disposals for young offenders from london

Disposals for young offenders from London Custody , 1242, Pre-court , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Disposals for young offenders from London Custody , 1242, Pre-court , 1988, (8%) Reoffending (14%) rate 66.4% Reoffending rate 26.2% Community Order , 4281, (29%) Reoffending rate 61% First tier* , 7223, (49%) Reoffending rate 40.6% *

  1. Disposals for young offenders from London Custody , 1242, Pre-court , 1988, (8%) Reoffending (14%) rate 66.4% Reoffending rate 26.2% Community Order , 4281, (29%) Reoffending rate 61% First tier* , 7223, (49%) Reoffending rate 40.6% * First Tier disposals can include absolute discharge, bind over, compensation order, conditional discharge, fines, referral orders, reparation orders or sentence deferred

  2. Youth Proven Re-offending rates by borough in FY 2010/11

  3. Reoffending rates for young people leaving custody broken down by borough

  4. Proven reoffending rates of juveniles leaving custody between 2008 and 2010 in London

  5. Reoffending rates for young offenders given a community penalty broken down by borough 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

  6. Funding flows in London for young offenders Home Office Voluntary sector – Ministry of Justice (Total spend for London is £26m in £3.9m for 2012/13 Positive Futures and £3.9m for 2012/13 (£394m to the YJB) 2010/11) Innovation Fund Estimation £80m for Estimation £80m for 2011/12 (based on 2011/12 (based on the assumption the assumption £10.5m £10.5m Young Offender London includes 20%) London includes 20%) (2010/11 (2010/11 Institutions estimate) estimate) MOPAC Youth Justice Board £7.48m (Joint £7.48m (Joint funding by YJB funding by YJB and Local Secure Children’s and Local £2.1m prevention Authorities) Homes £2.1m prevention Authorities) £100k for £100k for £1m for £1m for and substance misuse £3.06m in and substance misuse (2010/11 £3.06m in Project Oracle (2010/11 Project Oracle CAGGAK CAGGAK £18m for 2012/13 £18m for 2012/13 for 2012/13 2011/12 for 2012/13 estimate) 2011/12 for 2012/13 estimate) for 2012/13 2012/13 2012/13 £3.5m (Joint funding by YJB MPS prevention Youth Offending and Local Secure training Local Authorities Other projects Teams Authorities) centres (2010/11 estimate) £28m (assumed 20% £28m (assumed 20% NOMS of national funding) of national funding)

  7. Youth Offending Team Funding Cost Per Offender £0 £2,000 £4,000 £6,000 £8,000 £10,000 £12,000 RE-OFFENDING RATE COST PER OFFENDER 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% Re-offending rate


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