Town of f Cale ledonia ATV/UTV Meetin ing December 12, 2019 Readfield Elementary School
Background Information • In October of 2018, the Town of Caledonia was asked to open Town, County, and State roads within its jurisdiction to ATV/UTV use. • The Caledonia Town Board understands the desire of ATV/UTV riders to use roads for traveling , given no recreational trails are available in this area. • After completing a comprehensive study of Mining in the Town in May 2019, the Town began studying this situation and continues today. • Supervisor Abba was assigned to investigate this situation, collect relevant information, and periodically report back to the Board. • Numerous conversations and discussions have occurred, and considerable information has been obtained. • The Town Board is at a point where enough information has been collected to begin acting on this question and will share our progress and perspectives today. • The Town Board will prioritize the following when making decisions on ATV/UTV use of roads: Safety of all residents and users of Town roads Ability to enforce and prosecute applicable laws Maintenance of the local rural environment enjoyed here Cost implications to residents
Information Contacts • Veronica Isherwood – Waupaca County District Attorney • Tim Wilz – Waupaca County Sheriff • Dale Mayo – Administrator Vilas County Parks and Recreation Office • Staff Attorneys – Wisconsin Towns Association • Ashley Lehocky – Town Counsel Law – Towns attorney • April Dombrowski – WDNR, Captain, Bureau of Law Enforcement-Recreational Safety • Heather Gottschalk – WDNR, Recreation Warden • Wisconsin Department of Insurance • Paul Hartmann – Agent American Family Insurance • Dennis Craig – Rural Mutual Insurance – Towns Insurance agent • Various Townships • Pete Bosquez – Waupaca County Supervisor • Dan Brugman – Wis DOT Regional Engineer • Rich Handrick – Wis DOT ATV/UTV Coordinator
Perspectives on ATV/UTV Use in Caledonia • The Town of Caledonia does not have now, and likely never will have, ATV/UTV off-road trails given the lack of public land available for such a use. • ATV/UTVs will not be allowed to use snowmobile trails at any time of the year. • The only option, except on private property, for ATV/UTV use in the Town is to designate local roads as routes. • We believe there will be minimal economic impact for the Town by allowing ATV/UTV use of Town roads as routes – Caledonia will not be an ATV/UTV “destination” No hotels, gas stations, retail outlets, or repair shops for users to patronize No recreational trails, parks, or lakes exist in the Town Three restaurants/taverns may benefit • The most likely use of Town roads will be pass through traffic and local resident use. • Agricultural and disability exemptions already exist. • No incremental tax or fee revenue will come to the Town. • All enforcement and prosecution expenses for managing ATV/UTV use of local roads will need to be paid from the property tax levy. • Highways 45 and 96 ( except the 35 MPH area in Readfield ) will not be available for ATV/UTV use, all County Highways and Town roads could be.
Impacting Legislation • Controlling Legislation/Codes: WDNR Administrative Code Chapter NR 64 - All-Terrain Vehicles State Statute 23.33 - All-Terrain Vehicles and Utility Terrain Vehicles • Both documents detail the designation of trails and routes, rules of operation, registration, signage, and other relevant information: Trails are off road corridors on private or public land Routes are designated on public highways, local roads, or sidewalks • State Statute 23.33 authorizes local municipalities to decide on opening Town roads and State roads within their jurisdiction to ATV/UTV traffic. • Waupaca County authorized local municipalities to decide on opening County Highways within their jurisdiction to ATV/UTV traffic with a few stipulations. • If a Municipality decides to open local roads to ATV/UTV use, a local ordinance must be passed by the Town Board authorizing the decision. Referendums are advisory only. • Many Municipalities have passed such ordinances in recent years, some with provisions that address concerns. Town of Wolf River has a well written, comprehensive ordinance. The Town Board has studied this legislation and identified four issues/gaps with State Statute that are very concerning, and we believe need to be addressed.
