De Developm pmen ent R Review ew P Proces ess HB HB316 3167 August 29, 2019
Outlin line • Impact of HB3167 to Development Review process • Application Submittal Deadlines • Development Review process • Completeness Review • Planning and Zoning Commission Action • Fee Schedule • Key takeaways and helpful hints • Next Steps
HB HB3167 • The bill made numerous changes to the site plan and subdivision platting approval process, and it will require most cities to make changes to their development approval process • The new legislation becomes effective on September 1, 2019 • Applies to development applications including plans (subdivision development plan, site development plans) and plats (preliminary plat, preliminary final plat combo, final plat, replat) • Sets the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) as the municipal authority for approving, approving with conditions or disapproving development applications
Appl Applicabl able D Development Appl Applications • Planning applications • Site Development Plans • Subdivision Plats (Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Final Plat Combo, Final Plat, Replat) • Subdivision Variance • Heritage Tree Removal or Pruning Permit • Engineering applications • Construction Plans – Subdivision, Infrastructure ***Only applicable to • Stormwater Permits applications filed after • Driveway Access Permits September 1. *** • Traffic Impact Analysis
Appl Application S Subm ubmittal Dead adlines • New applications will only be accepted for processing once a month • Resubmittals (response to comments) will only be accepted for processing twice a month • All submittals must be received by no later than 12PM on the Application Submittal Date • Submittals received after the deadline will be returned or processed on the following submittal date • Applies to all applications
Ne New A Appl plica cation S Submitta tal D Dates & Co Correspondi ding g P&Z M Z Meeting D g Dates *New applications will only be APPLIC LICATIO ION S SUBMIT ITTAL D DATE* P&Z Z MEETI TING D DATE TE** ** accepted on the these dates by 9/16/2019 6/2019 10/15/2019 no later than 12pm 10/21/2019 21/2019 11/19/2019 **P&Z Meeting date is only for 11/18/2019 18/2019 12/17/2019 applications subject to HB3167. 12/23/2019 23/2019 1/21/2020 Other applications considered 1/20/2020 0/2020 2/18/2020 by P&Z (i.e. zoning cases), will be scheduled when all comments have been cleared ***If you run into issues submitting by the deadline, please contact the Planning Department***
Resubmitta tal Dates es & & Co Correspon ondi ding g P&Z M Meet eting g Dates *Resubmittals will only be RESU SUBMITTAL AL D DATE TE* P&Z Z MEETI TING D DATE TE** ** accepted on the these dates by 9/4/2019 /2019 9/17/2019 no later than 12pm 9/18/2019 8/2019 10/1/2019 10/2/2019 2/2019 10/15/2019 **P&Z Meeting date is only for applications subject to HB3167. 10/16/2019 16/2019 10/29/2019 Other applications considered 11/6/2019 6/2019 11/19/2019 by P&Z (i.e. zoning cases), will be scheduled when all 11/20/2019 20/2019 12/3/2019 comments have been cleared 12/4/2019 4/2019 12/17/2019 12/25/2019 25/2019 1/7/2020 ***If you run into issues 1/8/2020 /2020 1/21/2020 submitting by the deadline, 1/22/2020 2/2020 2/4/2020 please contact the Planning Department***
Develop opmen ent R Review Proces ocess – NEW A APPLICA CATIONS ONS Plat/Plan S Pla Submit itted Same Day • Monday by no later than 12pm (30 days prior to P&Z Meeting) • Subm bmittals r s recei eived a ed after n noon ( n (12P 2PM) will b be processed a ssed at the f he following review ew c cyc ycle Intake ke • Case Number created 4 days ***Applications will be • Fees assessed; invoice sent to applicant 30 days considered incomplete if • Case assigned to Case Manager for Completeness Review required information is missing and/or payment is not made by Completen eness R ess Revi eview 12PM on Friday, and will not be reviewed until a complete • Case Manager Completeness Review (4 days) application is received. • Completeness Review finished by Friday following application submittal Missing required date information/payment may only • Case Manager will deem application complete/incomplete be submitted on the Application Submittal Date*** • If application is complete and payment is received (by F Friday at 1 12pm), application will move to Technical Review (1 st Review)
