cttic exam interpretation orientation s ession 2018

CTTIC Exam (Interpretation) Orientation S ession 2018 Rebecca - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CTTIC Exam (Interpretation) Orientation S ession 2018 Rebecca Kinos-Varo ATIO Exam and Program Coordinator Available Languages Community and medical interpreter exams are available in 11 languages: Farsi, Spanish, Punjabi, Cantonese,

  1. CTTIC Exam (Interpretation) Orientation S ession 2018 Rebecca Kinos-Varo ATIO Exam and Program Coordinator

  2. Available Languages  Community and medical interpreter exams are available in 11 languages: Farsi, Spanish, Punjabi, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, and Hungarian.  Court interpreter exam is available in eight languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, Farsi, French, Punjabi, Korean and Japanese

  3. Exam Format Court , Communit y & Medical A) Written B) Oral Candidates register and pay for the two parts separately. Candidates must pass both parts in order to become certified.

  4. Oral Exam Location: TBA Room/Building: TBA Note: This is only for candidates who passed the written interpretation exams back in 2017 . If you pass the written component in 2018, you will be able to complete the oral component next year in 2019. Candidates have a total of three consecutive opportunities to pass the oral exam.

  5. Who should consider taking the certification exams in interpretation? It is suggested that candidates have at least two years prior experience interpreting in the Canadian courts and/ or other venues or have suitable education and/ or training.



  8. DISCLAIMER Anonymity – Candidate number Each exam is marked by two experienced certified interpreters who, after marking each paper independently, consult each other in order to produce the final marked paper . Each text is marked out of 100 and the average of both texts is calculated with a passing mark of 70%. Marked papers are not returned to candidates. CTTIC is a certifying body, not a teaching institution and the CTTIC exam is only a tool used to assess candidates’ knowledge and capabilities .

  9. Community Interpretation Written Exam

  10. Community Interpretation Written Exam 1) Interpreter professional practice (5 multiple choice questions). 2) Five ethical scenarios 3) Translation of a text on a Community theme from OL (other language) to EN: 175-200 words. Pass mark: 70%

  11. Medical Interpretation Written Exam

  12. Medical Interpretation Written Exam 1) Medical interpreter professional conduct/ ethics questions. 2) Translating a list of terminology from EN to OL 3) Translation of a text on a Medical theme from OL to EN: 175-200 words. Pass mark: 70%

  13. Oral Exam

  14. Community & Medical Oral Exam 1) S ight Translation from EN to OL (2 texts of about 100 words each) 2) Consecutive interpretation of dialogue (approx. 10-15 minutes) EN to OL. Pass mark: 70%

  15. Court Interpretation Written Exam

  16. Court Interpretation Written Exam Part I: Knowledge of the Law and Court Procedures (Pass mark: 70)  20 multiple-choice, 10 fill-in-the-blanks and 5 short definitions Part II: (Pass mark: 60)  A) Translation of Terminology into other language Writ t en t ranslat ion of 15 legal/ court t erms and 2 short paragraphs on t ypical court proceedings from English int o ot her language  B) Translation of Text into English Writ t en t ranslat ion int o English of a 175-200 word t ext on a general legal or court -relat ed subj ect

  17. Court Interpretation Written Exam Part III: Interpreter Professional Practice and Ethics (Pass mark: 70)  Written answers to case scenarios (e.g. 3 brief and 3 longer essay-type answers to 6 scenarios )

  18. Court Interpretation Written Exam- How it’s marked  The pass mark on Part II: Written Translation is 60% . If candidates have less than 60% , they have failed the written exam, even if they did well on the Legal Knowledge and Ethics components.  A mark of 60% or higher on the translation portion will be averaged with the marks achieved on the other two exam components, to arrive at the final grade. This will be done by CTTIC.  Although a candidate may pass Part II-Written Translation with under 70% , the overall pass mark on the written exam is 70% after averaging the three parts.

  19. Court Interpretation Written Exam- How it’s marked cont’ d.  Part II: Broadly speaking, the evaluation is concerned with whether candidates have demonstrated comprehension by communicating the content and meaning clearly, using acceptable English form and style.  Candidates are not expected to necessarily come up with the exact English equivalent of a given term, or to "reproduce" the source English text, although there should be a close correspondence. Court interpreters are expected to have a reasonable mastery of written English, but are not expected to be at the level of a certified translator into English.

  20. Court Interpretation Written Exam- S trategy for S uccess A TRANSLATION EXAM IS ALSO A READING COMPREHENSION EXAM! Read each source text twice before you begin to translate.

  21. Court Interpretation Oral Exam  Part I: A) Sight translation from English into other language B) Sight translation from other language into English  Part II: Consecutive interpreting of a court proceeding from English into other language and from other language into English  Part III: Simultaneous interpreting of court proceedings from English into other language

  22. Court Interpretation Oral Exam Content  Part I- Sight Translation (Police report or a wit ness st at ement or an indict ment ): A) English into Other Language B) Other Language into English  Part II-Consecutive Interpreting (Direct or cross examinat ion of a wit ness): Bilingual (Approximately 30 minutes)  Part III-Simultaneous Interpreting: Direct examination of a police or a witness and a judge's ruling: English into Other Language: S egment 1 and S egment 2. (Approximately 6 minutes each)

  23. Court Interpretation Oral Exam Marking S cheme The oral exam will be marked independently by two markers who are then asked to confer. Pass marks:  Part 1: 70%  Part 2: 70%  Part 3: 60% Although a candidate may pass Part 3-Oral with under 70% , the overall pass mark on the oral exam is 70% after averaging the three parts.

  24. Appeals  Candidates who do not pass will be informed of their marks.  No exam viewings  No Appeals: Court Written: Knowledge of the Law and Court Procedures; Ethics  Appeals allowed for written translation only  No Appeals: Community and Medical Written: Professional Practice; Ethics  Appeals allowed for written translation only No appeals for any oral exam

  25. Appeals  Candidates who do not pass will be informed of their marks.  No exam viewings  No Appeals: Court Written: Knowledge of the Law and Court Procedures; Ethics  Appeals allowed for written translation only  No Appeals: Community and Medical Written: Professional Practice; Ethics  Appeals allowed for written translation only No appeals for any oral exam



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