consorzio o p e n consorzio o p e n offenders pathways to

Consorzio O.P.E.N. Consorzio O.P.E.N. Offenders Pathways to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Consorzio O.P.E.N. Consorzio O.P.E.N. Offenders Pathways to Offenders Pathways to Employment National Employment National About us About us Istituto don Calabria-Veneto, Sicilia Istituto don Calabria-Veneto, Sicilia Casa della

  1. Consorzio O.P.E.N. Consorzio O.P.E.N. Offenders Pathways to Offenders Pathways to Employment National Employment National

  2. About us About us ► Istituto don Calabria-Veneto, Sicilia Istituto don Calabria-Veneto, Sicilia ► Casa della Carità Arti e Mestieri-Piemonte Casa della Carità Arti e Mestieri-Piemonte ► CEFAL-Emilia Romagna CEFAL-Emilia Romagna ► Opera Villaggio del Fanciullo-Friuli Venezia Giulia Opera Villaggio del Fanciullo-Friuli Venezia Giulia ► TECHNE- Emilia Romagna TECHNE- Emilia Romagna ► Cooperativa A&I-Lombardia Cooperativa A&I-Lombardia ► Scuola Centrale di Formazione- 9 Regioni Scuola Centrale di Formazione- 9 Regioni

  3. How many we are How many we are Number of staff members engaged in OPEN Total: 3 27 2 206 employees Istituto don Calabria 5 Casa della Carità Arti e Mestieri CEFAL 30 Opera Villaggio del Fanciullo TECHNE 130 Cooperativa A&I Other staff members OPEN Total: Istituto don Calabria 22 14 Casa della Carità Arti e 218 partners Mestieri 4 CEFAL 22 Opera Villaggio del Fanciullo TECHNE 150 Cooperativa A&I

  4. Aims and objectives The Consortium aims to promote the development and improvement of methods and systems to promote and foster the social-work integration/reintegration of minors and adult offenders, through initiatives that - in the context of issues of justice and enforcement criminal - are oriented to prevent the phenomena of exclusion and recidivism, as well as rehabilitate, support and accompany the processes of emancipation and inclusion of disadvantaged people, in familiar, friendship and social contexts. In order to achieve these objectives, the Consortium promotes the creation of a permanent network at the national level, including organizations/networks of Equal and extra Equal of public, private and social-private sector and connected with NEONs (National Equal Offenders Networks) born at European level.

  5. In order to achieve these goals, we wish to promote:  participation of people deprived of their freedom in training and employment support activities, starting from inside penitential institution always looking at the territorial context, at measures alternative to conviction, at the after-detention and at the community…  inter-professional training and updating for the organizational well- being of staff inside prisons and on the field;  dialogue between institutions, companies, social economy, voluntary work and citizenship, to promote investments in the “justice system” as a collective social responsibility, favouring the understanding that an inclusive approach may benefit both the society and the economy  proposes for changing the policy and planning of penitential actions: reparatory justice by means of penal mediation approaches and practices, prevention, risk assessment and lowering the rate of recidivism as programming tools not ideologically rooted, but inspired also by managerial and economical approaches; communication as educational strategy toward the community.

