decomposition for network design

Decomposition for Network Design Bernard Gendron March 2-10, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Decomposition for Network Design Bernard Gendron March 2-10, 2016 EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland CIRRELT and D epartement dinformatique et de recherche op erationnelle, Universit e de Montr eal, Canada Outline of lesson 4:

  1. Decomposition for Network Design Bernard Gendron ∗ March 2-10, 2016 EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland ∗ CIRRELT and D´ epartement d’informatique et de recherche op´ erationnelle, Universit´ e de Montr´ eal, Canada

  2. Outline of lesson 4: Classic examples of decomposition Branch-and-cut for traveling salesman Branch-and-price for integer multicommodity flow Lagrangian relaxation for budget network design Benders decomposition for uncapacitated facility location

  3. Asymmetric traveling salesman problem (ATSP) ◮ Directed network G = ( N , A ), with node set N = { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } and arc set A ◮ Routing cost c ij on each arc ( i , j ) (can be different than c ji , routing cost on arc ( j , i )) ◮ Problem description: find the minimum cost Hamiltonian circuit, i.e., a circuit that visits each node in N exactly one time (we assume such a circuit exists in G ) ◮ Useful notation: for any S , T ⊆ N , let A ( S , T ) = { ( i , j ) ∈ A | i ∈ S , j ∈ T }

  4. Problem formulation ◮ y ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is chosen in the Hamiltonian circuit, 0, otherwise

  5. Problem formulation ◮ y ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is chosen in the Hamiltonian circuit, 0, otherwise � Z = min c ij y ij ( i , j ) ∈ A

  6. Problem formulation ◮ y ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is chosen in the Hamiltonian circuit, 0, otherwise � Z = min c ij y ij ( i , j ) ∈ A � y ij = 1 i ∈ N j ∈ N + i � i ∈ N y ji = 1 j ∈ N − i

  7. Problem formulation ◮ y ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is chosen in the Hamiltonian circuit, 0, otherwise � Z = min c ij y ij ( i , j ) ∈ A � y ij = 1 i ∈ N j ∈ N + i � i ∈ N y ji = 1 j ∈ N − i � y ij ≥ 1 , S ⊂ N , S � = ∅ ( i , j ) ∈ A ( S , N \ S ) y ij ∈ { 0 , 1 } ( i , j ) ∈ A

  8. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem?

  9. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem? ◮ Think of another way of expressing subtour elimination constraints (SEC) (using the same variables)

  10. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem? ◮ Think of another way of expressing subtour elimination constraints (SEC) (using the same variables) ◮ Does the resulting model have an equivalent LP relaxation?

  11. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem? ◮ Think of another way of expressing subtour elimination constraints (SEC) (using the same variables) ◮ Does the resulting model have an equivalent LP relaxation? ◮ Both models have an exponential number of constraints: what to do?

  12. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem? ◮ Think of another way of expressing subtour elimination constraints (SEC) (using the same variables) ◮ Does the resulting model have an equivalent LP relaxation? ◮ Both models have an exponential number of constraints: what to do? ◮ Introduce a set of commodities K = N \ { 1 } such that O ( k ) = 1, D ( k ) = k and d k = 1 for each k ∈ K ◮ Define multicommodity flow variables x k ij : flow of commodity k on arc ( i , j ) ◮ Using these multicommodity flow variables, express SECs with a polynomial number of constraints

  13. Alternative formulations ◮ If routing costs are symmetric ( c ij = c ji for each ( i , j )), how would you formulate the problem? ◮ Think of another way of expressing subtour elimination constraints (SEC) (using the same variables) ◮ Does the resulting model have an equivalent LP relaxation? ◮ Both models have an exponential number of constraints: what to do? ◮ Introduce a set of commodities K = N \ { 1 } such that O ( k ) = 1, D ( k ) = k and d k = 1 for each k ∈ K ◮ Define multicommodity flow variables x k ij : flow of commodity k on arc ( i , j ) ◮ Using these multicommodity flow variables, express SECs with a polynomial number of constraints ◮ Does the resulting model have an equivalent LP relaxation?

  14. Cutting-plane method ◮ Since there is an exponential number of SECs, we use a cutting-plane method to solve the LP relaxation ◮ Separation problem: given a solution y to the current LP relaxation, we have to find the most violated SEC or determine that no violated SEC exists ◮ Consider the following optimization problem:     � γ = min y ij | S ⊂ N , S � = ∅   ( i , j ) ∈ A ( S , N \ S ) ◮ If γ ≥ 1, there is no violated SEC; otherwise, if γ < 1, the optimal solution S corresponds to the most violated SEC

  15. Solving the separation problem ◮ The equivalent optimization problem can be reformulated as: γ = j =2 , 3 ,..., n γ j min     � γ j = min y ij | { 1 , 2 , . . . , j − 1 } ⊂ N , j ∈ N \ S   ( i , j ) ∈ A ( S , N \ S ) ◮ Computing γ j corresponds to finding the minimum cut between 1 and j with capacities y ij on each arc ( i , j ) ◮ How would you solve this problem?

