20 20 21 return to schools guid idin ing prin incip iples

20 20-21 Return to Schools Guid idin ing Prin incip iples - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

School Dis istrict of Holmen: 20 20-21 Return to Schools Guid idin ing Prin incip iples Belong.Serve.Succeed Preparing students for tomorrow through an engaging and inclusive educational community today. Empowerment Equity

  1. School Dis istrict of Holmen: 20 20-21 Return to Schools

  2. Guid idin ing Prin incip iples ▪ Belong.Serve.Succeed ▪ Preparing students for tomorrow through an engaging and inclusive educational community today. ▪ Empowerment Equity Excellence Integrity Safety 2

  3. Pla lannin ing Essentia ials Saf Safety Learnin Lea ing Fle lexibil ility The School District is The School District Instructional models committed to develop recognizes the may change throughout plans reflecting importance of academic the year based on guidance from the La and social emotional conditions around the Crosse County Health learning. Plans are being pandemic. The School Department, DHS/DPI, developed to support District is preparing for and the CDC. The safety students in their return a variety of different of students, staff, and to school. Instructional scenarios to be best the community remains models include virtual, prepared if a change is a priority. distance, in-person, and needed during the hybrid learning. school year. 3

  4. Today’s Objectives Share 20-21 Return to Schools Planning Pieces ▪ School Environment Updates ▪ Operations Updates ▪ Learning Models ▪ Day to Day Procedural Considerations ▪ Communication Considerations 4

  5. Build ilding Envir ironment Physic Ph ical Bar Barrier ers Water Fou Wat Fountains Plexiglass or acrylic in office spaces. Not active, bottle filling only. Dis Distancin ing Mar arkers Locker Usage Lock Physical distancing reminders on floor. Evaluating rotation of usage to maintain distance or using backpacks. Safet Saf ety Si Signage Mod odif ified Buil Building g Traf affic Cloth Face Covering Recommendations. Encouraging less student travel. How to Wash Hands. One-way traffic or staggered Symptom Screening. departure times to alleviate congestion. 5

  6. Creating Healt lthy Envir ironments Cleaning an Cle and Dis isin infecting Hygi giene Securing materials for increased Staff and student training at beginning classroom cleaning during the day. of school year. Increasing daily and weekly protocols, CDC, DHS, and LCHD provides sign including deep cleaning. templates for strategic placement. Ventil Ve ilatio ion Is Isol olatio ion Roo ooms Increasing air circulation of outside air Spaces identified and securing PPE. into buildings. Sanit San itation Stat Stations Evaluating availability and purchasing process. Increasing soap and paper towel ordering. 6

  7. Lea earnin ing Environment Distancin Dis ing of of Cla Classrooms Classroom Loc Cla Locations 36-square feet per student. Utilize larger spaces for distancing. Reconfiguring desks and removing Removal of furniture and reconfiguring furniture. of student and teacher workspaces may be necessary. Sha Shared ed Ob Obje jects Pro rocedures fo for La Large ge Grou roup Sp Spac aces Individual supplies. Materials delivered to classes instead Sanitation process for shared supplies. of using space. Coh Cohorts If using space, clean materials and As much as feasible, students kept space between classes. with same group of classmates. 7

  8. COVID ID-19 Day-to to-Day Operatio ions Visitors Vis COVID-19 Poin CO int of of Co Contact Access limited to essential visitors. School: Principal Lar Large ge Grou roup Even vents Students: Jill Mason Coulee COVID Compass provides Staff: Melissa Kaatz recommended amounts for group Pro rofessional Development gatherings. Professional development is Assemblies Ass conducted virtually. Larger celebrations are held virtually. Travel for PD is currently on hold. Field Trip rips Communication Plan lan Limit and monitor conditions before Frequent and systematic. final approval. 8

  9. Mobil ile Tec ech Dev evic ices fo for Stu tudents Take-home mobile technology devices are currently provided to all students in grades 6 and up. The District will begin offering take-home technology devices at the 1:1 ratio (1 device per student) to additional grade levels in a phased approach. Take-home technology devices will be provided to all fifth grade students this fall. Devices may be provided to lower grade levels of students in the future. 9

