STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Discrete time systems - Properties Lecture 6 Systems and Control Theory
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Stability of Discrete time systems BIBO-Stability (Bounded-Input Bounded-Output) Every bounded input results in a bounded output Internal Stability Stricter than BIBO-Stability All possible internal states return to zero after a finite time in the absence of an input. All Eigenvalues of the matrix A are contained within the a circle of radius 1 around zero in the complex plane. BIBO-Stability follows from Internal Stability, but the inverse is not necessarily true. Systems and Control Theory 2
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Stability of Discrete time systems A discrete system is BIBO-Stable if all poles of H(z) are within a circle of radius 1 around the origin. Systems and Control Theory 3
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Can unstable systems exist? According to the mathematical models we have discussed unstable systems need an infinite amount of energy. What happens in the real world? The system enters a state in which the current linear model is no longer valid. Non linear behavior Smaller unaccounted effects become more prominent ... The system malfunctions and may cause damage to itself or it’s surroundings. Something else bad happens Systems and Control Theory 4
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Stability: Examples Source: Systems and Control Theory 5
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Airplane stall Source: Systems and Control Theory 6
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Airplane stall Airplanes generate lift using the Venturi effect. Faster moving air has a lower pressure. Eddy currents may be created due to a too slow airspeed or too sharp ascent. Turbulent airflow causes a loss of the lift generated by the Venturi effect. Without the necessary lift an airplane becomes an unstable system. Systems and Control Theory 7
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Tilt test for tall vehicles Busses and other tall vehicles have a tendency to roll when taking turns too quickly. A London bus is loaded with sandbags and must be able to lean at an angle of at least 28˚ while still returning all tires to the ground. Modern day car manufacturers have to pass multiple tests for stability while maneuvering. Source: Systems and Control Theory 8
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Complex Eigenvalues (DT) As with the roots to the characteristic equation in difference equations, complex and/or negative Eigenvalues for A create oscillation. The magnitude of the oscillation will grow/decline with . : The oscillation will decrease in magnitude: stable : The oscillation will increase in magnitude: unstable : The oscillation will maintain the same magnitude indefinitely: unstable The smallest achievable period is 2 times the step time, for negative real Eigenvalues. Systems and Control Theory 9
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Complex Eigenvalues (DT) Source: Systems and Control Theory 10
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Controllability and observability 2 Not controllable Not observable Systems and Control Theory 11
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Observability (DT) A system is observable if the current state can be determined in finite time by measuring the outputs. The state space model without inputs gives us: Now we can determine a set of vector equations in x[0]: If x[k] has n internal states then n equations are needed: Systems and Control Theory 12
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Observability (CT) Same principles as in discrete time, but now with derivatives. Again a rank n is required for the observability matrix Systems and Control Theory 13
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Controllability (DT) A system is controllable if it can be brought to a desired state using the inputs in a finite time. Again we start from the state space model: The following equations can de derived: Systems and Control Theory 14
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Controllability (DT) This last equation can be rewritten as: For a given x[0] and a desired x[n] the required inputs can be found by solving this system. is called the controllability matrix of the system. Systems and Control Theory 15
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Controllability (DT) n is equal to the number of states in the system A system is said to be controllable if the set of equations can be solved for a given x[0] and any desired x[n]. This is the case if the controllability matrix has a rank n. Systems and Control Theory 16
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Detectability and Stabilizability Observability and controllability are important terms in control theory. Detectability and stabilizability are also often used as weaker constraints. A system is detectable if all unstable states are observable. A system is stabilizable if all unstable states are controllable. Detectability and stabilizability are also important terms in control theory. Systems and Control Theory 17
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Example A system with the following state space representation: The observability- and controllability matrixes both have rank 3 and are respectively: The system is both observable and controllable. Systems and Control Theory 18
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Example The second internal state is only indirectly dependent on the input through the other internal states. Adding 2 more zero’s to A removes this dependence: The resulting controllability matrix now has rank 2. The observability matrix still has rank 3. Systems and Control Theory 19
STADIUS - Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics Example The first internal state only connected to the output though the 3rd internal state and the 3rd state is only connected to the output directly. If we remove the link from the 3rd internal state to the output, the rank of the observability matrix drops to 1. The controllability matrix remans unchanged. Systems and Control Theory 20
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