Issue # 1 Liability Insurance Coverage • State Statute 23.33 and DNR Chapter 64 do not require minimum property damage and personal injury liability insurance for ATV/UTVs when using public roads. • Other State Statutes require other motorized vehicles to carry minimum liability coverage when operating on public roads. • ATV/UTVs must stay within the hard surface portions of public roads when running on routes and, therefore, will be operating in traffic. • This issue was highlighted by the Editorial Board of the Vilas County News and Review Newspaper in a May 8, 2019 editorial. • Some local municipal ordinances have been written to require liability insurance coverage for ATV/UTVs. However, the Wisconsin Towns Association legal staff and our Town attorney have provided guidance that these are unenforceable. The Caledonia Town Board believes State Statute 23.33 must be amended to include liability coverage requirements for ATV/UTVs comparable to other vehicles when operating on public roads to avoid unacceptable and unnecessary risk to residents.
Issue #2 - Licensing • State Statute 23.33 and DNR Chapter 64 allow 16-year olds to operate UTVs and 12-year olds to operate ATVs on public roads/routes. A drivers’ license is not required. • Individuals who have lost driving privileges because of OWI violations or other infractions and no longer have a valid license can continue using public roads by driving ATV/UTVs. • The Town Board believes the allowance of 12-year olds to operate ATVs on public roadways is inappropriate given ATVs are arguably more difficult to operate than UTVs and the ATV Manufacturers Association does not recommend their use on paved surfaces. The Town Board believes State Statute 23.33 must be amended to require valid drivers' licenses for all ATV/UTV users on public roads and routes – but not on trails and private land. Allowing drivers with suspended licenses to continue to actively use public roads with ATV/UTVs when they can not drive on public roads with other vehicles is an unacceptable risk to the public. We also believe allowing unlicensed drivers, especially 12-year olds driving ATVs on paved roads, poses an unacceptable risk to residents especially considering the extensive heavy truck traffic on some Town roads.
Issue #3 Enforceability • State Statute 23.33 passes authority to decide the use of local roads by ATV/UTVs to the municipality by passing a local ordinance. • Municipal ordinances can not be stricter than the State Statute they are predicated on. If municipal ordinances are, the stricter provisions are not enforceable. • Some Towns and Counties have enacted ordinances that attempt to deal with the issues described today, including requirements for liability insurance, requiring driver’s licenses, and 35MPH speed limits. Guidance by the DA, Wisconsin Towns Association(WTA), and our attorney indicates that these are not enforceable/prosecutable. • Guidance from the WTA is that the ATV/UTV enforceable and prosecutable speed limits are the same speed limit set for cars on a given road. Some Caledonia roads are 45MPH and many are 55MPH. Residential areas are 35MPH. Statute 23.33 sets no speed limits. • It appears the only decisions municipalities really can make in their ordinances are: Do you want to open up roads? What roads do you want to open? And do you want to close certain roads during certain times of the year? And nothing else. The Town Board continually encounters inconsistences and disagreements on what is actually required, allowable, and enforceable.
Issue #3 Enforceability • DNR wardens can not enforce Town ordinances (which the State and County decisions force this to be) - they are limited to enforcing the State Statute 23.33 and DNR NR 64 provisions. • The Town does not have the resources needed to employ and maintain a police force or constable to enforce local ordinances. • The Town must rely on the Waupaca County Sheriff for all enforcement support. • The Waupaca County DA can not prosecute Town ordinances so outside attorneys must be hired to prosecute Town violations at incremental expense to the Town. • The DA and Captain Dombrowski expressed concern about how enforcement agencies will be able to know, let alone enforce, the dozens if not hundreds of ordinances that may be within their jurisdiction. • Discussion with Dale Mayo started on how Vilas County deals with these issues The Town Board believes 23.33 needs to be amended to provide a Statewide uniform traffic code, like with other motorized vehicles, to simplify the rules of operation and enforcement of ATV/UTV use on municipal roads.
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