  10. Movin ing Between Traditional Learning In Instructional Models Online Learning PreK-5 Learning 10 10

  11. PreK-5 5 Traditio ional Cla lassroom Learning Retu eturn to to the the Cla Classroom Socia Soc ial Emotional l Students return under traditional daily Classroom communities will be school model with increased safety established while following safe, protocols. social distancing and free play will continue with supervision. Staffing St Mov oving g Betw tween Mod odels Staff will fulfill all responsibilities with increased safety protocols. This includes Instruction will be continuous. Staff cleaning small group spaces after will prepare to move between students are present and/or washing traditional and online learning based hands and wearing a cloth face covering. on local and state orders. Reso esources Alte Alternatives Additional materials may be needed to Students and families who are not support student learning within a safe comfortable will be able to attend environment. our Coulee Region Virtual Academy. 11 11

  12. PreK-5 5 Onli line Learning Onlin ine Le Lear arning Socia Soc ial Emotional l Students will be in school for face to Staff and administration will closely face learning as much as possible. monitor the well-being of children and Technology will be embedded into daily be prepared to support and intervene. instruction to engage learners and Mov oving g Betw tween Mod odels prepare them for online learning. Instruction will be continuous. Staff Devic ices an and Ac Access will prepare to move between Devices will be issued to families as traditional and online learning based needed in order for learning to continue on local and state orders. from home. Alte Alternatives Reso sources Students and families who are not Additional materials may be needed to comfortable will be able to attend support student learning within a safe our Coulee Region Virtual Academy. environment. 12 12

  13. 6-12 Learning Optio tions The he fol following sch chedule le opt optio ions be being stu tudied ed by by the the Scho School Dis District of of Holm olmen as as pos possible le instructio ional mod models to to sta tart the the 20 2020 - 20 2021 sch school year ye ar. . ▪ The schedule that the Middle School and/or High School implement may not be the same and will be based upon needs of each building and the ability to safely and effectively educate students. Sche Sc hedule Opt ptio ions Traditional Learning Blended Learning Online Learning 13 13

  14. 6-12 Tradit itional Learning In In-Person Read adin iness to to Le Lear arn Retu turn to to th the Cla Classroom Students return under traditional daily Preparing universal strategies for all school model with increased safety students and individualized plans for protocols. additional supports. Schedules Sc Grad rading Students resume daily scheduled Traditional grades will be used when classes and kept with same cohort of assessing student work and assigning students, as feasible. grades. Limits on capacity in common areas including hallways, cafeteria, LMC. 14 14

  15. 6-12 Ble lended Learnin ing Retu turn to to th the Cla lassroom In In-Person Read adin iness to to Le Lear arn When maintaining cohort student group Preparing universal strategies for all is not feasible, students return under students and individualized plans for alternate day school model with additional supports. continued increased safety protocols. Increased ability to meet with Sc Schedules prioritized groups. Example: Grad rading ▪ Group A: Monday/Wednesday Traditional grades will be used when ▪ Group B: Tuesday/Thursday assessing student work and assigning ▪ Friday: Academy (student/teacher grades. appointments, intervention, enrichment). Limits on capacity in common areas including hallways, cafeteria, LMC. 15 15

  16. 6-12 Onlin line Learning Retu turn to to Onlin ine Le Lear arning Onlin ine Read adiness to to Le Learn May be used for short or long term Teachers and schools identify and needs as determined by local health provide support for those who are unable department orders. to engage. Le Lear arning Pla latform Increased ability to meet with prioritized Content delivered through existing groups. Canvas courses. Grad rading Devic ice an and Ac Access Traditional grades will be used when Students use District supported device, assessing student work and assigning through household internet access or grades. District provided hotspot. Schedules Sc Monday-Thursday: Online Learning Friday: Flex Learning (enrichment, 16 16 interventions, and targeted support)

  17. Movin ing Between Blended Traditional Learning Learning In Instructional Models Online Learning 6-12 Learning 17 17

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