iowa park cisd long range facilities planning committee

Iowa Park CISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee Meeting #1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Iowa Park CISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee Meeting #1 September 10, 2018 Welcome & Introductions Superintendent Board of Trustees Facilitator Committee Other Attending Professionals Charge to

  1. Iowa Park CISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee Meeting #1 September 10, 2018

  2. Welcome & Introductions Superintendent ● Board of Trustees ● Facilitator ● Committee ● Other Attending Professionals ● Charge to Committee Board President ● Facilitator Process Establishing Meeting Norms & Ground Rules ● Gradients of Agreement & Decision Making ● Agenda Process Consensus ● Table Discussion/Q&A Process Closing Remarks/Dismissal

  3. A few words from your Superintendent, Mr. Steve Moody

  4. Iowa Park CISD Board of Trustees Introductions

  5. Committee Facilitator Dr. Lizzy Asbury 940.595.0251

  6. Iowa Park CISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee Introductions ● Name ● Occupation ● Connection to School District ● Best Vacation Ever

  7. Other Professional Attendee Introductions

  8. Charge to the Committee Mr. Jeff Rhoades, Board President

  9. The purpose of the 2018 Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee shall be to review the need for capital projects, timelines, and costs. The committee counsels and provides input to the administration and presents findings and a possible bond recommendation to the Board of Trustees for their consideration.

  10. Table Activity

  11. You are on vacation and are seated at a community table with others who you don’t know. During conversation everyone shares where they are from and a little about themselves with their new table mates. It is during this conversation that someone at the table asks you what makes Iowa Park CISD such a great district and why you live in that district. What makes Iowa Park CISD so unique and special?

  12. Establishing Meeting Norms ● Aligned Work Group; Cohesive Owners of Committee ● Review Housekeeping ● Establish Ground Rules ● Acceptable Decision-Making Model ● Q&A Process

  13. Establishing Meeting Norms All presented materials and information will be distributed to you as handouts ● and/or placed on the IPCISD website 2019 Bond Page. Due to time constraints, no breaks have been scheduled. Please stretch your legs ● and take care of personal needs on your own. The district leadership team, as well as other professionals, are here to serve you ● and to be a resource. Ask questions. Unanswered questions or frequently asked questions will be posted on the IPCISD website 2019 Bond page and also emailed to the committee. Your attendance at every meeting will help yield optimum results for this ● committee and your community.

  14. Ground Rules ● Only one speaker at a time ● Respect the person who is speaking ● Listen with a desire to contribute and learn ● Engage in the ENTIRE meeting

  15. Q&A Each table will discuss the information presented and select one question to ask. Unanswered questions or concerns will be placed on the ‘parking lot’ to be answered later via email or website post.

  16. Future Meeting Dates September 24, 2018 October 8, 2018 (Facility Tour) October 23, 2018 November 5, 2018 November 26, 2018 December 7, 2018 (SWOT analysis & Presentation to the Board of Trustees)

  17. Forming the Story

  18. Likes and Wishes

  19. Closing Remarks & Committee Dismissal


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