trivalley teacher induction project

TriValley Teacher Induction Project Supporting Students One Teacher - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education That Inspires Lifelong Learning TriValley Teacher Induction Project Supporting Students One Teacher at a Time Program Purpose & Goals 1:1 job-embedded, differentiated coaching Accelerate teacher practice Positively impact

  1. Education That Inspires Lifelong Learning TriValley Teacher Induction Project Supporting Students One Teacher at a Time

  2. Program Purpose & Goals 1:1 job-embedded, differentiated coaching Accelerate teacher practice ➔ Positively impact student learning through focused coaching ➔ Retain quality teachers ➔ TVTIP is not… Clear teacher credentials (MS, SS, Ed Spec) ➔ ● Required “seat time” for PD Isolated meetings ● ● Evaluative ● Paperwork- driven Education hat Inspires Lifelong Learning

  3. At a glance... Education That Inspires Lifelong Learning

  4. After completion of the TVTIP program, the following practices continue to be incorporated into teachers’ everyday practice... Meta Analysis data from Visible Learning by John Hattie, 2009 Lasting Impact

  5. Voices around DUSD Thanks to... Rob Slauson Wells Middle School Principal Colleen Sill 2nd Year TVTIP Teacher Amador Elementary Rob Frazier TVTIP Graduate 2017 Dublin High School Education That Inspires Lifelong Learning

  6. Education That Inspires Lifelong Learning


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