e duc ational pr ogr amme for childr e n with onc ohae

E duc ational Pr ogr amme for Childr e n with Onc ohae - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E duc ational Pr ogr amme for Childr e n with Onc ohae matologic al Dise ase s thr ough VE DAMO Vir tual L e ar ning E nvir onme nt Pr oznanie JSC We are focused on developing of innovative solutions for distance learning

  1. E duc ational Pr ogr amme for Childr e n with Onc ohae matologic al Dise ase s thr ough VE DAMO Vir tual L e ar ning E nvir onme nt

  2. Pr oznanie JSC ● We are focused on developing of innovative solutions for distance learning ● Our services are specifically designed to meet the needs of distance learners and educators ● Our ambition is to provide top-quality educational services to everyone, including disadvantaged communities

  3. VE DAMO Vir tual L e ar ning E nvir onme nt ● Allows users to conduct live sessions using real-time in-built web-conferencing technology ● Provides a strong set of collaborative tools ● Gives the possibility to work in individual or group formats ● Makes learning processes interactive and personalized

  4. Our E duc ational Mode l for Childr e n with Onc ohae matologic al Dise ase s ● Implemented in two major Bulgarian clinics for 8 months already ● Interactive sessions are held twice a week individually or in small groups (3-5 children) ● Children participate in the online classes from different locations ● The schedule is flexible and dependent on children’s condition ● A blended approach is implemented both in the clinics and at children’s homes

  5. Summe r Holiday E duc ational Pr ogr amme ● Joint sessions with the children from Sofia and Varna ● A game-based approach to learning and differentiated instruction ● An emphasis on communication, positive experience and building a sense of community

  6. Ongoing Wor k ● Conduct regular online classes on subjects taught at school ● Provide English classes with a teacher based in Greece ● Support the inclusion of the clinic and the hospital school in Plovdiv ● Plan and organize regular meetings of parents from different locations

  7. Some Mor e E xample s

  8. Childr e n’s F e e dbac k “To start using the system was very easy since the very beginning. What I like most is the whiteboard. It helped me during the summer to get prepared to go back to school. It is different because my hand does not get strained and I will Nicky not get infected if someone is sick. Most of all, it is easier than at school.” “It was very easy for me to do everything that the teacher instructed me. I saw very interesting things and videos and pictures. Sometimes I did not feel like learning, but once we had started I did not want the lesson to end. It is very interesting to have an internet teacher.” Marty

  9. Childr e n’s F e e dbac k “Thanks to learning through the system I will be able to go back to school after the chemotherapy. There is no hospital school in Varna and this is my only chance to keep my knowledge and skills current during the whole year of Ana Maria treatment.”

  10. VE DAMO De mo Se ssion

  11. Contac ts: info@pr oznanie .bg + 359 (0) 888 992649 www.ve damo.c om

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