Darwin Marine Supply Base (DMSB) Site Induction Revision #8 (February 2020)
East Arm Logistics Precinct – DMSB Location Rail Freight Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction ASCO Group Darwin Marine Port Supply Base 2
ASCO – Induction Requirements 1. Complete the Darwin Port Induction 2. ASCO DMSB Site Induction (Valid for 2 years) Provided with ASCO Induction Pass • • On completion, personnel have access and able to complete work in operational areas (excluding Landside Restriction Zones when in place) Marine Security Identification Card (MSIC) may be required – refer to ASCO Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Management 3. Baker Hughes Mud Plant • If access is required contact Baker Hughes Mud Plant Manager (Mobile 0419 817 613) 4. Visitor Induction • Completed at the DMSB Security Office on arrival to site ASCO Group • Must report to the DMSB Security Office every visit to obtain an Access Pass and return to the Office on departure Access to Operational Area only, cannot undertake work whilst on site • Must be escorted by inducted personnel • 3
Conditions of Entry As conditions of entry to DMSB, all personnel shall: Abide by the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act and Regulations 2003 (MTOFSA/R) and DMSB • Maritime Security Plan as a condition of entry. Ensure authorised personnel onsite only, and comply with access arrangements and security measures as outlined • in the DMSB Induction Conduct themselves in a manner that will not affect the health, safety & wellbeing of themselves and others, as • Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction per Duty of Care requirements • Display identification cards (MSIC/Induction Cards) when required. *If person does not have an MSIC they will be required to be monitored by an MSIC holder • Third Party Access Conditions Agreement is to be signed by contractors that perform maintenance / works on site, confirming acceptance of conditions (does not include Stevedores or DMSB lease holders). • Remain vigilant at all times to both safety and security threats ASCO Group • Adhere to site rules/ requirements as signposted / communicated, including PPE Failure to abide with the above direction is a violation of the DMSB Maritime Security Plan and the Maritime Transport 4 and Offshore Facilities Security Act and Regulations 2003 (MTOFSA/R) and will result in removal from site.
Undertaking Operations Consultation between DMSB management and facility users shall occur prior to task commencement, ensuring appropriate measures have been met. Operations require DMSB Management approval prior to commencement and the following measures are to be adhered to at all times: Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Pre-task toolbox/ prestart meeting to confirm task, also involving other contractors / personnel where simultaneous • operations (SIMOPS) occur Review and sign on to a Permit to Work, where applicable to task/ requested by DMSB Management • • Any plant and equipment must be certified / licenced and a prestart completed prior to commencement of work • Work only to be undertaken by a competent person; licence checks will be conducted before commencement of high risk activities/ works e.g. electrician, crane operations ASCO Group • Risk assessment conducted for task i.e. JHA/ SWMS to demonstrate controls to mitigate risks ALARP • Advise DMSB Management of any Dangerous Goods brought to site. Must be correctly labelled and have SDS. Report any near miss/ incident occurrence onsite • 5 Utilise Stop the Job, where witness to any hazard/ potential for incident occurrence •
ASCO Values and Behaviours ASCO Group Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction 6
HSEQ Policy Statement • ASCO HSEQ Policy Statement establishes the commitment and intent to protecting the health and safety of everybody involved in activities, the people who come into contact with operations and the sustainability of the environments in which ASCO operates. • Responsibility for compliance with the HSEQ Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Policy Statement at the DMSB lies with the ASCO DMSB Management Team. • It is the responsibility of all individuals to be aware of the health and safety risks and to take measures to reduce these risks not only to ASCO Group themselves, but to their colleagues and members of the public. 7
ASCO Life Saving Rules Life Saving Rules are key actions to be taken, to prevent fatal injuries during higher risk activities • They are non-negotiable, all stakeholders at the DMSB must comply with these – they are there to protect your life • Work does not start until we are all aware of the LSR’s that relate to the task and can confirm that we can follow them throughout. • Non compliance may result in removal of the personnel’s DMSB Site Access Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction ASCO Group 8
OHS Legislation Responsibilities All parties involved with work have responsibilities for safety and health at work. Duties of an Employer: An Employer is required to: • Provide a workplace, so far as is practicable, where employees are not exposed to hazards Provide a safe system of work, in which all aspects of the work have been considered as an integrated whole • Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Provide employees with information, instruction, training and supervision to allow them to work in a safe manner • • Engage in consultation and cooperation • Provide PPE (where hazards cannot be avoided) • Provide Safe Plant (any machinery, equipment, appliance, implement or tool) and Substances (any natural or artificial entity, composite material, mixture or formulation) ASCO Group Where a person uses a contractor to carry out some of the work associated with the trade or business, that person (called the ‘principal’) then becomes the employer of the contractor, the contractor’s employees and any sub-contractors. The principal has the same duty of care to these people as he or she would have to his or her own employees 9
OHS Legislation Responsibilities Duties of an Employee: Employees must take reasonable care for their own safety and health at work and avoid harming the safety and health of other people through any act or omission at work. This includes : Following employer’s safety and health instructions • Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Using personal protective clothing and equipment • • Taking good care of equipment • Reporting hazards • Reporting work-related injuries or harm to health ASCO Group Co-operating with employers so that they are able to carry out their duties • 10
DMSB Safety Essentials Brief Emergency Response Security Requirements Environmental Conditions Personnel Protective Equipment When you hear a siren or instructed to Visitors to follow all instructions Seek shade when resting (PPE) • • do so by ASCO personnel: from Security/ASCO management Keep yourself hydrated Safety footwear • • • Stop what you are doing • All visitors to report any potential • Apply Sun screen • Ankle to wrist clothing & Visitor • Listen and follow ASCO personnel security breeches to Security • If affected by conditions please Safety Vest instructions Officer seek assistance from ASCO • Hard Hat Report anything that seems If you are unsure - report it personnel. Safety Glasses /Gloves • • • unusual. All PPE to Australian Standards • Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Plant/Personnel Interactions Walkways Alcohol /Drugs Environment Please be aware of the following plant Always use designated walkways Alcohol and drugs are prohibited We operate in an environmentally • • • operating ; within the MSB within the Darwin marine Supply sensitive area. • Forklifts • Pedestrians are required to give Base • Please place all waste in the bins • Mobile cranes way to traffic • Personnel may be required to provided. • Heavy transport vehicles • Always follow direction and undertake DNA testing as a • Please report any potential Delivery vehicles instruction provided by condition of entry environmental issues to supervisors • Management and or ASCO management ASCO Group 11
Maritime Security Plan Maritime Security Plan The Maritime Security Plan (MSP) is written in accordance with the requirements of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act and Regulations 2003 (MTOFSA/R) and is issued under the authority of the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) the Facility. Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) PFSO’s for the DMSB are the ASCO Darwin Marine Supply Base Manager & ASCO Facilities Management Co - ordinator Security Direction Where directions are received in regards to increase in Security Level, the PFSO will immediately ASCO Group communicate the requirements of the Notice all DMSB users. 12
Security Threats Identified Internal Factors Identified External factors • Contractual changes • Terrorism • Industrial espionage • Workforce composition Intentional environmental sabotage • • IR/ER issues • Politically motivated groups • Theft Darwin Marine Supply Base Induction • Organised crime • Petty theft (personal items) • Activists Vehicles • Vandalism • Project equipment • • Arson Information • • Malicious damage • Fraud ASCO Group • Illegal weapons • Contraband 13