Fluvius, pleased to meet you
Fluvius is Belgian DSO active in all 308 Flemish municipalities
Fluvius in a European Perspective Regulators Regulation System Operators Network European Codes (ACER) Directives (Regulation) Electricity Act Federal Elia Technical CREG Regulation 380 kV (grid code) 150 kV Royal Decrees 70 kV Fluvius Technical 30 kV regulation for VREG PVN/DSO grid 15 kV Regional (grid code) 230 V Decrees Technical regulation for Sibelga BRUGEL managing Regional regional/DSO grid (grid code) reglementation Technical Ores regulation for RESA CWAPE managing local/DSO grid (grid code) Flanders: Energy Decree of 8 May 2009 Wallonia: Decree of 12 April 2001 3 Brussels-Capital: Ordinance of 19 July 2001
Our Key Figures Corporate Presentation November 2019 4
Fluvius Corporate Presentation
Digital meter – Nov 2019 11 1 6 8 0 Gas Gas Digitale meters 36% 41% Rollout Specific segments in totaal Elek. Elek. 59% 64% New connections 96918 (E&G) Budgetmeters Number of 14762 (E&G) Meter on demand Prosumers digitale meters digital meters digitale meters New prosumer Meter replacement … Started in Rollout July 2019, Roll Out 1,8 mio digital meters by 2022 15’ reads on Daily Meterreads Capabilities Remote Prepayment demand of net P1/S1 port 96% Transactions user Corporate Presentation
Data services – Types & Platform AANLEVEREN VAN INDIVIDUELE DATA Steeds via Mandaat! *afhankelijkheid lopend traject mandatenbeheer DIRECTE VERBRUIKSDATA INDIRECTE VERBRUIKSDATA REAL TIME DATA NEAR REAL TIME DATA EX POST METERTYPE METERTYPE METERTYPE REAL TIMR DATA DIGITAAL AMR DIGITAAL AMR AMR ANALOOG DIGITAAL ANALOOG Flex data Hub Datapoort AMR puls FLUVIUS APPLICATIES MARKTPLATFORM (P1 & S1) uitgang Atrias – CMS Sept 2021 My Fluvius - dataservices 2019: Dag E ≤ 15 min 1 jaar 2021 E ≤ 15 min 1 sec E ≤ 15 min 1 jaar Later: G ≤ 60 min E: 15 min G ≤ 60 min API 3th parties - G ≤ 60 min E: 15 min G: 60 min dataservices G: 60 min IO.E juli 2019 7 communication EIGENSCHAPPEN Directe verbruiksdata Indirecte verbruiksdata = Directe informatieve data Indirecte gevalideerde data = Afname & injectie Afname & injectie Index, cumulatieve indexen en/of Index, cumulatieve indexen en/of = verbruiksgegevens verbruiksgegevens Niet gevalideerd Validatie laag Aggregatie niet mogelijk Aggregatie mogelijk SOORTEN METERS Kleine verbruiker Groote verbruiker >56 KVA Analoge meter AMR Digitale meter
Data services – Contractual Framework - overleg VREG 13/06/2019 13/06/2019 8
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