delivering on vision 2030

Delivering on Vision 2030 May 2019 Wha hat is t the he P PGF? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Delivering on Vision 2030 May 2019 Wha hat is t the he P PGF? F? A $1 billion per annum fund focussed on lifting the productivity potential in the provinces Priority : Enhance economic development opportunities Create sustainable

  1. Delivering on Vision 2030 May 2019

  2. Wha hat is t the he P PGF? F? A $1 billion per annum fund focussed on lifting the productivity potential in the provinces Priority : • Enhance economic development opportunities • Create sustainable jobs • Enable Māori to reach their full potential Boost social inclusion and participation • • Build resilient communities • Help meet NZ climate change target

  3. May 2019

  4. “The Lakefront Redevelopment is fundamentally important to the overall health and future of the destination and it is therefore recommended that a team be established to: a) explore international best practice in waterfront regeneration, b) identify leading master planners in this discipline and explore their work and approach, and c) examine the opportunities to create a world class, multi-layered, development that will help drive tourism, enhance the overall quality of life for residents and support a sustainable, long-term regeneration of the city and the wider destination.” Professor Terry Stevens

  5. What are the benefits? • Quality lakefront experience for residents • Opportunities to tell cultural stories • Upgraded play space, closer to the lake and with spaces for families to picnic • A wide, smooth boulevard experience for all types of users • Improvements to village green, parking and access

  6. What are the benefits? Increase in productivity through associated businesses – Hotel, • accommodation, F&B and tourism operations Anticipated increase in Rotorua’s GDP from new and expanded • businesses, co-investment and visitor/population growth Encouraging private development from iwi and local developers • who own landholding surrounding sites Increase in jobs and training to the region (to be delivered by • local education providers). This will ensure locals are best placed to secure short and long-term jobs through relevant training An increase in tourism spend driven by the quantity of visitors • and their improved spend thresholds

  7. Key Milestones

  8. Delivery The project advisory group would include Responsibilities of Gifted Lands Protocol Pending approval this group could Committee, Ngati by Council, transition to any Whakaue, Rotorua establish a project agreed Council Lakes Council, Te advisory group Control Organisation Arawa Lakes Trust who will oversee achieving the project outcomes

  9. May 2019

  10. “There is a need to ‘up the ante’ and improve all aspects of quality in all parts of the tourist system… the unloved aspects of the city need to be re-loved. The top attractors and core assets must receive better support by the rest of the services and infrastructure. Assets must be sweated and made to work harder” Professor Terry Stevens

  11. Latest estimates

  12. What are the benefits? • Better access for dog walkers, potential for secondary access • Safer stopping and parking areas • Dedicated space for equestrian users • Additional access from Fenton Park side • Central play space, encouraging families to picnic and stay longer • Enhanced bike skills play space for young families • Safer pedestrian access along Long Mile and entrance to Forest Hub • Safer night-time experience along Long Mile • Spreading user with dedicated areas so the experience is enhanced

  13. What are the benefits? Protecting and safe guarding the environment for future users • Better stormwater management • Education around cultural stories and history of forestry • Enabling private development from iwi and investors • New tourism activities and operations • Better environmental sustainability • Increase in jobs and training to the region (to be delivered by • local education providers) An increase in tourism spend driven by the quantity of visitors • and their improved spend thresholds Enable sustainable public access. •

  14. Key milestones

  15. Delivery

  16. Since consultation document agreed: visitor economy strategy approved through BOC, Rotorua first • 2 priorities endorsed positive meetings with Min Jones on 2x projects (get moving • together) & other MPs MBIE application for $800k to progress detailed business • cases (supported by BOC, confirm next few weeks) BOP surge region, clear priorities, understanding of required • business case match funding levels available • positive progress with partners eg SCION, CNI •


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