dso webinar

DSO webinar 5 August 2020 Simon Brooke 1 1 Webinar format 20 30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DSO webinar 5 August 2020 Simon Brooke 1 1 Webinar format 20 30 minutes Please stay on mute 30 minute presentation during the presentation questions & answers Submit written questions Please note the webinar Please complete the

  1. DSO webinar 5 August 2020 Simon Brooke 1 1

  2. Webinar format 20 – 30 minutes Please stay on mute 30 minute presentation during the presentation questions & answers Submit written questions Please note the webinar Please complete the poll using the chat function is being recorded at the end of the webinar 2

  3. Agenda DSO Introduction to webinar Background Decarbonisation and DSO Our DSO strategy Consultation process Questions documents 3

  4. Q&A panel Simon Brooke Ian Povey Acting Strategic Head of DSO Planning Transition Manager 4

  5. Background UK is committed Electricity use is ... and more It’s our Our DSO strategy to achieve net forecast to double customers responsibility to documents set zero by 2050 by 2050 as connecting their provide the out how we are customers use own generation electricity preparing for net North West target more low carbon will have a network of the zero is as early as 2038 technologies ... dramatic effect on future our network 5

  6. Stakeholder engagement journey to DSO Smart Grid Forum Flexible products Open Networks Principles Core DSO 2010-2015 and innovative project functions defined Open solutions 2017 “Flexibility is key 8 by Open Practice neutral to affordable LCT (ANM, CLASS, C2C DSO functions Networks facilitation adoption” etc) and principles are 19 by Ofgem explored and Consistency Several public Ofgem call for defined between network Formal position consultations standardisation operators paper and Several public 100,000’s consultation consultations stakeholders and customers Advisory panel (40) 6

  7. Drivers for DSO documents and consultation Demonstrate Demonstrate Clearer how IT Demonstrate Focus on stakeholder articulation of roadmap how our plans decarbonisation engagement DSO strategy relates to DSO are joined up and input strategy 7

  8. How decarbonisation and DSO transformation fit together Deliver net zero carbon Stimulate LCT Facilitate LCT Do efficiently and adoption adoption timely DSO strategy ‘Leading the North West to zero carbon’ plan Long term Operations, real time Markets and planning processes and planning settlements Grid digitalisation & data strategy Digital strategy consultation Cyber resilience strategy 8

  9. Our DSO strategy documents 2020 What we have achieved Analysis of Ofgem’s 19 How we will automate the since publishing our last DSO functions and how network and facilitate the strategy and our future our plans are aligned to provision of data plans them 9

  10. DSO strategy What we have achieved since publishing our last strategy and our future plans The future A national challenge A regional Our DSO guiding opportunity principles The scale of the Industry approach to challenge meeting future Engaging with our Developed in challenge stakeholders to conjunction with our How we are understand their stakeholders predicting future Government and views and include uptake of low carbon regulatory input Guide our latest their feedback technologies with strategy Ofgem functions and forecasting tools enablers 10

  11. DSO strategy – guiding principles DSO strategy In our first DSO demonstrates how we publication we identified DSO have kept the six principles for guiding principles at the heart of guiding our approach to delivering zero carbon principles implementing DSO electricity systems 11

  12. DSO strategy – roadmap 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035... ...2050 DCPR5 ED1 ED2 ED3 ED4 2038 drivers External GMCA decarbonise target 2012 2016 2020 2028 2029 2050 First EV in 1.5GW 200k EVs 2.3GW 500k EVs UK North West renewables renewables decarbonise target 2020 information DSO update/ 2018 EV market participation Customer Digitisation 1st DFES strategy 2019 2018 Carbon Powering the Flexible heat market plan North West’s future smart meters 2020 NMS IP-based device integration IT, data & NMS go live 2021 AMN Flexible gas integration AMN go live 2024 2017 Smart meter Smart meter rollout ink to DCC complete 2012-2015 Innovation EV and heat market design C2C project 2018-2020 2013-2015 CLASS project CLASS rollout 2014-2018 2020-2023 Whole system ANM Smart Street project Smart Street IRM Connections & flexibility 2016 Automation connection design 1st flexible connection offer 2017 2018 2020 Curtailment 1st flexibility Heat maps index tender Flexible connections BAU 12

  13. Analysis of DSO functions Analysis of Ofgem’s 19 DSO functions and how our plans are aligned to them Ofgem paper Three themes Review In context August 2019 Long-term planning Scope of 19 DSO Cross-referenced functions against eight ENA Consultation on key Operations, Open Networks enablers for DSO real-time processes High level view on functions and planning requirements to fulfil Functions and functions Linked to future activities that will Markets and business plan for make up the role of settlement Who is best placed next price review DSO to fulfil each function 13

  14. Ofgem’s DSO functions – August 2019 Operations, real-time Long term planning Markets and settlement processes and planning Switching, outage restoration and Network planning Aggregation of DERs distribution maintenance Forecasting demand and Monitor parts of the Dx system Design of principles of system Ofgem generation and DER under active network management access and trading arrangements identified 19 Connection studies and Supply of grid-operational Operation of flexibility trading operation procedures services using DER assets platforms and associated tasks distribution Supply of grid-operational system Integrated T-D planning services using DNO assets operation Identify DERs, ancillary service DER hosting capacity analysis functions (not reqts. and operation restrictions operator) Emergency response planning Data management and sharing Existing Co-ordination between T-D Delivery of new investment Extended interfaces DER net local value analysis Co-ordination of DER schedules New 14

  15. Function detail 15

  16. Grid digitalisation and data strategy How we will automate the network and facilitate the provision of data Smart grid vision Network control Customers The networks Benefits of a smart Network Flexible connections Smart substations grid management system Common industry Monitoring the LV Working with the Innovation as format for data network Energy Data business as usual Flexr project Increasing Taskforce Active network automation of HV Streamlining data Transitioning management network exchange across the innovation projects industry Publication of to BAU network data 16

  17. Other materials published Distribution future Decarbonisation Distribution system operation electricity scenarios pathways What we have How we will Overview of the Energy ‘blueprints’ Analysis of Ofgem’s achieved since inputs we will use for GM, Lancs and automate the 19 DSO functions publishing our last network and to create the Cumbria, developed and how our plans forecasts for our in conjunction with strategy and our facilitate the are aligned to them future plans provision of data 2020 DFES Cadent Gas 17

  18. Our consultation Consulting customers and We want to understand Will our plans benefit wider stakeholders your expectations customers? Feedback will ensure we Revised version of the Are our plans easy to prioritise your needs documents later this year understand? Consultation ends at 6.00pm on Wednesday 9 September 2020 18

  19. Q&A panel Simon Brooke Ian Povey Acting Strategic Head of Planning DSO Transition Manager Submit written questions using chat function 19

  20. Post-webinar poll Today’s webinar was successful in raising my understanding of our DSO strategy and activities 13% 21% 8% Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Slightly agree Strongly agree 17% No answer 42% 20

  21. Post-webinar poll I will take part in other webinars organised by Electricity North West to discuss the future of the electricity network 17% 17% Strongly disagree 4% Slightly disagree Slightly agree 8% Strongly agree No answer 54% 21

  22. Post-webinar poll Which consultation surveys will you complete? DSO strategy 25% Analysis of DSO functions Grid digitalisation & 50% data strategy None No answer 25% 0% 0% This question was set up incorrectly meaning only one option could be selected 22

  23. Post-webinar poll How did you hear about today’s webinar? 29% Email invitation E-newsletter LinkedIn Twitter Other 63% 8% No answer 0% 0% 0% 23


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