digital learning in cisd

Digital Learning in CISD Presenters: Dr. Angie Applegate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Digital Learning in CISD Presenters: Dr. Angie Applegate Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Nancy Garvey Director of Digital Learning Brooke Sims Coordinator of Professional Learning Stephen McGilvray Executive Director

  1. Digital Learning in CISD Presenters: Dr. Angie Applegate Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Nancy Garvey Director of Digital Learning Brooke Sims Coordinator of Professional Learning Stephen McGilvray Executive Director of Technology

  2. Overarching Mindset for Digital Learning “ Characteristics of an innovator’s mindset including: being empathetic, problem finders/solvers, risk takers, networked, observant, creators, resilient, and reflective. . . ” - George Couros “ Education is not a linear process of preparation for the future: it is about cultivating the talents and sensibilities through which we can live our best lives in the present and create the future for ourselves. . .” Sir Ken Robinson “Develop the entrepreneurial and innovative talents of all young people - to nurture their initiative, curiosity, imagination, creativity, and collaborative skills, as well as their analytical abilities, along with essential qualities of character” - Michael Fullan

  3. Effects of Digital Learning Academic Innovation Social and Emotional Creativity

  4. Effects of Digital Learning Academic Innovation Social and Emotional Creativity

  5. Data Analysis

  6. Mastery Tab in Schoology

  7. Self-Pacing & Differentiation

  8. DLC Summer Conference Example

  9. Examples of Data Collected Through Specific Instructional Programs

  10. Effects of Digital Learning Academic Innovation Social and Emotional Creativity

  11. Personalized Process and Products

  12. Effects of Digital Learning Academic Innovation Social and Emotional Creativity

  13. Digital Citizenship

  14. Digital Citizenship Discovery Library

  15. Digital Portfolios

  16. Device Sustainability

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