DAO IPCI Decentralized Autonomous Organization “The Integral Platform for Climate Initiatives” – blockchain ecosystem for carbon markets, environmental assets and liabilities Chain’m !
C ARBON P RICING I NITIATIVES ➢ To date 51 fragmented mandatory carbon pricing initiatives have been implemented or are scheduled for Implementation, including 25 ETSs (mostly at subnational level), 26 carbon taxes primarily on a national level NOT INCLUDING sectoral, voluntary, private, corporate and climate change related (ex. Green energy) market initiatives ➢ Carbon pricing initiatives cover 11 GtCO2e or about 20 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ➢ In 2018, the total value of ETSs and carbon taxes was US$82 billion (+around 800 MtCO 2 e for CORSIA et al,) ➢ Probably the largest global commodity market in the mid-term perspective ➢ Dozens of theoretically fungible carbon compliance units (carbon credits or quotas, allowances) representing one and the same type of intangible asset and value – 1 ton of CO2e – at the price range from almost zero to $139 World Bank Group, State and Trends of Carbon Pricing, 2018 Block ckch chain by by its inherent properties is most suitabl ble tech chnology for indepe pende dent carbo bon prici cing initiatives and fo for their interact ction, linkage and integration Developed by Chain'M AG 2
W HAT IS BLOCKCHAIN ? DISTRIBUTED PEER - TO - PEER DATABASE FORGED BY CONSENSUS Distributed database recorded in blocks with timestamps linked in a chain by cryptographic methods Developed by Chain'M AG 3
W HAT IS BLOCKCHAIN ? VIRTUAL GLOBAL COMPUTER DISTRIBUTED OVER THOUSANDS OF RANDOM NODES an opportunity to operate virtual planetary computer with open- sourced self-executing protocols (smart contracts) Developed by Chain'M AG 4
W HAT IS BLOCKCHAIN ? SOME INHERENT PROPERTIES OF PUBLIC BLOCKCHAINS ➢ Broadcasts true market price signal instantly For many cases blockchain is not needed at all, for some it is indispensable and should be public, programable and “trustless” 5 Developed by Chain'M AG
T HE BENEFITS AND COMPATIBILITY OF BLOCKCHAIN PROPERTIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY REQUIREMENTS Blockchain benefits for climate policy Public programable blockchain inherent properties provide for ➢ Decentralized or distributed governance and inclusion 6 Developed by Chain'M AG
DAO IPCI Peer-to- Peer Environmental Impact Programs’ (EIP) Standard Structure Smart Agents Operator contracts program supervisor Set of open-sourced audited Smart contracts , operable and tested in actual transactions, allows Agents to: ➢ To create independent Independent Issuer User decentralized self-governed Entity (IE) project owner, Program programs, standards, markets developer participant auditor, verifier ➢ To create registries for green assets and liabilities ➢ To verify and issue environmental units (e.g. credits, quotas, RECs, GOs, other mitigation instruments) Compliance Market Verification Registry justified by documentation and data in the immutable file storage Docs, Data ➢ To transfer, retire verified immutable file instruments (units) for offsetting or compliance purposes or trade storage market instruments Developed by Chain'M AG 7
DAO IPCI ARCHITECTONICS ➢ Independent, self-governed Environmental Impact Programs (EIPs), standards, markets form a EIP I : Operator, Participants EIP II : Operator, “web” of decentralized IE, Issuers, Participants IE, Issuers, Compliers autonomous organizations Compliers (DAOs), use common set of adjustable and ready-to-use modules and smart contracts Core set of and can: modules/ Market smart ➢ Link, Compliance contracts Market ➢ Merge, ➢ Share registries and markets, assets and liabilities EIP III : Operator, IE, Issuers, Compliers Developed by Chain'M AG 8
Amalgamation of Public Blockchain with Customary Business Interfaces and IoT-based MRV DAO IPCI Blockchain Ecosystem IoT-based Aggregation, processing of MRV telemetry MS Azure, Libelium Positive Impacts Data, telemetry input, Data from trusted Registries (ex. carbon credits. aggregation, hard- and software REDD+, RECs, GOs, RMUs, ITMO, etc.) processing via (sensors, meters, customary business drones and/or interfaces satellite telemetry) Compliance Market / Offsetting 9 Developed by Chain'M AG