  6. What we do: What we do: Training courses Training courses Scope of Intervention Beneficiaries Hours Titles / Explanation activities Scope of Intervention Beneficiaries Hours Titles / Explanation activities Number Number Course Paper Mill 4 4 350 350 Orientation activities during the laboratory of paper mill in Course Paper Mill Orientation activities during the laboratory of paper mill in the prison of Forlì for the creation of handmade paper the prison of Forlì for the creation of handmade paper products. products. Tailoring course 12 12 60 60 Activities for guidance in understanding the process of Tailoring course Activities for guidance in understanding the process of creating and developing a tailor made product. creating and developing a tailor made product. Cooking Course Cooking Course 15 15 30 30 Orientation activities in the restaurant and in particular the Orientation activities in the restaurant and in particular the traditional cuisine. traditional cuisine. Gardening Courses Gardening Courses 10 10 30 30 Orientation activities within the gardening Orientation activities within the gardening Path care of himself 7 32 Orientation to psychosocial issues which aim at creating the Path care of himself 7 32 Orientation to psychosocial issues which aim at creating the woman's education, health, care of self and others, family woman's education, health, care of self and others, family relationships and parenting , social relationships, relationships and parenting , social relationships, participation in the world of work and in the community. participation in the world of work and in the community. 8 40 Path of legal support Path of legal support 8 40 Providing information and raising awareness of legal issues Providing information and raising awareness of legal issues (dynamics of the conviction, criminal enforcement (dynamics of the conviction, criminal enforcement procedures, laws and regulations to which it is subordinate procedures, laws and regulations to which it is subordinate access to opportunities for social integration and employment access to opportunities for social integration and employment of sentenced persons). of sentenced persons). In Prison // // Concerted projects in close collaboration with the Institute In Prison // // Concerted projects in close collaboration with the Institute and with Area trattamentale Area trattamentale aimed at increasing the aimed at increasing the and with employment opportunities of people both within the prison employment opportunities of people both within the prison (domestic work), or outside if the conditions allow it access to (domestic work), or outside if the conditions allow it access to legal measures alternative, art. 21 FREEDOM '. legal measures alternative, art. 21 FREEDOM '.

  7. Scope of Intervention Scope of Intervention Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Hours Hours Titles / Explanation activities Titles / Explanation activities Number Number Involved in the Involved in the 36 36 60 each 60 each // // sanitation of the sanitation of the edition edition environment (3 environment (3 editions) editions) Lady at restaurant 6 200 // Lady at restaurant 6 200 // Officer tailoring Officer tailoring 4 4 150 150 // // Catering operator Catering operator 12 12 400 400 // // SRFC: catering 12 // The SRFC is the Regional System Formalization and SRFC: catering 12 // The SRFC is the Regional System Formalization and operator operator Certification of Competencies that the Emilia Romagna Certification of Competencies that the Emilia Romagna Region has set up with the express purpose of Region has set up with the express purpose of formalizing person's competence. formalizing person's competence. Telephone operator Telephone operator 8 8 270 270 Project "designed" in close collaboration with the Project "designed" in close collaboration with the Office for external sentences (UEPE) and Companies Office for external sentences (UEPE) and Companies profit in the call center, it is proposed the profit in the call center, it is proposed the implementation of an innovative intervention methods implementation of an innovative intervention methods aimed at increasing the employment opportunities of aimed at increasing the employment opportunities of people in order to serve the sentence outside the people in order to serve the sentence outside the prison. prison.

  8. Scope of Intervention Scope of Intervention Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Hours Hours Titles / Explanation activities Titles / Explanation activities Number Number Product & Services Product & Services 250 prisoners 250 prisoners 152 hours a 152 hours a Training to persons in criminal enforcement: Specific Training to persons in criminal enforcement: Specific followed in week training courses related to different product areas followed in week training courses related to different product areas the annual dedicated aimed at reintegration of the prisoner. the annual dedicated aimed at reintegration of the prisoner. planning team planning team Training personnel of the Prison Administration: training Training personnel of the Prison Administration: training and 200 and 200 training training activities in collaboration with the PRAP for the activities in collaboration with the PRAP for the operators of operators of for this for this staff of the Prison Administration. staff of the Prison Administration. the prison the prison specific specific administrati administrati on on Training Courses 437 Adults 437 Adults Courses financed labor market - ESF aimed at adults Training Courses 437 Adults 437 Adults Courses financed labor market - ESF aimed at adults detainees. Areas of intervention: detainees. Areas of intervention: Agriculture Agriculture Graphics Graphics Woodworking Woodworking Mechanical engineering - welding Mechanical engineering - welding Catering Catering Electrical and automation installations civil Electrical and automation installations civil Computer Basics Computer Basics Textile processes Textile processes Alternative energy and energy saving Alternative energy and energy saving 400 minors 900 Courses financed labor market - ESF for minors held (in 400 minors 900 Courses financed labor market - ESF for minors held (in ATS with other agencies): ATS with other agencies): Computer multimedia Computer multimedia Pottery Pottery


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