
CSIR Supporting forests and other Ecosystems Animated fires and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Philip Frost CSIR Supporting forests and other Ecosystems Animated fires and Vegetation condition from MODIS 2001 Terra data 1km MODIS active fire detections (red) superimposed on MODIS 16 day NDVI composites IS . What is AF

  1. Philip Frost CSIR Supporting forests and other Ecosystems

  2. Animated fires and Vegetation condition from MODIS 2001 Terra data 1km MODIS active fire detections (red) superimposed on MODIS 16 day NDVI composites

  3. IS …. What is AF • • Wildfire Information Monitoring and It supports both ground based resources Visualization framework that allows for the through mobile solutions and dispatch integration of any relevant data source to control centers with the fire dashboard and assist fire managers. integrates with any existing GIS platforms and CMS's • • Developed in partnership with fire managers It dynamically links fire incidents with from the forestry and utilities domain over weather, fire danger and historical events for more than 10 years improved decision making • • Fully integrates satellite based and forest It is a hosted Software Solution which camera detections in to seamless detection provides a proactive service with out the network. need for specialised IT support

  4. Value Pro po sitio n 01 02 03 AF I S Pre dic t AF I S De te c t AF I S Asse ss pro ac tive multi-mo de rapid • • MODI ec ast : Multi-mo de l • L F ir e Danger F or S,VI I RS, MSG, L andsat 8, andsat/ Se ntine l 2/ De imo s/ Pro ba V ho urly • Auto mate d Burn Sc ar mapping 20m Se ntine l 2, F ire Bird sate llite s • • Cro wd so urc ing de te c tio n (app) Nowc asting : We athe r F ir e Danger re so lutio n • I statio ns • 30 Ye ar Burn Sc ar re c o rd nte g ratio n with F o re st Came ra • • F F ir e R isk mapping: fue l lo ad, fue l de te c tio ns ire Spre ad Analysis po st fire • Dynamic F mo isture • Po st fire fo re nsic analysis fro m hig h ire Spre ad Mo de lling • • Ale rt – SMS/ e mail/ inte rne t push Vegetation c ondition estimates re so lutio n sate llite and in situ data • • F no tific atio n F ir e Potential Index ire I nc ide nt re po rting syste m

  5. Data ICT Core Analytics User Experience WMS Custom data uploads Precision Fire Danger Forecasting Multi Satellite Active Fire Monitoring 30m Burn Area mapping Dynamic Fire Spread modelling Mobile Alerting and crowd sourcing app FDI and BA Reporting & Statistics

  6. AF IS Online Webviewer http://southernafrica.afis.co.za http://usa.afis.co.za

  7. “Kruger MODIS Fires; 5.64 km NE of Reference Point ; 28.33E -25.885S At 2013-06- 06 T13:45:00 +02:00” “Kruger MODIS Fires; 5.64 km NE of Reference Point ; 28.33E -25.885S At 2013-06- 06 T13:45:00 +02:00” Mobile apps Available on both iOS and Android, AFISMobile brings critical fire AF I S Se rvic e s management information to you where ever you are. Automated alerting to SMS, email or push notifications

  8. AFIS Mobile Apps

  9. c ed F ire de te c tio n and re po rting Cr owd Sour olled public re po rting Spatially linked and c ontr T he AF app allo ws use rs to re po rt the lo c atio n o f fire s by IS Watc htower po inting the Watc hto we r app in the dire c tio n o f the fire thro ug h the pho ne c ame ra. Bo th distanc e and dire c tio n to the fire is re c o rde d and a latitude and lo ng itude c o o rdinate is pro duc e s and se nt to the AF I S vie we r

  10. VS Came ra F ire Mo nito ring E

  11. Analytic s Statistic s and Re po rts are auto g e ne rate d fo r use rs and available in the dashbo ard, o nline vie we r o r dire c t e mail Algorithms developed for AFIS Dashboard able to retrieve MODIS, LandSat 8 and Sentinal. and display all burn scar areas With a 7 day revisit rapid burn on request. Priority fires can be scar maps are generated for escalated for rapid assessments priority events Auto loaded into AFIS online AFIS Reports generated viewer and linked to users automatically and sent out to profile. Routine burn area maps user with stats on area and generated monthly. vegetation type burned

  12. Burn Statistics per Fire EcoType

  13. IS …. Global utilisation of AF 2014: 45421 2015: 206952 2016: 329633

  14. Meet o ur T e am Business and Technical skills that drive the AFIS development CAM EO Head of AFIS Lee Annamalai Philip Frost Competence Area Product Manager Manager Innovation and R & D Earth Observation Systems and ICT 14 years of experience in technology & 14 years of involvement in Fire information business management. Internationally system. Internationally recognised Deeply recognised in the Space and embedded in the fire management and Geospatial domain. response domain System Analysist Senior Developer Linda Klein Cheewai Lai System and Sys Admin Requirements analysis Satellite Product Production Remote Sensing, Front End and User Admin Innovation and R & D System Security 20 years of experience in Remote Sensing, 18 years of experience in hosted ICT Geo-spatial and Satellite Product production System Administration and Geo-spatial systems and Satellite Product production systems

  15. Meet o ur T e am Passionate team of Developers and R&D Remote Sensing Scientists Report Engine UI Developer Developer Senior Developer Werner Raath Ndumiso Booi Riaan vd Dool Frontend and Android Report and Stats Engine AFIS Backend Db and app developer developer Web Front End User Support User Pilot Projects User Support R&D Analytics Developer R&D Analytics Senior Developer Developer Lufuno Vhengani Derrick Swanepoel Melissa Henkel Remote Sensing High performance Back Remote Sensing modelling, Burn area End software, cube modelling, Algorithm algorithm development server. iOS app development

  16. Contact Details Philip Frost pfrost@csir.co.za

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