deformation capture and modeling

Deformation Capture and Modeling This subtitle is 20 points of Soft - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Edit this text to create a Heading Deformation Capture and Modeling This subtitle is 20 points of Soft Objects Bullets are blue They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after Bin Wang * KangKang Yin Uri Asher

  1. Edit this text to create a Heading Deformation Capture and Modeling  This subtitle is 20 points of Soft Objects  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after Bin Wang * † KangKang Yin † Uri Asher ‡ Libin Liu ‡ Longhua Wu * Hui Huang *  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to † National University of Singapore ‡ University of British Columbia *SIAT read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 1

  2. Deformation Models Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 2

  3. Manually Tuning Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). Manually tuning model’s parameters  Sub bullets look like this is tedious and time consuming. 3

  4. Data-Driven Modeling Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 4

  5. Limitations Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the  Customized hardware system maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 5

  6. Limitations Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the  Customized hardware system maximum recommended number of lines per slide  Oversimplified reference shape (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 6

  7. Limitations Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the  Customized hardware system maximum recommended number of lines per slide  Oversimplified reference shape (seven).  Dynamic properties are ignored  Sub bullets look like this 7

  8. Our Goal Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Target for generic soft objects  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  To estimate from pure kinematic data without  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to force-displacement measurements read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide  To estimate the reference shape as well as (seven). material properties and damping coefficients  Sub bullets look like this 8

  9. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue Acceleration Damping Elastic External  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after Force Force Force  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 9

  10. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after N nodes  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 10

  11. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  Co-rotated linear model  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 11

  12. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  Co-rotated linear model  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (Young’s modulus): force expansion/compression (seven).  Sub bullets look like this (Poisson ratio): expansion compression 12

  13. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  Co-rotated linear model  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide  Rayleigh damping: (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 13

  14. FEM-Based Deformation Simulation Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  Co-rotated linear model  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the Young’s modulus & Poisson ratio Reference shape maximum recommended number of lines per slide  Rayleigh damping: (seven).  Sub bullets look like this Rayleigh damping coefficients 14

  15. Overview Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this 15

  16. Capture Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this Acquisition of static shape and deformable motion. 16

  17. Capture Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Static shape  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). Point cloud Surface mesh Volumetric mesh  Sub bullets look like this 17

  18. Capture Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Dynamic motion  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this Three Kinect sensors 18

  19. Capture Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Dynamic motion  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this Three Kinect sensors Deformation by interaction 19

  20. Capture Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points Real objects Captured point clouds  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this REPLAY X 1/2 20

  21. Tracking Edit this text to create a Heading  This subtitle is 20 points  Bullets are blue  They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after  Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven).  Sub bullets look like this Reconstruct mesh deformation from point clouds 21


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