Control, Powered by Solar PV #2 PPC Gives Access for Farmers to Utilize e-rice System mediaindonesia.com mediaindonesia.com

  3. 3 SRI Method Developed by Indonesian for Indonesia Modern and Sustainable Farming Method E-rice makes SRI method easier to use and ready to be deployed in remote areas Automation of SRI Method Powered by Solar PV COMPLEX FARM e-rice OPERATION Ease of Operation Suitable for Remote Areas System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Less Seeds, Less Water, Compost Fertilizer 84% Less Seeds • 66% Less Water • Utilizing Compost Fertilizer • Double Production/Area, Halving CO 2 Emission/Area 5 ton/ha à 10 ton/ha •

  4. 4 E-rice Designed Based on Farmer’s Point of View Making It Easier to Use and as Engaging as Possible E-rice is targeting rice farmers around province’s capital city who are well educated and open minded towards modernization Quick Yield – High Income – Strong Resilience £26.9k Productivity Performance Contract (PPC) Early Development Stage Net Present Value Angel Investors Engaging Farmers Increased Revenue by applying 187% Grant Funding Scheme e-rice (GBP/hectare) Producer revenue Consumer as installment payment surplus Flat IRR Revenue Further Development Stage 0.88Y B u s i n e s s a s U s u a l Government’s Soft loan / Year Contract Duration Payback Period subsidy Concessional funding Finish Start PPC Gives Access to Technology Without the Capital Burden 1.PPC based payment 2.7.5% engagement budget from total price 3.Partnership with local Polytechnique & technicians 4.Capacity building for user

  5. 5 To Become the Biggest Agriculture System Provider With 25% Market Share in the Next 10 Years Starting from 100 deployed system to gain trust from Indonesian Farmers S H O R T T E R M T A R G E T L O N G T E R M T A R G E T 100 e-rice devices 25% of market share Risk and Mitigation Plan Scalability and Implementation Social Risk: Farmers resistant to change 1. Register e-rice system patent Mitigation Plan: PPC as accessible financial scheme • 2. Lesson learned from deployed units Highly engaging customer service • Cooperation with local government & businesses • 3. Capital for workshop and manpower expansion Financial Risk: Higher costs (due to Covid-19) 4. New emission restriction regulation Mitigation Plan: Finding other capital source • Providing emergency working capital to user • 5. R&D grant to accelerate learning rate Seeking business interruption insurance •

  6. 6 Make Farmers Prosperous Again, in a Sustainable Way By Giving Proper Guidance and Education If we don’t care about our country, then who else? Short term impact • Avoiding potentially 471 million tons CO 2 from land use change • Reducing GHG emissions that comes from conventional farming practices • Increasing Farmer’s revenue stream Long term impact • Improving national food security • Preserving biodiversity • Developing a sustainable and growing economy for farmers • Farmers regeneration £225k First 100 Unit Deployment 1. IRR for investment 8% Investment required 2. MIRR for investment 8% 3. PBP at 2 years Indonesia Travel


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