an upside down world

AN UPSIDE DOWN WORLD ISAIAH 24 The Lord is the only refuge from the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AN UPSIDE DOWN WORLD ISAIAH 24 The Lord is the only refuge from the coming storm. Background: Isaiah 24-27 , the next four chapters. After prophesying concerning eleven different nations, Isaiah enlarged his prophecy and described a

  1. AN UPSIDE DOWN WORLD ISAIAH 24 The Lord is the only refuge from the coming storm.  Background: Isaiah 24-27 , the next four chapters.  After prophesying concerning eleven different nations, Isaiah enlarged his prophecy and described a judgment that would fall on the whole world .  The Hebrew word erets , Earth, is used sixteen times in chapter 24 , and is translated as land, earth, and world in the NKJV.  In light of context, Isaiah 24-27 describes a global judgment that will end with the destruction of God’s enemies and the restoration of God’s people, Israel, in their land. Obviously not all of this has occurred. 2

  2. A BIT OF AN OVERVIEW OF CHAPTER 24  This chapter describes that the result of God’s judgment will be a world that is empty, laid waste, and distorted, and whose inhabitants are scattered. Know Jesus personally, and you can skip this part. Reminding us of Gen. 11:9 .  Nobody on earth will escape, for “ God is no respecter of persons” ( Acts 10:34 ). Position, power, and wealth are no protection against God’s wrath. Why will God punish the inhabitants of the entire world?  Because they have defiled the world with their sins and mistreated the nation Israel, God’s chosen people. Joel 3:1-3  When Adam sinned, God cursed the ground as a part of the punishment ( Gen. 3:17-19, Rom. 8:20-22 ) and God warned the people of Israel that their sins polluted the Promised Land. Num. 35:33  This was also the reason for the flood. Gen. 6:5-12 3

  3. THE TRUTH IS, MANKIND IS A MESS  Long before Moses gave the Law, people knew that it was wrong to lie, steal, and kill– so do we –but they did these things anyway. Rom. 1:18-2:16  Isaiah 24:16 suggests that God will also judge the world because people are treacherous and do not keep their word.  Verses 6-13 give a vivid picture of what it will be like on the earth during the “ Day of the Lord”—the Great Tribulation.  During that terrible time, God’s judgments will destroy the crops as well as the workers who would till the soil. Rev. 6:8, 9:15  No matter where the unsaved sinners go, they will not be able to hide from the wrath of God. Rev. 6:15-17  Jesus said that before the “Day of the Lord,” society would be as it was in the days right before the Flood — NOT GOOD! Matt. 24:37-42 4

  4. COMING ATTRACTIONS OF THE NOT-GOOD KIND—THINGS TO COME! The Lord’s last days of judgement during the Great Tribulation will:  Purge the earth of its inhabitants.  Cause a polar axis shift or flip.  The destruction will affect every last remaining inhabitant of the earth—so you really want to be in Heaven when this happens (AKA have a personal relationship with Jesus—by rapture or natural death).  The Great Tribulation with be an unimaginable time of destruction, famine calamity, war, death, disease, earthquakes, tyranny, fear, sadness, loss and ruin. Rev. 6-19, Luke 21, Matt. 24 The earth will wobble and fall! 5

  5. GOD HAS A BETTER PLAN I really don’t want to be here when all that happens and thanks to the Harpazo (Rapture) or my time here being over because I am “ absent from this body,” I won’t. 1 Thess. 4:15-17, 5:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:1-8  “In that day” ( v. 21 ) we will finally see the Devil and his demonic forces get their due!  The Devil and his demons know that their time is coming when they are going to be cast into the abusso , awaiting final judgement. Rev 20:1-3  After a thousand years, Satan will be released for a short period, to torment those who were children born to Tribulation saints during the Millennium, who were unable to sin because of Christ’s rule but yet would still possess a sin nature. 6

  6. OH GLORIOUS DAY! v. 23  Finally Satan and his followers will be cast into Gehenna, Hell , the Lake of Fire, a place of outer darkness. A place that is out beyond the furthest galaxy. Out into space and to the darkness beyond the light of any galaxy.  Hell is no joke—it is a place of weeping and wailing, gnashing of teeth, evil and pain—total separation from God, light and goodness. Rev 20:10-15 The really good news is you do not have to fear that place if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.  Because He will reign from Mount Zion in peace and joy — and no political or military force on this earth can stop Him! I can’t wait for that day. Look up—our Redeemer draws near! 7

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