Educat i onal Faci l i t y Sol ut i ons Gr oup May 2018
Joanne Branch, S chool Facilit y Planning Coordinat or S an Diego Count y Office of Educat ion John Quenzer D-M AX Engineering, Inc.
MWELO and AB 854 S MS 4 Voluntary Program Overview Program Components Phase II Crosswalk Relevant Current Events Contact Information
MWELO – CAL Code of Regs –Title 23 – establishes a structure for planning, designing, installing, maintaining and and managing water efficient landscapes in new and modernization proj ects. Approved on emergency basis during recent drought - effective date of Jul 2015 Applies to: new irrigated landscape within proj ect of 500 square feet or greater rehabilitated irrigated landscape within proj ect of 1,200 square feet or greater evapotranspiration factor for newly installed landscape < 0.65 prescriptive compliance option for proj ects of 2,500 sf of less Minimum rehab landscape area > 75 percent of building area
Requires State Water Board , in consultation with the regional water quality control boards , and the Division of the State Architect within the Department of General S ervices to: recommend best design and use practices for stormwater and dry weather runoff capture practices, as defined, that can generally be applied to all new, reconstructed, or altered public schools, including school grounds. requires the Board to submit recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature on or before January 1, 2019 requires the Board and the S tate Department of Education to post the recommendations on their respective Internet Web sites by March 1, 2019
37 Member Districts across S outhern California 2006: S torm Water Management Plans developed to mirror existing Phase II Permit requirements Annual Reports documenting progress Annual training sessions Annual site visits Educational material distribution
S mall MS 4 Permit Element Voluntary S chool District Programs Program Management Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Post-Construction Monitoring Program Effectiveness Annual Reporting
Program Management S WMP adopted by S chool Boards District Policy amendments to facilitate effective enforcement of storm water requirements (CS BA Green Policy)
Public Education and Outreach Training of district personnel Inclusion of storm water language in contracts and school-use applications Public Involvement and Participation S WMP posted to District websites S torm water opportunities poster to promote cleanups (historically) District-specific clubs, Earth day activities, recycling/ composting programs, etc. S WPPP Interns presenting to S chool Boards
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Outfall maps Car washes disallowed Lunch areas plumbed to sewer S taff training Inlet stenciling/ medallions Facility inspection (annual comprehensive Facilities Inspection Tool)
Construction S ite Runoff Control Program S ubj ect to the Construction General Permit Design and post-construction S torm water language included in contract templates, S WPPPs enforced In-house inspection tool provided Annual visits may include construction sites S taff training for smaller in-house proj ects
Post-Construction S torm Water Management Program Inventoried installations w/ annual inspection and maintenance S ite design measures and LID voluntary (encouraged) DROPS program, rain barrels/ cisterns, internship program S B 541: S chool facilities storm water and dry weather run off capture practices study. S tate Water Board, Regional Board, and DS A to recommend best design and use practice for stormwater and dry weather runoff capture practices as defined that can be applied to all new, reconstructed, or altered public schools, including school grounds by 2019 re- issuance.
Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping IPM Program in place Litter control programs District facility inspections and clean-up Hotspot inventories (wood shops, auto shops, etc.) Lunch areas increasingly covered and plumbed to sewer S taff training
Monitoring Bus Maintenance Y ards S ubj ect to IGP 21 Member Districts included in Compliance Group S ource investigations upon discovery S WPPP Internship Program monitoring
Program Effectiveness Progress tracking: Work order systems, inspection forms Effectiveness evaluations Goal setting Primary Differences between Permitted and Voluntary Programs Programs tailored to District needs and priorities Resources allocated to “ boots on the ground” Outfall monitoring not regularly conducted
Behavioral changes are a big part of the program. It takes time to change behaviors, but slow and steady wins the race! It takes time to work the program, but it can be broken into component parts and will have 5 years to make required progress. S ome money will be needed for both time and physical “ stuff” . Tracking and reporting will be required. The teaching side of the house is dictat ed by others. Hard wall is up for in- classroom education. S et it and forget it won’ t work. Active program, ongoing actions, and continuous improvement required.
Reissuance of MS4/Inclusion of Schools CAS H has advocated for K-12 schools in discussions with the S tate Water Board about including schools in the MS 4 permit for over a decade. CAS H helping to set-up outreach workshops in as many of the regions of California as possible. CAS H will convene the CAS H S torm Water Committee will include key schools and stakeholders to advocate for K-12 schools as reissuance of the MS 4 permit is being developed. CAS H will work with CAS QA and other key organizations to ensure K-12 schools have access to resources to assist them develop and maintain a storm water program. CAS H will conduct outreach and education to K-12 schools once the MS 4 permit is approved and goes into effect. For more information, contact Ian Padilla at (916) 441-3300/ ipadilla@
Bill Dos S antos, S r. Director S an Diego County Office of Education bill.dossantos@ (858) 292-3680 Joanne Branch, Planning Coordinator S an Diego County Office of Education j branch@ (619) 929-6334 John Quenzer, D-M AX Engineering, Inc. j quenzer@ (858) 586-6600 x25 Ian Padilla, C.A.S .H. ipadilla@ (916) 441-3300
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