GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Design of Wearable Units for Personal Fitting Process in Wellness Environment Tohru Kiryu 1 , Takao Moriya 2 , and Yasufumi Mizuno 2 1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan 2 Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., Japan Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Web-Based Health Promotion Supporting System Data Warehouse by treadmill Data Management for History Database Individual Users Network Attached Storage Pedometer Several Types of ❋❝❴❥r❢✣◆♣♠❦♠r❣♠❧ IP-connected Units ❆❝❧r❝♣ ❆❝❧r❝♣ Internet ❋P✣q❝❧q♠♣ ✣q❝❧q♠♣ ❊✇❦❧❴❡❣s❦ Fitness Program দ amp. network ❈❑❊ Several Types of Web Sites ❝❥❝❛r♣♠❜❝q ❝❥❝❛r♣♠❜❝q ❋♠❦❝ ❜❴r❴ for Providing Exercise Program workload ♥❝❜❴❥✣q❝❧q♠♣ ❯❝❥❥❧❝qq✣❅❣✐❝ phase 3 phase 5 phase 1 phase 4 phase 6 phase 2 AT Rehabilitation Program time Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Comparison between Conventional & Ongoing Approaches 1. Embedded Units for Measurement 2. Stand-Alone System for Measurement, Analysis, and Control ➳ Wearable Units for Measurement & Control Distributed System for Functions 3. History Database Discrimination of Individual Differences by Data mining 4. General Exercise Program Personal Fitting Exercise Program 5. Limitation of Measurement for Objective Data Fusion of Objective and Subjective Data 6. Specific Biosignal Processing Bio-Functional Signal Processing (Multi-Time Scale, Multivariate Analysis, and Snapshot Evaluation) Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Workload Control for Cycle Ergometer Control by Objective Indices SEMG, HR Heart Rate (HR) Surface EMG(SEMG) estimation of total fatigue index δ - amplitude info - frequency-related info. Recursive Workload Control Fuzzy control WL = WL − δ ⋅ ∆ WL n + 1 n - fuzzy rules - membership functions WL n : workload at n-th frame ∆ WL : incremental step of workload Workload Control δ : fatigue index workload T. Kiryu, K. Yamaguchi, K. Tanaka, and A. Shionoya, Internet Based System AT For Adjusting Cycle Ergometer Workload To Moderate Exercise, in Proc. 21th Annu. Int. Conf. IEEE/EMBS , Atlanta, GA,, 1999. controlled workload time Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Targets for Web-based Health Promotion Supporting System 1. IP-connected Wearable Units for measuring physical activity and controlling workload - wearable unit - IP-connection for distributed system - estimation of physical activity and workload control 2. Personally fitted control by matching the specification of machine and the functional activity of each user to establish continuous support 3. Several types of Web-sites for providing health promotion programs 4. Data access & browsing under personal identification 5. Establishment of history database and discrimination of individuals by data mining Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Workload Design for Personal Fitting phase 3 phase 5 workload phase 1 phase 4 phase 6 phase 2 AT workload AT controlled workload time conventional workload control WL min WL max WL = 70 % WL min AT time WL = 130 % WL T 1 T 2 T 3 max AT AT : Anaerobic Threshold a little bit hard exercise under perception of temporary increasing workload workload changes adjusting - level Personal Fitting - timing T. Kiryu, I. Sasaki, K. Shibai, and K. Tanaka, Providing Appropriate Exercise Levels for the Elderly, IEEE EMB Magazine , Vol. 20, No. 6, 125-132, 2001. Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Personal Fitting of Workload Control To accomplish the personal fitting process, the followings are required: 1. data acquisition and workload control during exercise 2. handling a history database at any time and at any location 3. updating the control parameters of wellness machines based on acquired data and a history database. Key point workload AT IP connected wearable unit controlled workload time Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Function of Wearable Units for Next Generation For conventional wearable units, the following factors were considered: 1. size and weight 2. number of channels and electrical characteristics of amplifiers 3. time for storage 4. active time 5. storing process of acquired data The function of the wearable units for next generation should be emphasized in transforming physical activities into electrical signals for customizing the properties of human factor related machines in real-time. Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu From Embedded Unit to Wearable Unit history database Internet Notebook PC Wireless LAN Wireless LAN Infra-red measurement control Wearable Unit under BAN Embedded Units (BAN: Body Area Network) Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Application for Power-Assisted Bicycle history database Internet Infra-red Infra-red Wearable Unit under BAN Wearable Unit under BAN (BAN: Body Area Network) (BAN: Body Area Network) Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Components of Wearable Unit HR AD amplifier convertor ME indices numerical processing module control parameters data transmission fuzzy workload communi control control cation HR: Heart Rtae ME: Myoelectric Signal (EMG) RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion workload control RPE trigger sensor ă workload at (n+1)-frame WL n + 1 = WL n – δ n ∆ WL n every 5 cycle ă workload at n-frame ă control coefficient at n-frame WL n + 1 around 60 rpm WL n ă measurement time-sequence δ n step-size of workload ∆ WL n 500 ms 500 ms calculation of control parameters Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Prototype of Potable Unit On-board AD converter, the PCMCIA and the compact flash type slots for memory cards or wireless LAN cards, and the IP address via wire and wireless. OS : Linux Digitizing : wellness machine - 5 kHz - 12-bit - 6-channel Communication by Infra-red ECG EMG Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Browser Utility for Designing Personally Fitted Workload Pattern Database Browser Time-Series Browser made by Java Scatter Graph Browser Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu From Indoor to Outdoor Sports personal fitting based on history database Data Management Data Warehouse Network Attached Storage Program to crease refreshment Internet IP-connected wearableunit for measurement & control Info. on exercise program Several types of Websites for Providing Exercise Programs Wellness for Exercise Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
GSST, Niigata University, T. Kiryu Conclusions 1. The new type of wearable units is now necessary for developing the personal fitting process in the wellness environment. 2. We have produced a prototype of the wearable unit for cycling both indoor and outdoor exercise. By the wearable unit, the appropriate workload pattern customized by cycle ergometor indoor exercise can be applied to a torque-assisted bicycle in the field. 3. Many opportunities and combinations will be open for users. 4. This approach will benefit for other fields where customization of workload is required. 5. Distribution of functions promote potential makers easy to join in this field. Design of Wearable Units for Data Acquisition and Control in Wellness Environment, IEEE APBME 2003, October 22, 2003
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