current state of know ledge w hen it com es to consum er

Current state of know ledge w hen it com es to consum er exposure to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Current state of know ledge w hen it com es to consum er exposure to nanom aterials em bedded in a solid m atrix Aiga Mackevica & Steffen Foss Hansen Outline ENMs in consumer products & their potential release Consumer exposure

  1. Current state of know ledge w hen it com es to consum er exposure to nanom aterials em bedded in a solid m atrix Aiga Mackevica & Steffen Foss Hansen

  2. Outline • ENMs in consumer products & their potential release • Consumer exposure estimation according to EU guidelines (ECHA R.15) • Focus of the study • Literature review • Consumer exposure assessment • Challenges & perspectives

  3. ENMs in consum er products • Many nano-enabled consumer products on the market (, Woodrow Wilson)


  5. ECHA Guidance docum ent: R.1 5 • Describes inform ation requirem ents with regard to substance properties, exposure, use and risk management measures, and the chemical safety assessment • Stepw ise procedure for consumer exposure assessment estimation for chemicals on their own, in mixtures, or in articles • Provides m odels for consum er inhalation, derm al and oral exposure assessm ent http: / /

  6. The problem • A lot of work is focusing on effects of ENMs , but very little is known about actual exposure • Many consum er products may lead to potential release from the product matrix - that can cause environmental and hum an exposure • Data on quantified release are lacking

  7. Focus of the study • To investigate whether the experimental data in the literature can be used to fulfill the ECHA requirem ents for consum er exposure estim ation • To identify and discuss key data needs

  8. Literature review • Studies investigating release from materials that contain nanoparticles in a solid m atrix • ISI Web of Knowledge and cross-referencing • 7 8 studies identified (as of Dec.2014)

  9. Literature review Studies were sorted according to: • ENM • Product group • Experimental setup • Relevant exposure route • Results (ENMs in products and released) • ENM characterization & quantification tools

  10. … … …

  11. Products & potential exposure

  12. R.1 5 Consum er exposure estim ation • Inhalation -1 · d -1 ] D inh – Inhalatory dose (intake) of substance per day and body weight [ mg· kg bw F resp – Respirable fraction of inhaled substance (default = 1) [ -] ; C inh – Concentration of substance in air of room [ mg· m -3 ] ; IH air – Ventilation rate of person [ m 3 · d -1 ] ; T contact – Duration of contact per event (default 1 day) [ d] ; BW – Body weight [ kg]

  13. R.1 5 Consum er exposure estim ation • Dermal -1 · d -1 ] ; D der – Dermal dose, amount of substance (external dose) that can potentially be taken up [ mg· kg bw L der – Dermal load, amount of substance on skin area per event [ mg· cm -2 ] ; A skin - Surface area of the exposed skin [ cm 2 ] ; BW – Body weight [ kg]

  14. R.1 5 Consum er exposure estim ation • Oral -1 · d -1 ] ; D oral - Intake per day and body weight [ mg· kg bw Q prod – Amount of product used [ g] ; -1 ] ; Fc prod – Weight fraction of substance in product [ g· g prod BW – Body weight [ kg]

  15. Dermal dose (µg/kg bw /day) 0.005 0.015 0.025 0.01 0.02 0.03 Dermal dose (µg/kg bw /day) 0 Derm al exposure, Ag 100 120 20 40 60 80 Kitchen scrubber 0 Plush toy (exterior fur) Kitchen scrubber Surface wipes Surface wipes Fabrics (wipes) Fabric (commercial F) Fabric (commercial F) Fabrics (athletic shirt) Plush toy (exterior fur) Plush toy (exterior fur) Fabrics (unfinished cloth) Plush toy (interior foam) Plush toy (interior foam) Teddy bear Fabrics (unfinished cloth) Teddy bear Female trousers Fabric (commercial E) Female wool shirt Female trousers Female wool shirt Male trousers Female wool shirt Plush toy (interior foam) Glove Baby blanket Female wool shirt Male wool shirt Glove Plush toy (interior foam) Glove Plush toy (interior foam) Fabric (commercial E) Baby blanket Male wool shirt Glove Glove Baby blanket Glove Glove Baby blanket Glove Underwear Fabric (commercial E) Underwear Underwear Glove Fabric (commercial E) Baby blanket Fabric (commercial E) Baby blanket Underwear Fabric (lab made A1) Baby blanket Baby blanket Baby blanket Underwear Fabrics (medical wipe) Underwear Fabric Underwear Underwear Shirt Fabric (lab made A4) Fabric (lab made A4) Fabric (lab made A2) Fabric (lab made A2) Fabric (lab made A3) Fabric (lab made A3)

  16. Challenges • Studies may contain relevant data but still may not be suitable for exposure estimation • Scenarios and experimental setups of ENM release vary from study to study • No standardized way how to present the data and/ or do the ENM characterization • Realistic conditions vs. worst case scenario? • ENM-specific exposure estimation?

  17. Conclusions • Release data needed on ”most used consumer products” • Release data need for the most relevant use scenario • Limited number of studies report data in format suitable for R.15, but some do (around 50% ) • R. 15 can be used, but should it? • Not developed for particles • Based on mass and not, for instance, particle number

  18. Thank you for your attention! Questions? This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under EC-GA No. 604305 ‘SUN’


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