Develop opmen ent R Review Proces ocess – NEW A APPLICA CATIONS ONS Techni nical R Revi eview • 1 st review of plans (2 weeks) • Item scheduled for P&Z Meeting 30 days P&Z P &Z Posting • Novus item created with exhibits (review comments and plans) • Agenda posted Friday before the meeting date P&Z Ac &Z Action • P&Z Commission will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove with explanation
Develop opmen ent R Review Proces ocess – RESUBM UBMITTAL ALS Plat/Plan S Pla Submit itted Same Day • Wednesday no later than 12pm (13 days prior to P&Z Meeting) • Subm bmittals r s recei eived a ed after n noon ( n (12P 2PM) will b be processed a ssed at the f he following revi eview cyc ycle 15 days Intake ke Subsequent Reviews • Resubmittal reviewed • Fees assessed (after 3 rd submittal) Techni nical R Revi eview ***All subsequent • 2 nd (or subsequent) Review (1 week) reviews after 3rd Review • Item scheduled for P&Z meeting2 nd (or subsequent) Review (1 week) will have additional review fees assessed*** • Item scheduled for P&Z meeting
Develop opmen ent R Review Proces ocess – RESUBM UBMITTAL ALS P&Z P &Z Posting 15 days • Novus item created with exhibits (review comments and plans) Subsequent Reviews • Agenda posted Friday before the meeting date P&Z Ac &Z Action • P&Z Commission will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove with explanation ***All subsequent reviews after 3rd Review will have additional review fees assessed***
Co Compl pleteness Review ( (Day 1 1-4) • City staff will review application for completeness within 4 days • Completeness Review will include ensuring that: • All documents and detailed information listed on the checklist has been included and submitted with the application • Application fee has been paid in full (by the Friday at 12PM) • If application is deemed complete, application will be routed to applicable Departments for Technical Review and scheduled for P&Z consideration • If application is deemed incomplete, Applicant will be notified of all missing documents, information and other items • Missing information must be submitted on a following Application Submittal Date
P&Z &Z P Posting ng • Applications scheduled for consideration will be posted on the Friday prior to the meeting • Applicants will be able to view comments when agenda is posted • Items will be placed on Consent Agenda • P&Z may pull an item for discussion • Items will include staff’s recommended action, redline plans, and summary list of items that comply and conditionally comply • New information or revised plans may not be submitted at the meeting • Responses to comments and revised plans may only be submitted on a following Application Submittal Date
P&Z A Z Action on • P&Z Approve • P&Z Approve with Conditions • Approval with conditions approval/start work • Approval with conditions requires resubmittal for final approval by P&Z • Applicant must respond to P&Z conditions • Applicant must adequately address how the conditions have been met • P&Z Disapprove • Applicant will need to resubmit to address disapproval comments • Applicant must adequately address how the comments have been rectified
Fee S Sched edule • Incorporated Pre-Application meeting cost into certain applications • Amend fee for resubmittal of an application after 3 rounds of review • Amend application fees for site plans and subdivision plat applications to reflect the cost of review • Amend the following applications to reflect costs associated with preparing applications for P&Z consideration: • Driveway Permits • Subdivision Variances • Replat • Heritage Tree Removal and Pruning Permits
Key ey T Takeaw eaways s and nd H Helpful H Hint nts • Utilize pre-application meetings to ensure you know fully all the applicable requirements and development process for your development • Ensure you are fully trained on how to use MPN -- if you need additionally training please reach out to planning staff to set up an appointment for training • ALL applications and resubmittals must be submitted by 12PM on the application submittal deadline • Double and triple check completeness of all applications. If you have questions about the applicability of a requirement please ask staff before you submit • If deemed incomplete, missing information can be submitted next cycle
Key ey T Takeaw eaways s and nd H Helpful H Hint nts • Request an invoice for your application in advance of submittal • Staff comments will be posted with agenda the Friday before the meeting • Resubmittals must adequately address staff's plan review comments • Concurrent applications are allowed if the P&Z took at least one round of action on the preceding application
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