14-071 AGENDA Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Plan DMPS Human Resources December 9, 2014 Isaiah McGee
Purpose Iowa law requires school districts to develop affirmative action • standards. Sets standards for the recruiting, hiring, and promotion minorities • to eliminate the present and future effects of past employment discrimination. Underrepresentation occurs when the targeted group’s • representation in the workforce is less than their representation in the available labor force. Goals are targets for recruitment and outreach and should be • reasonably attainable by means of applying good faith efforts. They are not quotas. Only require DMPS to engage in outreach and other efforts to • broaden the pool of qualified candidates to include groups previously excluded.
SECTION I STATEMENTS AND RESOULTIONS • Administrative Statement • Designation of Responsibility • Communication of Affirmative Action Plan
SECTION II POLICES AND REGULATIONS • Introduction • Legislation and Administrative Guidelines • Policy Statement and Supportive Board Policies • Procedures for Resolution of Complaints
SECTION III QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS • Relevant Labor Market • District Workforce Demographics Analysis • Applicant/New Hire Comparison • Projected Vacancies • Explanation of Quantitative Analyses • Quantitative Goals
Relevant Labor Market 2013 City of Des Des Moines Polk Co Regional State of Iowa DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS Demographics Moines MSA labor force Staff Teachers Admin Class (All) Staff Total 207,510 569,633 430,640 402,570 3,090,416 4,676 2,747 121 1579 76.4 83.6 80.7 88.2 88.7 86 90 91 69 % White % Hispanic 12 6.7 7.6 4.6 4.9 4 3 5 7 % Black 10.2 4.7 6 3.2 2.9 6 2 7 12 % Asian 4.4 3 3.5 3.1 1.7 3 1 0 6 % Other 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.8 0.4 0.3 3 0 1 % Multi 3.4 2.4 2.4 0.9 1.8 0.7 1 0 1
Demographics Analysis All Staff
Demographics Analysis T eachers
Demographics Analysis Administrators
Demographics Analysis Classified Staff
Applicant/New Hire Comparison DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS DMPS 2013 Student Staff App (all) Teacher Teacher Teacher Admin Admin Class Pop. (All) New App App Staff hires 4,676 5,671 2,747 170 2,556 121 383 1579 Total 32,413 % White 45 86 79 90 95 92 91 76 69 % Hispanic 23.5 4 2 3 4 1.5 5 1 7 % Black 17.5 6 12 2 0 3 7 14 12 % Asian 6.9 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 6 % Other 0.5 0.3 1 3 0 0.5 0 0 1 6.4 0.7 4 1 1 2 0 8 1 % Multi
Projected Vacancies Projected Vacancies The table below represents the projected vacancies in 3 major job classifications. Figures are based on three year trend data, projected retirements, and transfers. These numbers are used along with the labor market, workforce analysis, and 2013 applicant pool/new hire comparison as the basis for establishing the quantitative goals of this plan. Expected New Hires Classification 2015-2016 Administrators 11 Teachers 200 Non-professional Staff 100
District Comparison No consistent comparative data exist with similar size districts • Non-minority teaching staff at 82% nationally. • Only five states had teaching populations that were below 75% non- • minority. The percentage of non-minority teachers for Iowa is 98.7%. • Urban Education Network (Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, • Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux City, percentages of non-minority teachers hovering around 92%. Similar size districts Buffalo, Cincinnati, Horry County (Myrtle Beach), • Indianapolis, Little Rock, Minneapolis, and Portland non-minority teaching staff percentages hovering around 85% or higher.
Quantitative Goals 1. Increase the overall percentage of Hispanic and other minority employees within the District from 17% to 20% (118) by June 30, 2016. 2. Increase the percentage of minority teachers from 8.5% to 10% (44) by June 30, 2016. 3. Increase the percentage of minority administrators from 14.5% to 20% (9) by June 30, 2016. 4. Increase the gender balance of employees within the classified staff population from 23% male to 25% (22) by June 30, 2016 5. Update Equal Employment Opportunity data to include two year trend data on for applicants as well as new hires 6. Formalize and implement the affirmative action hiring procedures by June 30, 2016.
SECTION IV Qualitative Goals 1. Recruitment practices and policies 2. Study of the applicant pool and new hires 3. Application screening policies and practices 4. Interview selection policies and practices 5. Professional development, training and mentoring 6. Collective bargaining impact 7. Hindrance of external laws, policies or practices
Recruitment Practices and Policies Recruit at the state college/universities job fairs. Attend at least one • regional or national job fair. Develop partnerships with regional universities with large racial and ethnic minority percentage populations. Advertise on national websites for teachers and administrators to • increase the number of minority candidates. Advertise in newspapers and radio that serve communities with • extensive minority populations. Work with other employment personnel including involving current • minority staff to network with friends and family, encouraging minority candidates to apply for open positions to recruit staff.
Recruitment Practices and Policies Strengthen the district’s 3D program that is geared at developing District • Minority classified staff to work with the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) and Drake University to earn a teaching degree Further develop and support the district’s Dream to Teach Initiative, that • works with DMPS racial and ethnic minority students as early as middle school to develop interest in teaching and giving back to their community with the goal of the district providing College tuition in exchange for a commitment to teach in the District. Networking with districts of similar size and student demographics to • reciprocate strategies and ideas: (Cincinnati, Horry County (Myrtle Beach), Portland, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Little Rock, Buffalo) Utilize research from national educational organizations and institutions. • (American Association of School Personnel Administrators, Batelle for Kids, American Education Research Association) Update the District’s website with specific equity relevant content. •
Applicant Pool and New Hires Study • Conduct a District wide employee demographic survey • Review of the applicant pool and new hires • Conduct focus group of current DMPS minority teachers and administrators
Application Screening • Review of the application and hiring process and procedures for biases • Review of job descriptions to include a statement regarding districts diversity philosophy • Review of job descriptions to include the expectation of appropriate culturally responsive decision making
Interview Selection • Review of the interview selection and hiring practices • Review of the gender and ethnic make-up of interview teams • Support group and/or mentor for minority employee advancement
Professional Development • Training for supervisory staff on appropriate hiring practices • Districtwide cultural proficiency training
Collective Bargaining • Dissemination of the Affirmative Action Plan to DMEA and AFCME local bargaining units and reminder about the goals • Review of contract items compared to affirmative action and equity goals
Hindrance of External laws • Review of licensing, background checks, and other state and federal requirements • Reinstatement of a District Equity Advisory Committee
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