  16. Solving the separation problem ◮ The equivalent optimization problem can be reformulated as: γ = j =2 , 3 ,..., n γ j min     � γ j = min y ij | { 1 , 2 , . . . , j − 1 } ⊂ N , j ∈ N \ S   ( i , j ) ∈ A ( S , N \ S ) ◮ Computing γ j corresponds to finding the minimum cut between 1 and j with capacities y ij on each arc ( i , j ) ◮ How would you solve this problem? ◮ Any efficient maximum flow algorithm solves this problem in polynomial time

  17. Embedding cutting-plane into branch-and-bound ◮ Branch-and-cut : apply cutting-plane at each node ◮ Cut-and-branch : apply cutting-plane only at the root ◮ Is this standard cut-and-branch approach enough to identify an optimal solution?

  18. Embedding cutting-plane into branch-and-bound ◮ Branch-and-cut : apply cutting-plane at each node ◮ Cut-and-branch : apply cutting-plane only at the root ◮ Is this standard cut-and-branch approach enough to identify an optimal solution? ◮ We also need to verify that there is no violated SEC at each node where an integer solution is found! ◮ How do we do that? Remember that y is now integer!

  19. Embedding cutting-plane into branch-and-bound ◮ Branch-and-cut : apply cutting-plane at each node ◮ Cut-and-branch : apply cutting-plane only at the root ◮ Is this standard cut-and-branch approach enough to identify an optimal solution? ◮ We also need to verify that there is no violated SEC at each node where an integer solution is found! ◮ How do we do that? Remember that y is now integer! ◮ A linear-time graph traversal algorithm to verify the connectivity of the subgraph induced by y does the job!

  20. Integer multicommodity flow problem ◮ Directed network G = ( N , A ), with node set N and arc set A ◮ Commodity set K : known demand d k between origin O ( k ) and destination D ( k ) for each k ∈ K ◮ Unit transportation cost c k ij on arc ( i , j ) and commodity k ◮ Capacity u ij on each arc ( i , j ) ◮ Problem description: satisfy the demand of each commodity using only one path per commodity at minimum cost, while respecting capacity constraints

  21. Arc-based model ◮ x k ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is used in the chosen path for commodity k , 0 otherwise

  22. Arc-based model ◮ x k ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is used in the chosen path for commodity k , 0 otherwise � � c k ij x k Z = min ij ( i , j ) ∈ A k ∈ K

  23. Arc-based model ◮ x k ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is used in the chosen path for commodity k , 0 otherwise � � c k ij x k Z = min ij ( i , j ) ∈ A k ∈ K  1 , i = O ( k )  � � x k x k ij − ji = − 1 , i = D ( k ) i ∈ N , k ∈ K  0 , i � = O ( k ) , D ( k ) j ∈ N + j ∈ N − i i

  24. Arc-based model ◮ x k ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is used in the chosen path for commodity k , 0 otherwise � � c k ij x k Z = min ij ( i , j ) ∈ A k ∈ K  1 , i = O ( k )  � � x k x k ij − ji = − 1 , i = D ( k ) i ∈ N , k ∈ K  0 , i � = O ( k ) , D ( k ) j ∈ N + j ∈ N − i i � d k x k ij ≤ u ij ( i , j ) ∈ A ( α ij ) k ∈ K

  25. Arc-based model ◮ x k ij : 1, if arc ( i , j ) is used in the chosen path for commodity k , 0 otherwise � � c k ij x k Z = min ij ( i , j ) ∈ A k ∈ K  1 , i = O ( k )  � � x k x k ij − ji = − 1 , i = D ( k ) i ∈ N , k ∈ K  0 , i � = O ( k ) , D ( k ) j ∈ N + j ∈ N − i i � d k x k ij ≤ u ij ( i , j ) ∈ A ( α ij ) k ∈ K x k ij ∈ { 0 , 1 } ( i , j ) ∈ A , k ∈ K

  26. Lagrangian relaxation of capacity constraints ◮ Derive the Lagrangian subproblem obtained after relaxing capacity constraints using multipliers α ≥ 0

  27. Lagrangian relaxation of capacity constraints ◮ Derive the Lagrangian subproblem obtained after relaxing capacity constraints using multipliers α ≥ 0 � � � ( c k ij + α ij d k ) x k ij − Z ( LR ( α )) = min α ij u ij k ∈ K ( i , j ) ∈ A ( i , j ) ∈ A  1 , i = O ( k )  � � x k x k ij − − i ∈ N , k ∈ K ji = 1 , i = D ( k )  0 , i � = O ( k ) , D ( k ) j ∈ N + j ∈ N − i i x k ij ∈ { 0 , 1 } ( i , j ) ∈ A , k ∈ K ◮ How do you solve this subproblem? Does it have the integrality property?


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