P2P C OMMON R ESOURCE - BASED S OLUTION TO C ONSEQUENTIAL E NVIRONMENTAL D AMAGES P ROBLEM Immutable Data MRV Common Pool Contributions of Resources Environmental damage OFFSETTING Developed by Chain'M AG 10
Transaction-based Model BLOCKCHAIN INSTITUTIONS & IOT MONITORING CONTRIBUTIONS MITIGATION/ Common Resource ADAPTATION CLAIMS AND IN-KIND In-kind & Environmental compensation provider Damage COMPENSATION Buyer Seller For-profit trading CHAIN OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION Developed by Chain'M AG 11
P EER - TO - PEER S OLUTION TO S ETTLE C LAIMS FOR E NVIRONMENTAL M ITIGATION AND D AMAGES Claimants Initial Statement Law firms /EIA providers’ offer Contingency fee Voting Settlement / Award Contributions Public escrow VOTING Voting / Retainer accounts Damages DAO IPCI Mitigation/ adaptation Compliance instruments IoT verification 12 Developed by Chain'M AG
D ECENTRALIZED P OSITIVE I MPACT F UND M ODEL The Project EIA/ MRV providers Implementation Initiator Project Contributors Contributions outcomes DAO IPCI Mitigation Compliance instruments Mitigation/ Contingency proceeds adaptation instruments IoT verification Developed by Chain'M AG 13
B LOCKCHAIN ISSUES , SOLUTIONS AND PROSPECTS Solutions for such blockchain issues as scalability, energy P LASMA consumption, interoperability are developed and under SHARDING implementation, including cryptocurrencies’ carbon footprint offsetting Casper PoS DAO IPCI PROGRAMS ’ AND MARKETS ’ P OLKADOT MULTICHAIN INTEROPERABILITY INTEROPERABILITY 14 Developed by Chain'M AG
info@ipci.io http://ipci.io http://dapp.ipci.io galenovich@ipci.io https://t.me/DAO_IPCI https://t.me/Galenovich https://www.facebook.com/DAOIPCI https://medium.com/@antongalenovich DevOps/R&D: Chain M AG, CHE-169.832.442, Gartenstrasse 6, 6300 Zug
F IRST EVER BLOCKCHAIN CARBON CREDIT ORIGIN VERIFICATION AND TRANSACTION ( PERFORMED ) DESCRIPTION: ➢ First ever blockchain-based carbon credit verification of origin, purchase for offsetting on March 14, 2017 ➢ Origin and retirement of VCUs from APX conventional registry to transfer to DAO IPCI Blockchain confirmed Operator by the document uploaded to immutable file storage BloCS ➢ VCUs originated from Mauritius solar power plant purchased at MITO Market and used for offsetting PARTICIPANTS: Independent Entity Issuer Participants (IE) ➢ EIP Operator - Blockchain Climate Standard (BloCS) Aera Group RCF, Ecopolis Causa Privata ➢ IE - Causa PrivataLaw Firm to confirm retirement in the convectional Registry to avoid double spending MITO ➢ Issuer, Seller - Aera Group (France) Verification of Compliance Registry Market origin ➢ Buyers, Compliers - Russian Carbon Fund, Ecopolis IPFS Retirement in APX 18 Developed by Chain'M AG
F IRST EVER RETIREMENT OF CARBON CREDITS FOR COMPLIANCE ( PERFORMED ) DESCRIPTION: ➢ First ever blockchain-based carbon credit retirement for compliance (carbon footprint offsetting) on June 22, 2017 ➢ Transfer of VCUs from BloCS individual participant to the Complier in DAO IPCI VCU Mauritius registry Operator ➢ VCUs originated from Mauritius solar power plant purchased BloCS at transferred for offsetting by Chooose(Norway) PARTICIPANTS: ➢ EIP Operator -Blockchain Climate Standard (BloCS) Independent Entity Participants Issuer ➢ IE - KPMG (IE) Chooose, Aera Group KPMG Individual ➢ Issuer - Aera Group (France) ➢ Seller - Individual participant ➢ Complier – Chooose (Norway) MITO Compliance Verification Registry Market IPFS Verification report 19 Developed by Chain'M AG
F IRST EVER BLOCKCHAIN CARBON CREDIT ORIGINATION ( PERFORMED ) DESCRIPTION: ➢ First blockchain-based carbon credit origination, verification and issuance transactions performed on October 20, 2017, and April 5, 2018 initiated by Khimprom and Swiss Krono ➢ Transferable Mitigation Units (TMUs) verified on blockchain by KPMG confirmed by the verification report uploaded to Operator immutable file storage BloCS ➢ MITO Market and compliance (offsetting) transactions performed PARTICIPANTS: Independent Entity Issuers Participants (IE) Khimprom, Swiss ➢ EIP Operator -Blockchain Climate Standard (BloCS) RCF, Individuals KPMG Krono ➢ IE - KPMG ➢ Issuers – Khimprom, Swiss Krono (France) MITO ➢ Buyers, Compliers - Russian Carbon Fund, individual Compliance Verification Registry Market participants IPFS Verification report Developed by Chain'M AG 20
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