doing things differently exploring collaborative

Doing Things Differently Exploring collaborative commissioning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Doing Things Differently Exploring collaborative commissioning Laura Menzies (Dundee City Council) Rose McConnachie (CCPS) About the programme providers and commissioners working in residential or buildings based support for children

  1. Doing Things Differently Exploring collaborative commissioning Laura Menzies (Dundee City Council) Rose McConnachie (CCPS)

  2. About the programme • providers and commissioners working in residential or buildings based support for children and young people • How to ( re)design services to make them more personalised. • How to commission services in a way that promotes personalisation and innovation. • How services and • commissioners can work better together

  3. What we did • 9 months- 1 meeting/month • 16 participants (commissioners and voluntary sector providers) • Action learning approach • Developed a toolkit

  4. What we wanted to achieve • Learn and work together • Understand the signs of productive partnerships • Get practical benefits • Explore specific questions and challenges

  5. Discussion • case studies and reflective question cards are on your tables. • In pairs or threes take some time to read the case study. • Use the reflective question cards to explore the situation and how could go about resolving it.

  6. Feedback • What one thing is the most important in resolving this issue? • How did you find the questions? • Could you use them in your own work?

  7. The Doing Things Differently toolkit • Reflective questions • Collaborative methods • Principles and practicalities • What we learned during the process • Launching on the 27 th of September 2016 • Available at: •


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