Disposals for young offenders from London Custody , 1242, Pre-court , 1988, (8%) Reoffending (14%) rate 66.4% Reoffending rate 26.2% Community Order , 4281, (29%) Reoffending rate 61% First tier* , 7223, (49%) Reoffending rate 40.6% * First Tier disposals can include absolute discharge, bind over, compensation order, conditional discharge, fines, referral orders, reparation orders or sentence deferred
Youth Proven Re-offending rates by borough in FY 2010/11
Reoffending rates for young people leaving custody broken down by borough
Proven reoffending rates of juveniles leaving custody between 2008 and 2010 in London
Reoffending rates for young offenders given a community penalty broken down by borough 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%
Funding flows in London for young offenders Home Office Voluntary sector – Ministry of Justice (Total spend for London is £26m in £3.9m for 2012/13 Positive Futures and £3.9m for 2012/13 (£394m to the YJB) 2010/11) Innovation Fund Estimation £80m for Estimation £80m for 2011/12 (based on 2011/12 (based on the assumption the assumption £10.5m £10.5m Young Offender London includes 20%) London includes 20%) (2010/11 (2010/11 Institutions estimate) estimate) MOPAC Youth Justice Board £7.48m (Joint £7.48m (Joint funding by YJB funding by YJB and Local Secure Children’s and Local £2.1m prevention Authorities) Homes £2.1m prevention Authorities) £100k for £100k for £1m for £1m for and substance misuse £3.06m in and substance misuse (2010/11 £3.06m in Project Oracle (2010/11 Project Oracle CAGGAK CAGGAK £18m for 2012/13 £18m for 2012/13 for 2012/13 2011/12 for 2012/13 estimate) 2011/12 for 2012/13 estimate) for 2012/13 2012/13 2012/13 £3.5m (Joint funding by YJB MPS prevention Youth Offending and Local Secure training Local Authorities Other projects Teams Authorities) centres (2010/11 estimate) £28m (assumed 20% £28m (assumed 20% NOMS of national funding) of national funding)
Youth Offending Team Funding Cost Per Offender £0 £2,000 £4,000 £6,000 £8,000 £10,000 £12,000 RE-OFFENDING RATE COST PER OFFENDER 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% Re-offending rate
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