distance learning 2020 2021

Distance Learning 2020-2021 Ms. Landry, 5th Grade Dos Caminos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Distance Learning 2020-2021 Ms. Landry, 5th Grade Dos Caminos Elementary Schedule- 8:10-1:40 Daily 8:10-9:00 ELA Whole Group Zoom 9:00-9:45 ELA Small Group/ Independent Practice 9:45-10:10 Whole Group Writing 10:10-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:05

  1. Distance Learning 2020-2021 Ms. Landry, 5th Grade Dos Caminos Elementary

  2. Schedule- 8:10-1:40 Daily 8:10-9:00 ELA Whole Group Zoom 9:00-9:45 ELA Small Group/ Independent Practice 9:45-10:10 Whole Group Writing 10:10-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:05 Math Whole Group Zoom 11:05-11:50 Math Small Group/ Independent Practice 11:05-12:35 LUNCH 12:35-1:00 Whole Group Science of Social Studies 1:00-1:20 End of day wrap up 1:20-1:40 Students complete independent work offline

  3. Expectations for Zoom Meetings It would be helpful if you could go over and remind students of the CHAMPS expectations (Communication, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success) for Distance Learning and Zoom meetings. Here is the CHAMPS document that is posted in Google Classroom and was shared with students today: CHAMPS Expectations for Zoom Meetings

  4. Connecting to Zoom, Attendance & Grading Students will connect to daily Zoom meetings via Google Classroom. There will be links daily to each Zoom meeting. Attendance is required, and students will receive a participation grade for attending each Zoom meeting (Dojo Point & Grade for Report Card) Students will also receive a grade based on completion and accuracy of assignments. We are using standards based grading on all report cards this year, so students will receive a 1, 2, or 3 based on mastery of each subject’s power standards.

  5. Class Dojo To build community, for start the year students will receive one point for: 1. Attending each day 2. Completing and Submitting each assignment on time 3. Participating 4. Leading by example- i.e. helping another student 5. Wearing college shirts on College Thursdays and DCS shirts or dolphin blue on Fridays a. UCSB is our class college- colors are blue and gold (or yellow) After a student earns 20 points, they can choose to skip one independent practice/ HW activity (upon teacher approval). Parent and student signups for Class Dojo will be emailed to you separately. Both students and parents should join, this way both students and parents can monitor accounts. Students will be able to post assignments in their portfolios to share with the class.

  6. Curriculum ELA + Writing: Benchmark Universe: mini lessons daily, independent reading and activities daily, writing lesson daily, independent writing activities daily Math: Engage NY/ Great MInds: mini lessons daily, independent practice daily during school hours, selected HW practice problems daily (can be completed between 1:20-1:40 time) Science: Mystery Science (alternated with Social Studies weekly/biweekly) Social Studies: Studies Weekly (alternated with Science weekly/biweekly) Extra Practice: Moby Max, Read Theory, Xtra Math

  7. THANK YOU PARENTS!! This is not ideal for any of us, so thank you so much for all you have done already, and all you will be doing to help your child not lose this valuable learning time. Distance Learning could not be done without your help and support! I am very appreciative of all your efforts! If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or any information you would like me to know about your child, please email me. llandry @pleasantvalleysd.org My email is on my Teacher Page on the DCS website.


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