fm 1560

FM 1560 FROM FM 471 TO SH 16 OPEN HOUSE JANUARY 30, 2019 5:00 P.M. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FM 1560 FROM FM 471 TO SH 16 OPEN HOUSE JANUARY 30, 2019 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Randall Fields Elementary School 9570 FM 1560 North San Antonio, TX 78254 The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable

  1. FM 1560 FROM FM 471 TO SH 16 OPEN HOUSE JANUARY 30, 2019 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Randall Fields Elementary School 9570 FM 1560 North San Antonio, TX 78254 The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of FM 1560 – Open House Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.

  2. Welcome Thank you for participating in the FM 1560 Open House. Feel free to come and go at your convenience. Please plan to:  Watch the video presentation  View the project maps and schematics of the proposed improvements  Visit with team members and ask questions  Share your comments FM 1560 – Open House 2

  3. Project Location Map FM 1560 – Open House 3

  4. Project Description  The FM 1560 project limits are from FM 471 to SH 16, a distance of 5.2 miles  Expand FM 1560 from 2 lanes to 4 lanes.  Additional improvements include: • Continuous two-way left-turn lane • Raised medians at approaches to FM 471 and Galm/Shaenfield • Operational improvements at major intersections • Bicycle lanes • Sidewalks • Improvements to drainage FM 1560 – Open House 4

  5. Proposed Improvements – Raised Medians  Raised medians are a curbed section that safely separates traffic traveling in opposite directions.  Raised medians reduce traffic conflict points by eliminating opposing left turns into and out of driveways.  Raised medians are proposed at two major intersections, shown below in purple. FM 1560 at FM 471 at Shaenfield/ FM 1560 Galm FM 1560 – Open House 5

  6. Proposed Improvements – Why Raised Medians? How do raised medians improve SAFETY?  A significant reduction in the number and severity of  crashes after installation of raised medians  Separate opposing traffic flows  Eliminate opposing left-turns at closely spaced driveways and busy signalized intersections FM 1560 – Open House 6

  7. Existing Typical Section FM 1560 – Open House 7

  8. Proposed Typical Section FM 1560 – Open House 8

  9. Traffic Trend - FM 1560 142 % INCREA REASE BY 2043 40,00 40 ,000 C (AADT) 33,80 ,803 ACTUAL PROJECTED 35,00 35 ,000 E ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC 30 30,00 ,000 25 25,00 ,000 18,7 ,716 20 20,00 ,000 13,96 ,966 15 15,00 ,000 12,7 ,743 AVERAGE 10,06 ,069 10,00 10 ,000 2,250 5,000 5,0 - - 1990 2011 2015 2017 2023 2043 YEAR FM 1560 – Open House 9

  10. Environmental Considerations Preliminary Environmental Findings:  26 +/- acres of land to acquire; no displacements anticipated  Historical property and park avoided  Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required to work on Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone  Project would include filters to treat runoff to TCEQ standards FM 1560 – Open House 10

  11. Environmental Considerations Preliminary Environmental Findings (continued):  USACE permits are required for work in Helotes and Culebra Creeks and tributaries  No adverse effects to endangered species  Traffic noise analysis and coordination pending with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Texas Historical Commission, and US Fish and Wildlife Service FM 1560 – Open House 11

  12. Project Development Schedule Incorporate Public Anticipated ROW Final Design Ho Host Begin Comments; Host Public Environ- Acquisition & Open Finalize Hearing mental and Utility Construction Project House Schematic & Env Clearance Adjustments Phase Document l 2019 l 2019 Summer mmer Summer mmer 2021 – TODAY 2022 2020 2017 2019 2022 2020 Fall Fall Schedule is tentative and subject to change  FM 1560 – Open House 12

  13. Project Funding Current Funds Available: (Federal/State/Bexar County): $32 Million FM 1560 – Open House 13

  14. Public Comment Opportunities Comme mment ntin ing g Opt ptio ions ns: 1. Fill out a comment card at the comment table. 2. Verbally give your comments to the court reporter tonight. 3. Email comments to: FM1560@ 560@jone jonesca .com 4. Mail comments to: FM 1560 Improvemen ements ts c/o Nicolas olas Garcia, ia, P.E. E. Jones es & C Carter er, , Inc. 4350 4350 Lockhill hill Selma lma Rd., , Ste. e. 100 San Antonio onio, , Texas xas 78249 Deadline For Comments: Frid iday, , Febru ruar ary y 15, 2019 For more information, visit and search “FM 1560 from FM 471” Thank ank you u for for your ur att ttendance! ndance! FM 1560 – Open House 14

  15. Thank You We e gr greatly eatly ap appre preciat ciate your ur att attendance endance an and d pa participation. ticipation. De Deadli adline ne for r co comments: mments: Februar ebruary y 15, 5, 20 2019 FM 1560 – Open House 15


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