2020-2021 BUDGET INFORMATION April 22, 2020
Tonight’s Information ● Proposed 2020-2021 Appropriations ● Proposed 2020-2021 Revenues ● Anticipated Budget Timeline
Proposed Appropriations
Required Budget Components ● Administrative ● Program ● Capital
General Fund Administrative Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change BOE District Clerk District Meeting Chief School Administrator Business Administration Auditing Fiscal Agent Fee Legal
General Fund Administrative Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change Public Information and Services Central Printing and Mailing Unallocated Insurance BOCES Administrative Costs Curriculum Dev. and Supervision Supervision-Regular School NYSLRS TRS
General Fund Administrative Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change Social Security Workers' Compensation Life Insurance Health Insurance Union Welfare Benefits
General Fund Program Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change Teaching-Regular Schools Special Education Occupational Education Teaching-Special Schools School Library Network Services Computer Assisted Instruction Attendance
General Fund Program Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change Guidance Health Services Psychological Services Co-Curricular Activities Athletics Transportation Garage Building Civic Activities/Census
General Fund Program Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change NYSLRS TRS Social Security Workers' Compensation Life Insurance Health Insurance Union Welfare Benefits
General Fund Capital Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change
General Fund Capital Appropriations Percentage Dollar Change Change
2020-2021 A Fund Appropriations by Component Dollar Percentage Change Change
2020-2021 A Fund Appropriations by Component
2019-2020 A Fund Appropriations by Component
What are some major additions to the budget? ● We have budgeted $50,160 for the Capital Region Communications Service. This amount is BOCES aidable. ● Our vocational education billing through BOCES will increase by $177,932 for the 2020-2021 school year. This is based on usage two years prior. ● Our budgeted debt payments will increase by $617,644 due to the anticipated June bonding of the current capital project. State aid will offset this increase.
What has been removed from the budget? ● Three teaching assistants are retiring at the end of the school year. Only one is budgeted to be replaced. ● Two teachers are retiring at the end of the school year. Both are budgeted to be replaced, but their roles will likely look different. ● We have not included any additional budgetary appropriations for new student clubs and activities.
Proposed Revenues
Revenue Breakdown ● State Aid ● Property Taxes ● Other Revenue ● Transfers from Reserves and Fund Balance
Proposed Revenue
State Aid Breakdown $ 9,930,587.00 $ 10,614,772.00
2020-2021 Proposed Revenue Breakdown
2019-2020 Revenue Breakdown
Anticipated Budget Timeline Most budgetary deadlines are set by counting backwards from the date of the ● annual budget vote. For example, the Property Tax Report Card is due to NYS twenty-four days before the vote. At this point in time, a date for the annual budget vote has still not been set. ● This impacts most of the other annual deadlines. The governor has stated that there may be an additional cut in 2020-2021 ● state aid announced at the end of April. This has led many districts to wait until May before approving a 2020-2021 budget, as an additional cut in state aid would impact districts’ spending decisions.
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